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Rise of the Imperium (formely Rise of the Emperor)


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“Hold the line!” the voice bellowed. The figure issuing the orders inspiring the Guardsmen to more feats of heroism. Ferrus Manus strode forwards amongst the soldiers, he looked up and down the trench line, inspecting each and ever soldier and Astartes with a glance. He smiled. They would hold the line. Bolter shells and las bolts zipped through the air, gaunt after gaunt falling from the hail of death. For hours it had been like this, the Tyranids sending their minion creatures’ forwards in an attempt to expend the Imperials ammunition. The Hive Mind however had not bargained on the fact that no less than three Primarchs and a large portion of their respective legions would come to the world’s aid.


++“Lord Primarch, the abominations are threatening to overrun us in the east”++ the voice warned through the comms-net.


Ferrus scowled, the very thought of the Tyranids infuriated him. His armour was covered in the remains of gaunt blood and body bits. He gave thanks to the Omnissiah for providing him with such a well made suit of armour and he thanked its machine spirit for keeping it going. Ferrus wielded no weapon; his metallic hands were deadly enough. Piles of dead gaunts were built up on the trench tops, and the occasional gaunt lay dead on the trench floor. Anger began to wash over the Iron Hands Primarch in waves, not since the Drop Site atrocity had he felt like this. He passed his warriors as he ran, saluting each in turn.


“Hold your positions my sons” he commanded as several Marines made to follow him. Mud splashed up the bottom of his legs as he ran through the mud and puddles of rain. The duck boards having long been swallowed. He looked up ahead to see a lone figure in green and gold armour. The figure swung two mighty hammers delivering killing blow after killer blow, amassing a huge pile of dead guants at his feet. The only guardsmen here were dead, their blood soaking the muddied ground. Ferrus leapt out of the trench and charged into the sea of gaunts that surrounded Vulkan.


“Finally, I was wondering when you would turn up brother” Vulkan shouted humorously, pummelling another gaunt.


“Some one had to take charge of the defences” replied Ferrus, indulging in his brother’s banter.


He crushed a gaunts head with his metal hands, its blood and innards covering his armour. The two Primarchs stood as bastions in a sea of Xenos, the muddy ground barely visible between the dead guants. Then an alien, bug like bestial roar scream penetrated their ears. Both Primarchs looked up several Carnifex’s came hurtling toward them, their scythe like arms moving back and forwards as they ran, their chitinous armour plates pushing into each other with each step. As one the Primarchs roared a battle cry and charged forwards, the Carnifex’s screaming back.


A Carnifex leapt toward Vulkan, its scythes poised for an attack. With a grunt that would drown out an explosion Vulkan smashed a hammer into the Carnifexs exposed side, sending it sprawling away, a gaping hole in its side. Ferrus stopped dead, a Carnifex attempted to tear into the Primarchs armour with its front two scythes. Its mouth opened to reveal a set of dangerous teeth, its saliva covered tongue stretching out as it let out a roar.


“Oh shut up” Ferrus shouted, as he throttled the Carnifex with one hand.


Another of its kind leapt at him, its pincers snapping in anticipation. Ferrus swung the Carnifex by its neck into its brother, its scythes impaling the other Carnifex. Vulkan brought his hammer down on the fallen Carnifex, reducing its head to a bloody pulp, expelling blood and brain bits everywhere. He looked over at his brother to see him killing a Carnifex with one of its own kind and chuckled at the irony. Not wanting to be out done he made for another Carnifex. The beast tried to bring its venom cannon around but was too slow, Vulkan threw his left hammer at it, the handle impaling itself in the monsters eye. With a squelch the Carnifex fell to the floor. Sprinting forwards Vulkan yanked his hammer out of the Tyranids head. He frowned at his hammers blood soaked handle, muttering about having to clean it up afterwards.


“C’mon Vulkan, you’re fighting like one of these” Ferrus roared with laughter.

“Ha! Even their lesser creatures fight better than you” he responded smiling. Vulkan enjoyed fighting along side Ferrus for they both shared a strong relationship and both liked to engage in banter with one another.


“Look this one is almost as ugly as you” Ferrus cried out jovially. He held a Carnifex out in front of him, the stumps that had been its limbs spasming violently. The beast tried to bite Ferrus, who just laughed. With casual ease the Primarch ripped the Carnifex in two, blood sprayed everywhere and is internal organs spilled out on to the floor. Vulkan raised his left arm as the Carnifex neared. Flames rushed out of his wrist mounted flamer, the flames racing out and engulfing the Tyranid. The beast let out an ear piercing shriek as the fire burned its way through its skin.


Both Primarchs smiled as they took in the carnage they had caused.




Fair bit of action in there, please enjoy :lol:

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Tu’Shan cast his gaze across the trench, the sight of so many of his brothers gathered in one place swelled his chest with pride. The very fact that his Primarch was here, fighting out there with the rest of his Legion was unexplainably heart warming. There was no denying it Tu’Shan like every other Salamander felt sheer and utter joy. He watched as the ‘Fire Drakes’ -their ranks now swollen to over a thousand men- held the line, their fire power as unrelenting an unforgiving as a flow of lava from their home world. The waves of gaunts faltered amongst the onslaught as storm bolters spat death into the Tyranid ranks. As Carnifexs neared Cyclone missile launchers and Assault cannons roared into life, tearing the huge beasts apart in a hail of explosions and bolter rounds.


