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Rise of the Imperium (formely Rise of the Emperor)


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Dorns chest rose and fell slightly faster; as if he had just walked at a brisk pace for a couple of minutes. His Blade showed signs of combat, its once clean blade now soaked in demonic blood. The Primarch surveyed the tunnel, “No enemies” he told himself. Rocks littered the floor and the tang of warp filled the air. The Emperor had not moved in almost an hour, the light that bathed him had turned darker shade of magenta. Instead of launching wanton bolts of lightning, a fountain of warp power began to flow into the Emperor.


Dorn stood there bemused, unsure on what to do. Visions or that’s what he called them seen to haunt him. Jaws of demon beasts seemed to rise from the floor and swallow Dorn whole, screams of the dieing echoed through his mind as the warp flowed like a river into the Emperor. Horrors and nightmares became real, demons that frothed with blood, beings that very skin bubbled and shifted, faces stuck in an expression of agony covering their torsos. These visions would drive a human mad, insane. Purple orbs began to form, yet more portal from the empyrean. Dorn growled. He hated demons. A stream of black flew toward Dorn, knocking him to the ground. The psychic attack barely left any mark on his ornate armour.


He deftly rolled to his left as the butt of staff came slamming down to where his head was. The Changer of Ways screamed in anger. Roaring the Primarch got to his feet, his hand-crafted bolt pistol firing several shots in to the greater demon. A horrible, putrid smell filled Dorns nostrils; an Unclean One came sliding toward him, emitting ooze, smell and disease as it went. The two demons regarded each other with contempt but knowing they must regretfully put aside their differences. The Unclean Ones puss oozing sword came lazily swinging at Dorn, his Chain Blade came up to meet it. Sparks flew as the tow weapons clashed, a bolt of warp power slammed in to Dorn; the winded Primarch head butted the Unclean One, its rotted head absorbed the attack.


The Changer of Ways screamed in delight as its staff bit in to the flesh of Dorn as the demon staff pierced the Primarchs forearm. Gritting his teeth Dorn pressed on his attack, his wound already healing. He spun around, punching the Unclean One away as he did so and met the Changer of Ways head on. Quickly his hand came up and the bolt pistol it gripped spat a whole clip in to the demons chest. The rounds didn’t have time to detonate, instead they left numerous holes and revealing warp spawned entrails. Dorn dropped both his weapons and grabbed the demons beak. With tremendous force and a roar of praise to the Emperor, Dorn ripped the beak and face apart. Blood spurt out like a fountain, covering the Primarchs burnished gold armour and the dieing Changer of Ways body. In its death throws it kicked out, ramming its staff into Dorns chest and unleashing a wave of warp energy up it. For a moment Dorn shook and was bathed in a greenish hue, the laughter of Tzeentch himself ringing his ears. Dumbfounded the Unclean One stood there, flies coalescing into a giant scythe.


“Ha-ha, you will have to do better than that foul demon” Dorn mocked through gritted teeth. His gauntleted hand smashed in to the demons bloodied face causing it to stumble backwards, letting go of its staff. Dorn grunted in pain as he removed the staff from his chest. The green hue fading rapidly. He gripped it and then smashed it over his knee, letting it fall to the floor in two pieces. Without pause for thought he leapt upon the Changer of Ways and rained punch after punch upon it as it lay on the floor. Bones crunched and splintered as the strength of Dorn proved no match for demonic bones.


One final punch and the demon faded back in to the warp to rejoin its master. Its tongue hung lazily as the Greater demon of Nurgle as it sought to get into combat with the Primarch. Its menacing black scythe and sword gripped in its plagued filled arms. Not wanting to wait Dorn charged the beast. Brandishing his newly recovered Chain Blade, ready to taste more demon flesh. “Prepare to meet thy foul maker. I am the Emperors wrath incarnate, His will made manifest!” The demon gargled an inaudible reply in return. Quicker than it could react to Dorn swung his Chain Blade at its midriff. Puss and plague ridden entrails spilled out on to the floor, flies buzzing around them. The Unclean One seemed to delight in this, seemingly ignoring this attack. With great force it swung its huge scythe around, forcing Dorn to duck. Like a loaded spring he leapt up, driving his weapon through the Greater demons head coming out the top.


