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Rise of the Imperium (formely Rise of the Emperor)


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300th post.


Actually, his armour is much more like a Legionnaires than a gladiators because of the abdominal shaped breast plate, and the tunic he wears at his waist.

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Thank you Messiah :P



I don't really like them a lot either Nova, hence their anihilation on one planet by the Ultramarines and this attack by the Nigh Lords and Raven Guard. Wont write another chapter for a while yet as im bust taking pics to sell my fairly large but craply(that a word?) painted SM army.


Ah thats okay, i have not ready anything about Angron so i know next to nothing about his armour.

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I bow to your superior knowledge :P Anyways my camera is charging so i guess i can atleast outlay the next chapter.


Continue with the 'Tau-bush' or shall i continue the WebWay assault(plot twists and more fluff heresy) or battle of the Warmasters? oh the possibilities.

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This is a really fascinating story and I have enjoyed every chapter, especially the Angron/Russ and Night Lords/Raven Guard stuff ;) .

I only have one minor issue and that is the length of your chapters.

I feel that they are a bit short at times but then again you have been very prolific with them so i'll just go back to my corner and shut up ;).


Keep up the good work.

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Thanks Raz. No, do not shut up!;) I need people to comment ;) Yes at first my chaoters were quite small but now i am trying to lengthen them, its swigs and roundabouts really :P


Thank you and i shall try to keep up the good work!

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If I had to say one thing, it's that you always end your chapters with a cliff hanger or a little speech; if I were you, I'd break this trend; you'll get stuck in a rut of thinking that it's appropriate for every chapter.
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Hm...I've read the last chapter and it's great, though an Ethereal would not talk like that to his soldiers ("Haven't you been trained..." etc...) and the word Devilfih comes back too many times (5 times in 1 paragraph!).

Anyway, apart from that, it's well written and I can't wait for more! B)

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Ha, i can try but i do try to avoid repeating myself a lot so the story doen't become bland. Anyways i need an idea for the next chapter! Continue with the Tau slaughter? Battle of the Warmasters? Or something else?
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Perturabo is finished but Perturabo and Dorn was started. Hmm i have a few ends to tie up. I think i'll finish some stuff and then continue into the Webway as some important things will happen there.
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Hang on. You have ressurrected 18 primarchs. What about...the (whispers) other two (normal voice, just as fifty GK terminators teleport around me) Ah, crap, I didn't expect the Imperial Inquisition


Brother-Captain Dorylaeum of the Grey Knights: NOBODY EXPECTS THE IMPERIAL INQUISITION (executes me)

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