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Kapturowskis Space Wolves [Update 11 Feb]


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Hey Kapturowski


Those wolves are very nice. Both convertion and painting :D


Only one tiny criticism - the base. A bit too flat/booring. Some rocks and/or grass in between the snow would make the models perfect.


Looking forward to see more juicy stuff! ^^

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Hey dude,


I like it so far! I'm also very jealous of your sweet Wolfen models, we can't get them in NZ anymore, have to order them from Oz. Might have to do that. How do you use your list? Do you just have a Wolfen in every squad? Less tanks? Or do you try to follow the old Eye Of Terror as best you can?



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@ sword brethren


Thanks. Yeah, he's lacking something. I think I'll try adding somemore bits to him.


@ ToyShip


Thanks. That was a nice song. I thought it would be some sort of Nu Metal first, but I was positivley surprised.


@ Alys Dwr


Thank you! The wolf helmet is a bit boring I think. It's sad when it has such potential. They should have made it more like Ulriks wolf helm instead I think.


@ Leahcim


Thank you! The base is just temporary. I'll base them with snow flock and grass when my order arrives ;).


@ EnigmaShadow


Thanks! I bougt my Wulfen some time ago and they seem to be out of stock around these parts to now. If you look in my first post I posted the list I'm building towards. It's a footslogging/cavalry list that greatly deviates form my previous lists wich were all mechanized.

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i really hate people who blatantly post without reading all the topic! LOL!


and if you havent already, leave the wolf helmet. i hate space wolves with helmets with a vengeance and this is for a very good reason. You ever read the Space Wolf Omnibus? in it it says putting on a helmet is torture for space wolves as it cuts off most of their senses... helmets suck.

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@ The Immortal


Yeah, I guess Space wolves aren't that fond of helmets. But I really like painting helmets :P. I'm gonna try and add something to the helmet to make it more interesting and see if I like it better. I'm going to build two more Lone Wolves and I think I'll leave them bare headed.


@ Tipsy


I'll try to get to that ASAP.





Meanwhile, here's a PIP of an Storm Claw in Terminator armour.






And here's my first try with the snow flock.




I think I'll go for less grass and more snow in the future. What do you think?

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I've made one change compared to the written tutorial back on page one, I removed one step of drybrushing before the Badab Black wash and added it in later.


1. Basecoat with Adeptus Battle Grey

2. Light drybrush of Fortress Grey


3. Wash with Badab Black

4. Lightly drybrush Codex Grey, trying to keep in mind where you have your primary lightsource (top down for me)


5. Drybrush Fortress Grey again, still trying to keep in mind of where you have your lightsource

6. Add another light layer of Fortress Grey.


7. Next, I do a highlight with Fortress Grey, making sure it's about 1/1 paint/water to get a smooth highlight and painting the most prominent areas


8. Diluting Vermin Brown heavily with water (I guess it would be something like 1/9 paint/water) I wash it into recessed and shaded areas


9. I reinforce the Vermin Brown wash with Scorched Brown, diluted to the same level as the previous wash, trying to paint inside the previous wash to get a blended effect


10. Then I give the whole model a wash of diluted Scorched brown


11. Paint some small highlights with Fortress Grey to the most prominent areas


12. Add scratches with Scorched Brown highlighted with Fortress Grey

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I curse and praise you in the same breath Kapturowski! Your wolves look fantastic and the tutorial is great. I think it dfeserves a place in the Librarium :P. That's also why I'm cursing you. I've been looking at the new Wolves stuff for a while now, and have been toying with the idea of making a standalone mini of a Lone Wolf in TDA, now I'm gonna have to do it so I can give your painting technique a try....


By the way, I love the posing of the Storm Claw with the Cyclone Launcher, just like he's raining death on something's head ;)


Keep up the good work, I look forward to seeing more.



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Thank you very much everybody!

@ Iron Duke

It's converted from the Bolters on the Space Wolves sprue with the addition of some plasticard, guitarstring and Pro Create. You can see one before painting here.

@ Pig Of Sparta

Thank you! Yeah, i'm really fond of the Cyclone terminator myself, I was inspired by Dawn of War 2 when i built him.

Here's a pic of my progress sofar. I've changed the way I flock my bases, Garmr posted a interesting tutorial on how to make snow effects in the space wolves forum.


And I've changed the helmet on my Lone wolf. Better or worse?



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i love the paintjob on your model. whats stands out is the particular grey youve achieved which is in my opinion way better that the standard SW duck egg blue/grey, which is the norm at GW. ive always felt a darker scheme would suit Space Wolves better. your model is very well painted and i like the overal scheme a great deal.


i wish you much success with all your painting projects in the future!


heres a tankard of Fenrisian ale for you to sup my fellow Battle-Brother, ~smiles~




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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Sorry for the bit of thread-romancy but just saw this linked from Pig of Sparta's thread.


Had to ask what you used to get the wolf skull helmet on your terminator. Is it just the skull and regular terminator head spliced together?

Totally agree that the wolf head helmet in the kit just needs to be a bit more vicious looking maybe. I think the direction you've gone on the Lone Wolf is definitely for the better.


Hope the project is still going on and looking forward to what you do next!

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