With speed the Nurgle demon couldn’t match, Dorn withdrew his sword and swung it in a wide arc; cutting the demons torso in two. Both sides fell to the floor, puss oozing from it. Dorn began to stamp on the demon body, ooze and blood splattered every where as the Primarch made sure his quarry was dead. Finally satisfied Dorn looked up to see dozens of warp portals forming. Even now a tide of demonic filth hurtled towards him. He gripped his Chain Blade in two hands, widening his stance.


“For the Emperor!” he roared.


Not noticing the Emperors eyes snap open. A nimbus of power buzzing around his head.




Please enjoy and leave a comment or two!

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Another add. gosh i've spoilt you. Although it is a small one.


His features had returned to normal now. His arms came rushing to meet one another. As his hands met a noise that would drown out even the most violent thunderstorm resonated through out the tunnel. Terra itself shook. The warp and all its inhabitants quaked and felt fear as a wave of energy surged forth. The wave of energy ripped through into reality, spewing forth. The maddening cries of the warp silenced, Dorn stood resolute in a sea of demons. Hacking and slashing, felling demon after demon. The Emperors psychic attack flooded the tunnel.


Dorn was bathed in a white light and left untouched, his heart and soul as pure as the day it was created. Demon after demon was incinerated, their souls annihilated in both the warp and reality. Forever.


“It is time to breach the Webway. Perturabo arrives soon to construct and review Terra’s defences with you. I can sense a shift in the warp, I sense powerful entities returning and forming. War will soon engulf us all” the Emperor Prophesised.


Once again, enjoy.

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“What does this mean? What can you see?” Dorn asked, he wasn’t worried but more curious to as what could cause such another galaxy spanning war.


“It means we must hurry and rebuild the Imperium quicker and make sure it is stronger than ever. I will explain all I know soon my Son. For now we must release Magnus from the Throne and make an assault into the Webway. You must put aside your differences with Perturabo, I command it” the Emperors tone was darker and more authoritative that it had been for some while.


“But he is a traitor! You insult my honour! The honour of my legion and the Astartes killed by my ‘brother’” Dorn spoke through gritted teeth, his clenched fists were turning white.


“You are insulting my intelligence? You would disobey me? Perturabo has paid dearly for what he did; so have the others. The events of the Heresy could have been stopped, completely by me if it was not for my arrogance at not believing Horus or any of my Sons could, would turn on me. I was wrong and many paid the price for that. I know now that they wouldn’t even dare think of betraying me or the Imperium.” There was a trace of sadness, regret and anger in the Emperors voice.


“How do you know?” Don quizzed


“I just do. Isn’t my word good enough? They have all sworn fealty again, they are all leading their legions once again, have they attempted any heretical actions? No. The ruinous powers have no more a hold over them then they do Me.” the Emperor chuckled slightly as he spoke the last sentence.


“I am sorry for doubting your judgement father” Dorn apologized, bowing his head low.


“It is natural to doubt” the Emperor smiled. “Come there is much to do” he continued.




The room was dark, the few flaming braziers provided little light; the walls were cast in shadows. Hundreds of silver machines lined the walls, staring emotionlessly at each other. A golden figure stood resplendent in the centre of the room behind a plinth; where an object lay shrouded by a red silk cloth.


A door burst open and a huge figure walked through. Its black robes fluttered lifelessly as the Nightbringer seemed to float toward the Golden figure. The Necron warriors who were seemingly immune to fear and other emotions slunk away from the C’tan as it passed. The Nightbringer merely laughed at their fear.


“Why do you bring me here Mephet'ran?” demanded the Nightbringer, its anger born of aeons of slaughter.


The Golden figure spun around to face the new comber. It had a malicious smile on its face and an aura of deviousness about it.


“I have an offer for you Kaelis Ra” the Deceivers mouth moved but its voice came from everywhere, surrounding them with its high-pitched delight. The C’tans outline shimmered as the light reflected off it, it seemed to dance.


“What makes you think I would bargain with you? Why shouldn’t I consume you now?” Kaelis Ra laughed. Several Necrons exploded in a display of green sparks as the Nightbringer flexed his hands.


“I have something you need” Mephet’ran replied, seemingly ignoring his brethrens display of power.


“Ha! What would you have that I need?”


“This” As he finished the word the Deceiver waved his hands the silk cloth seemed to evaporate in to the air. The Nightbringers black scythe lay atop the plinth.


