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Personally, Matt Ward can write a codex saying that the GKs are made from the Stay-puffed-Marshmallow-Man's geneseed if I could get it now and strong enough to competed with SW, BA, Nids and IG...




If that were to happen, we would have to watch out for the Ordo Spectrus

++Common Designation: Ghost Busters++

Personally, Matt Ward can write a codex saying that the GKs are made from the Stay-puffed-Marshmallow-Man's geneseed if I could get it now and strong enough to competed with SW, BA, Nids and IG...



If Matt Ward writes the GK codex I'll sell you my models, because I sure as hel won't be playing them anymore.

Alright, that is enough bashing of individual GW Staff. That is not the focus of this thread or these boards so please clean it up people. You are more than entitled to personal opinions, but let us keep away from Flaming, even if it's flaming people who aren't members here.
Sorry, didn't mean to rant. What I meant to say is that I don't want the new GK codex to be written with little to no thought behind it. I don't want to be stuck face-palming myself after reading every other sentence in it. And most of all I want rules and fluff that actually make sense in the 40k setting.

All of the points Aeddon makes are very true with Ward's writing.

Look at the fluff in the Blood Angels, they have been turned into Twilight Vampires with solid-gold nipple-plating.

That, and the prevailence of the consistent use of the word 'Blood' as an adjective for at least half of the unique wargear and psychic powers.


A lot of people are not impressed with the fluff that GW in general has been adding in to the codices updated for 5th edition so far. Space Wolves players are disappointed with Phil Kelly's "Wolf of the Wolf Wolf" style of naming units, wargear and 'ruinic' powers (Just admit it Rune Priests, you're psykers. No amount of arguing the point is going to change that). A lot of the local metagame who play BA and SW here think the new fluff was stupid, and tried to emphasize on trying to fit in the words 'wolf' and 'blood' as often as humanly possible.


I personally dislike the new Tyranids fluff, also. Tyranids in the 4th ed codex were an unstoppable race, and the only thing the Imperium could do was divert the course of the Hive Fleets using vanguard Tyranid organisms caught in stasis fields and dropping them on worlds out on the further fringes of Imperial space.

Now, Tyranids are like a joke. They are scary when they come, but in the end each Hive Fleet gets smacked down immediately in every battle. Cruddace made Tyranid fluff more of a laughing stock that Chaos fluff.



I know that our background for the Grey Knights is going to be butchered, but if Ward writes the codex, GKs will be either a permanent attachment to his favourite chapoter, or he will write i saying the Grey Knights miraculously had a record-number of their forces turn to chaos, just to impose Ultramarine superiority.


I do not want Ward near my codex.

All of the points Aeddon makes are very true with Ward's writing.


Blah Blah Blah


I do not want Ward near my codex.

This doesn't have much to do with rumours of any new codices. If you don't like what he writes, that's fine, but I don't need to read about it every 24 hours.

^^ agreed, although not a great writer of codecii, i strongly doubt Ward would spike the fluff of another chpater just to give credence to a single line in C:SM.


Blood angels did ok by him rules wise, just fluff wasnt too great, but nothing he wrote made them sound bad in terms of comparison to UMs it was just bad writing ability.

I know that our background for the Grey Knights is going to be butchered


Going to?


There was a time no one knew of the Grey Knights as a chapter, nor Dameons in general. People, including other Marine Chapters were mind wiped for facing them.


Now seemingly every Chapter boasts an encounter where they single handidly repell a Daemonic invasion, or use recovered Daemonic Weapons, or rub shoulders with the Grey Knights and tell the tales after it.

Space Wolves players are disappointed with Phil Kelly's "Wolf of the Wolf Wolf" style of naming units, wargear and 'ruinic' powers (Just admit it Rune Priests, you're psykers. No amount of arguing the point is going to change that).


You mean like it's always been? The only renamed units were Swift and Skyclaws and we gained Thunderwolves (which is what they are, calling them something else doesn't make sense) and Lone Wolves (which, considering their fluff makes a hell of a lot of sense...). We always had Wolf Priests, Wolf Guard Battle leaders and Wolf Lords.


Wolf Claws is stupid I'll admit, if only because wolf claws aren't sharp due to the inability to retract them (curse you felidae!)


What was riduculous was someone in the release WD claimed that he moved Blood Claws from Fast Attack to Troops, which makes me wonder if they actually read previous dexes.


My point is that our list and fluff remained largely in tact, which I hope remains for the members of the Inquisition, because I enjoy their background.

You mean nobody is looking forward to the Grey Knights with their Grey Bolters and Grey Force Weapons wearing their... ok I'll stop now ;) Though I don't think the recent fluff has been great my main beef as mentioned is the "Wolf" this and "Blood" that. My eyes bleed every time I read them, I find it hard to believe an adult was responsible.


I can't imagine them murdering the fluff too badly though, as GKs and SoB would never side with the Necrons... right? What happened to the good old days when we found two foes fighting and just killed them both? Just give me new rules and models, I can ignore the fluff if I want to ;)

You mean nobody is looking forward to the Grey Knights with their Grey Bolters and Grey Force Weapons wearing their... ok I'll stop now :wub: Though I don't think the recent fluff has been great my main beef as mentioned is the "Wolf" this and "Blood" that. My eyes bleed every time I read them, I find it hard to believe an adult was responsible.


