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= 1,000 Chapter Project: post links here for MIA Chapters =

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Hey Philip S,

There is a link to the Astral Hawks IA in my sig below. Please let me know if you need anything else. Thanks!


EDIT: Oops, there is already a link to my IA posted. Never mind. My apologies. :devil:



Edited by Wolfbiter
@ Heru Talon - Black Wasps (are they renegades?) and Iron Raptors added (others do not have a clear, dedicated, IA)

I didn't put the Black Wasps on there, Dazzo did that himself when collecting Chapters from the painting thread.


And you missed the fact that the Falcon Knight category that I linked you to is called "IA Falcon Knights" and the WIP IA proper is the 3rd entry from the bottom.


Dragons of Gaea: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...176&cat=334

Falcon Brothers: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...176&cat=335

Falcon Warriors: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...176&cat=337

Falcons Immortal: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...176&cat=336

Imperial Monarchs: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...176&cat=341

Infinity Knights: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...176&cat=338

Silver Scorpions: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...176&cat=339

Sons of Alba: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...176&cat=340

There are 4 of my chapters on the visual list...


Two of them have mostly finished IAs, I'll thus edit those thread when/if I make any change to these chapters:

The other two are still in highly WiP form so far and I'll probably start a new thread once those IAs are written:

Edited by Nash Trickster

Link to the Corsairs Serpentis is in my sig but as with all my chapters is currently more than a little WIP, but if that's no problem then no matter.


As an aside, I'm liking the VI a lot. A lot more in there than I anticipated and more than a few schemes that I wish I'd come up with myself. :)

Edited by Grey Hunter Ydalir

@Nash Trickster - your links have been added (note: you may want to make the Chapter name the more prominent as I first thought the links were to a different Chapter! :P )

@Grey Hunter Ydalir - your link has been added (note: images?)

@Vaaish- I have linked to this Nesewdjet-Nedjety (note: I had noticed some of the images are missing - any chance of putting them back in; using B+C to host, or photobucket? Have you considered adding the PDF links to your B+C IA?)



(note: you may want to make the Chapter name the more prominent as I first thought the links were to a different Chapter! ;) )
Well, I've been using a model closer to GW's original IAs than most IAs posted on the B+C... :)

If you check the official ones, the title of an IA isn't supposed to be the name of the chapter but rather most of the time a short summary of the chapter's main theme and the chapter's name only comes in the subtitle!

@ Nash Trickster - not all the official IA follow that theme, the Blood Angels and Iron Hands didn't, I sure there are others. I was not suggesting it to be 'correct', I was suggesting it to be clearer, or what I perceive as clearer, and thought you would like the feedback. Your link is included, and it will remain :cuss

Unfortunately, I haven't got a BnC IA for my Sons of the Dragon, but I can give you my 40K Wiki page:




Sorry for any help I can't place, should I make an IA, when I get time, for the ease of your operation?




I have my chapter Emperor's Wrath.Their color scheme can't be 100% created by the painter but for the sake of the painter I will use another scheme.


Edited by IvanKolak

@Dragonkin Arenis - your chapter is missing, check with Dazzo.

@11th Company Dark Master - ask Dazzo?

@ IvanKolak - hello ;) there is already a chapter called the Emperor's Wrath but they have a different colour scheme?



@Dragonkin Arenis - your chapter is missing, check with Dazzo.

@11th Company Dark Master - ask Dazzo?

@ IvanKolak - hello ;) there is already a chapter called the Emperor's Wrath but they have a different colour scheme?



Did you saw the Emperor's wrath on dakkadakka.

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