Kaelis Ra roared in anger and flew towards Mephet’ran, “Finally I get to taste your soul!”


As his deathly hand clasped the Deceivers neck, it shattered. The C’tan or what had seemed to be a C’tan fell to the floor like glass. The Nightbringer let out a cry of frustration, as it picked up what it thought to be its scythe, it too shattered like glass.


“You didn’t really think I would make myself vulnerable and give you even more power now?” mocked the Deceiver. Its malicious laughter ringing throughout the room.


“Come out and face me Mephet’ran!”


The Deceiver just laughed. More of his Necrons exploded in a shower of green sparks, again the Deceiver laughed.


“We need to work together Kaelis. The Void Dragon has escaped its prison and the Outsider will soon return. The pantheon of the Eldar will soon be reborn and the Old Ones will return too. The god of the humans, the ones who call you the ‘Reaper’ ” -The Nightbringer laughed- “has returned and his power has transformed, exponentially. The life of this galaxy is rich and abundant. If for now we put aside our differences we can feast on these cattle and get rid of any threats to ourselves” the Deceiver offered.


“Why shouldn’t I kill you now and do this myself?” Kaelis Ra asked.


A nearby Necron became bathed in gold light. Its outline shimmered and began to grow, until it took the form of the Deceiver; in its hand was the Nightbringers scythe.


“Because you need me, for now” Mephet’ran spoke. Offering the scythe to his brother C’tan.


He grabbed it and laughed a low and malicious laugh. “Let us feast and the galaxy fear me once more!” The Necron warriors fell to the floor, their energies leaving their body and flying into the Nightbringer.


“It has been too long since I last had a worthy feast”


The C’tan smiled. Although for now they would work together, both were formulating plans to stab each other and the two other C’tan in the back already.




I hope this fits in and reads well. Not sure if i got the two other characters right, i hope so. Comments are most appreciated.

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Magnus sat upon the throne, his massive figure was very imposing and intimidating.


“The Emperor returns” he announced. The cabal that surrounded him nodded in agreement.


Right on cue Dorn and the Emperor appeared before them in a flash of brilliant blue light. The Thousand Sons and Blood Ravens bowed their heads in reverence.


“Rogal, father” Magnus bowed his head.


The Emperor gazed at each them in turn, penetrating their souls. He nodded in satisfaction. With a wave of his hand, the wires that held Magnus to the Throne interface released him instantly. The Custodes and Astartes that were on the floor below all trained their weapons; expecting warp portals that would never come.


“My works are complete; the Throne room is safe from demonic incursion. There is no need for Myself or Magnus to remain permanently seated upon the Throne interface.” the Emperor using his phenomenal powers to amplify his voice to answer the question on ever bodies face.


“It is time to deliver an assault in to the domain of the Eldar. We will wrestle control of it from them! For the Emperor!” Dorn exclaimed.


Cheers echoed thorough out the Throne room. Magnus stood next to the Emperor, he seemed bigger than normal, a towering giant. Dorn made off down the steps to gather his legion together for the arrival of Perturabo and his iron Warriors. Although Dorn wanted to fight by the Emperors side once more he knew his talents were needed else where. Even though he had to work with Perturabo; some one who he loathed, he knew that they would share an honour that no other legion could claim; building Terra’s defences.




Banners fluttered silently in the gentle wind. Row after row of Imperial Fists stood to attention, their amour polished to a crystal like sheen, parchments of prayer attached to boltguns and their armour flapped in the breeze. At the centre of the Phalanx stood several thousand Imperial Fists clad in the mighty Terminator armour; each suit painted black out of respect and in memory of Sigismund. Dreadnoughts lined the sides, Chaplains moved in and out of each ranks, dousing the Marines in incense and offering prayers to the Emperor. At the fore front in his polished, bronzed armour and his red crested helm held in the crook of his arm stood their Primarch; Rogal Dorn.


In the blue sky numerous dots began to appear, leaving fiery entrails in their wake. As they came ever closer, the Thunderhawks of the Iron Warrior legion became evident. The lead thunder hawk was in fact a Stormbird, bearing the personal heraldry of Perturabo. This would be one the hardest things he had ever had to do Dorn thought.