I can't imagine them murdering the fluff too badly though, as GKs and SoB would never side with the Necrons... right? What happened to the good old days when we found two foes fighting and just killed them both? Just give me new rules and models, I can ignore the fluff if I want to :HQ:


Like i said somewhere here earlier, expect tht GKs to get Codex: Blood Angels, but with different pictures, and the words 'blood' and 'Sanguinius' replaced with 'vengeance' and 'Emperor' respectively.


Vengeance Lance, Vengeancestrike missiles, vengeance chalice, skies of vengeance, Emperor Guard, wings of the Emperor, The Emperior (special character)...


You know this to be true

What I see, though, is that the 5th ed. codice a really fun to use and pretty much balanced in-between themselves. Since most players spend 2-3 hours reading the fluff in it and 100-200 hours playing with it, I don't care that much about the codex fluff. There's the Black Library to provide tons of fluff reading.


So, bring on any of the 5th ed. codex writer for my GKs! And that's from a guy that just really don't like GW because of how it has put WH40k in such a sorry state as it is right now.



They should leave all fluff writing for the codexs to Dan Abnett.
He's got enough ego as it is. A fine author, he can remain with the library where he can't taint my canon with his apocrypha.
I think phil kelly does a respectable codex...everyone else is a bit hit and miss i find...just my thoughts on the current dex writers..
I'm partial to Andy Chambers myself, but it could be worse, the could bring back **v ****p*.
What I see, though, is that the 5th ed. codice a really fun to use and pretty much balanced in-between themselves. Since most players spend 2-3 hours reading the fluff in it and 100-200 hours playing with it, I don't care that much about the codex fluff. There's the Black Library to provide tons of fluff reading.


So, bring on any of the 5th ed. codex writer for my GKs! And that's from a guy that just really don't like GW because of how it has put WH40k in such a sorry state as it is right now.






I agree wholeheartedly. I'd take a load of fluffy BS along with it if the codex is as decently done uleswise and offers as many competitive builds with a unique playstyle fromone codex as the current coderx SM, SW and BA offer.


Look at the DA for an example of the opposite :D Great fluff, but sucky rules.. (Sadly those are my main 2 armies lucky me.. )

Or ignore the fluff completely, and use the ruleset you like, as I do for my robed Space Wolves lists. Bad fluff is not that hard to swallow if the game systems stays as balanced (The newer codexes ARE balanched, just against eachother, not VS older dexes) and diverse in possible army's.


What I would not give for a GK special Character who allowed a GK wing of only termies... (Drool) even if his fluff tells he personally saved Maneus Calgar 29 times from deamonic posession, singlehandedly while knitting an I love Kitty sweater with his other hand!

I miss andy chambers...he was a great dex writer...but out of the current games development team, phil kelly is the best dex writer in my opinion...



2011 for plastic sisters and gk then? :)


It looks like it based on rumors. I would expect Grey Knight as the first dex release for next year and Sisters to be possibly the last. This is all rumored of course. Grey Knights we've heard some some info on for late this year/early next and Sisters is based on conjecture that they are at least 18 months out.

QuoteEddieOrlock (I'm partial to Andy Chambers myself, but it could be worse, the could bring back **v ****p*.)


Am I the only one who thinks this sounds like they are discussing wine? I think Phil kelly is our best bet out of the recent codex writers, his fluff, whilst practically pasting "wolf" and causing a young Ultramarine player to call my Space wolves "wolf f****rs", is not as bad as Ward, who's fluff effectively broke the SM fanbase and also gave the Ultramarine players the delight of having immature people choose such as the one I just mentioned join them, which is a shame, since before I liked the Ultramarines, and there was a nice Ultramarine player I used to know.

And if they bring G__ _____p back, well, I have some Thousand Sons who would like to have a little "talk" about their latest rules with him.

@ Great Crusade08, he already did to the other marine chapters just to make his mary sue version of the Ultra's look better, can't imagine he would see any reason to stop.

@Wolfheart, I have all 3 Space Wolf Codeci, and never before has it been so wolf obsessed, going by the current codex, 4Chan is right to say what has happened to the SW geneseed.

Sadly, I have a feeling 5th edition is going to be remembered as having the worst fluff in the history of fiction, yes it's worse then Twilight, at least with Twilight it is big enough to give to hobos so they can use it for fire fuel. Does anyone else think the idea of "you ignore our 5th ed fluff, we'll ignore yours" is going to become the norm? As it is, for SW,DA,BA,SM,Tyranids, Eldar and Ultramarines fluff I look to the 2nd edition stuff, and I feel that when the I is redone, my quest for a copy of both of the realms of chaos books is going to be increased.

@ Great Crusade08, he already did to the other marine chapters just to make his mary sue version of the Ultra's look better, can't imagine he would see any reason to stop.


you know i get your mad at mr Ward, but do you have to call the Ultras Mary Sue that really burns me up... people talk without thinking some times...

its not our fault Mat Ward loves them so


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