“Battle brothers! Sons of Vulkan! Show these monstrosities what it is to be a warrior of the Emperor! Teach them his wrath!” Tu’Shan cried out. The sound of armoured fists beating armoured chests the Salamanders reply. He looked left down the line towards the Iron Hands. It was an honour to fight alongside a fellow Legion and an even bigger one to have their Primarch aid them too. Even the sight of Guardsmen fighting these alien horrors warmed his heart, “Such courage they possess” he commented. All of a sudden there was a ‘whooshing’ noise and the high pitched whine of engines.


Tu’Shan ducked slightly as he reacted to the noise. He looked up to see the tail end of several white Thunderhawk gunships.



teaser, enjoy :mellow:

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Thank you all for your comments, they are greatly appreciated. My aim is to have a few twists and turns but without making it soo silly and predictable. I quite too like the Iron Hands and i feel that there should be more written on them.

The Luna Wolves will be making an appearance along side different legions :)

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. As Carnifexs neared Cyclone missile launchers and Assault cannons roared into life, tearing the huge beasts apart in a hail of explosions and bolter rounds.

why assaut cannons shoot bolter rounds? :D

keep it up, awesome story

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To me Vulkan and Ferrus would be close due to their afffinity to technology and because of the Drop Site 'Incident' (Im refraining from calling it a massacre on behlaf of thier honour:P). To me some of the Primarchs would be quite humours and have a 'laugh' whilst others would remain more stern and business like. i hope to strike the right balance.
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yeah i see what you mean

russ and agron the bothers in arms, mutual respect for each other in combat skill

vulkan and ferrus the understanding of the past, something like sven en rangar in the old space wolf novels.

i like it :D


doing an great job..

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Tu’Shan cast his gaze across the trench, the sight of so many of his brothers gathered in one place swelled his chest with pride. The very fact that his Primarch was here; fighting out there with the rest of his Legion was unexplainably heart warming. There was no denying it Tu’Shan like every other Salamander felt sheer and utter joy. He watched as the ‘Fire Drakes’ -their ranks now swollen to over a thousand men- held the line, their fire power as unrelenting an unforgiving as a flow of lava from their home world. The waves of gaunts faltered amongst the onslaught as storm bolters spat death into the Tyranid ranks. As Carnifexs neared Cyclone missile launchers and Assault cannons roared into life, tearing the huge beasts apart in a hail of explosions and bolter rounds.


“Battle brothers! Sons of Vulkan! Show these monstrosities what it is to be a warrior of the Emperor! Teach them his wrath!” Tu’Shan cried out. The sound of armoured fists beating armoured chests the Salamanders reply. He looked left down the line towards the Iron Hands. It was an honour to fight alongside a fellow Legion and an even bigger one to have their Primarch aid them too. Even the sight of Guardsmen fighting these alien horrors warmed his heart, “Such courage they possess” he commented. All of a sudden there was a ‘whooshing’ noise and the high pitched whine of engines.


Tu’Shan ducked slightly as he reacted to the noise. He looked up to see the tail end of several white Thunderhawk gunships.


Hell strike missiles slammed into the ground, churning up mud and dead bodies, dirt and limbs flying every where. The deafening roar of heavy bolter fire as it raked the on coming Tyranid horde. Dozens of Thunderhawks criss-crossed in the sky, using their aerial advantage to pick off the bigger Xenos creatures. It also enabled the White Scars to see what appeared to be a never ending mass of Tyranids.


“Pilot, lower the exit ramp please” asked The Kahn, is voice was deep and commanding yet full of the excitement battle brought. Jaghatai revved his bike, the engine sounding like thunder. A smile crossed his battle scarred face; his top-knot blew gently in the breeze. All across the now hovering Thunderhawks hundreds of White Scars were preparing for the same thing. The cacophony of bike engines revving rang our like a choir, as one they surged fprwards off the ramps. Mud flew up as the bikes landed, their bikes designed to operate in all terrain. The Khans bike was considerably bigger than a normal Space Marine bike; it was a bespoke piece of equipment, artificed on Mars over ten thousand years ago.


Its edges were lined with gold, it had intricate patterns and many other ornate features. As Jaghatai rode onwards, his personal banner and Oaths of Moments billowed violently.


“Onward my sons, For Glory! For The Emperor!” Kahn bellowed, inspiring his men.


Like a tidal surge the White Scar bikers charged, flying for afew seconds as they filled the short gap between the Thunderhawks and the ground.


The tide would turn.

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Hm...eight times the word Gaunt and fifteen times the word Carnifex in post # 352!!! It's too much! Try finding other terms for the damned beasts! And four times Tyranid in one paragraph!! :lol: *collapses with a heart attack*



*feels better and gets back up*

Anyway, back to the positive side of things, this is an AWESOME piece of...art? :P (well, it nearly is as I can actually visualise the battles and other events happening :D )


Can't wait for more! :D

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The Kahn




It's a nice update, though some inconstinecies in the post; like one sentence:

The cacophony of bike engines revving rang our like a choir, and as one they dropped


Also, are they dropping into the middle of the horde? Because it seems like they would just die as they hit the ground. Maybe if you editted it to say that they were dropped at the back of the Horde?


And, it's a good scene with them charging out of hovering Gunships, but surely they wouldn't drop? They'd surge through the air, sailing high above the wave of Tyranids and landing with their front wheel hitting the ground first?

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Have a bad internet connection for a week, see what you miss. Awesome job calgar. :tu: I mean it. Vulkan and Feruss' banter was hilarious. :P I can't wait to see what the Eldar gods say in the webway. :cuss I want more of Angron and Russ. :D You sold me on the Night Lords. ;) Let The Khan ride! ^_^ I can only imagine what you're going to have the rest of the Legions doing. :cuss

On that note, do you have any ideas on what The Lion and the rest of the Unforgiven are going to be up to?

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