The Stormbird landed with a soft ‘thud’, the high pitched whine of its engines slowing fading out. A ramp slowly descended from its front, extending to the floor. The Stormbird shook slightly on its landing skids as Twenty Iron Warrior War-Smiths came marching out. Their ornate suits of armour resplendent and polished. Each War-Smith did not wear a helmet and each bore only one weapon; a ceremonial sword.

Ten warriors stood either side, the line beginning at the foot of the Stormbirds exit ramp and extending away. The swords punctured the air, forming an arch. Then came Perturabo. Unlike his ceremonial guard the Primarch did not wear armour or carry any weapons. He wore grey robes, with black and gold chevrons down the front and a cape of a red material, held together by a broach in the shape of the Aquila.


Dorn walked forwards with awkwardness about him. A part of him desperately wanted to smite his brother where he stood, repay Perturabo for the damage he inflicted on his legion. Dorn however would not; the Emperor had commanded him and Perturabo to work together, the Emperor personally vouched for him and his other brothers. Who was Dorn to question that? Also Dorn was an honourable man and would not fight an unarmed person.


The two Primarchs came face to face; Dorn was the taller and bulkier of the two due to his armour. Slowly the pair extended their left arms and shook their hands in a sign of respect and courage. In the Terran past, chieftains and warriors from different tribes would use their left hands to shake hands with their enemies out of a sign of respect, friendship or courage. The left hand was used as this was the shield bearing arm and so would render each person vulnerable to attack. For what seemed like an eternity the Primarch stared at one another, seemingly to be delving into each others very soul.


“You honour my legion and I with such a welcome Brother.” Perturabo spoke, breaking the silence.


“Any Primarch deserves such honour” came Dorns solemn reply.


The brothers nodded, not wishing to infringe on their duty any longer.

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Hmm this latest chapter seems a bit off.


"all regal like"? odd phrasing for this story. I like the content of the latest bit, but it doesn't seem to measure up with the overall story in terms of quality. Might need a once over, alter some words/punctuation.

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Seven figures stood back to back in a circle a pile of dead green skins surrounding them. In amongst the dead Orks lay dead Astarte warriors, their armour cracked and weapons discarded. Their shoulder heraldry denoting them as Space Wolves from the Company of the Great Wolf; Logan Grimnar.


“Arjac, you have served me well. You are a warrior of the finest calibre and it will be an honour to die at your side” Grimnar exclaimed, as more Orks began to approach them.


“It will be my honour to keep serving you. For Russ and for the All Father!” the massive Space Wolf that was Arjac the Rock Fist replied. Logan, Arjac and the five Wolf Guard roared their praises and readied their weapons as they prepared to make their last stand. Two of the Wolf Guard raised their storm bolters and fired. The bolt shells whizzed through the air and ripped through numerous Orks. This was merely a drop in the ocean though.


“So this is it then eh? We’ll die defending some back water planet?” joked one of the Wolf Guard, flexing his Wolf Claws.


“And without ale too?” joked another, his storm shield and thunder hammer powering into life.


“Aye, we will fight and die for the Imperium. Our Saga will be firmly imprinted on this galaxy” Logan reflected, looking toward the grey, cloudy sky.


Suddenly holes started to appear in the clouds, light pouring through. A glimmer of hope flickered through Logan’s mind. The then first drop pod slammed into the ground. By now the Orks had drawn closer, the Warboss and thirty of his boyz leading the charge. The drop pod doors came slamming to the floor, dust and steam being kicked up. A single figure came leaping out, immediately he spied a dead Space Wolf and bellowed a cry of anger and charged. Logan and his retinue cried out a war-cry and too charged, not willing to let the comer to die on his own.


More and more drop pods slammed into the ground, warriors clad in white and blue armour wielding bolt pistols and chain weapons charging forth. Another huge figure wielding a Chain-Axe bigger than a marine came hurtling out of a drop pod. More Orks had arrived now; their desire for combat was completely out matched by the ferocity of Leman Russ, Angron and his World Eaters. The Warboss bellowed a challenge and Russ stepped forth, “Xenos scum you have dared defile the Emperors planet and you dare spill the blood of my Sons so freely, I will rip you limb from limb!” Leman bellowed, answering the Orks challenge.


The Primarch leapt forwards, his speed belied his size. The Ork barely blocked Lemans wild swing, the force of the blow upon his Power Claw causing it to stagger backwards. Seizing the initiative Russ leapt forward once again, kicking out at his foe who subsequently fell to the ground. Those Orks nearby that had survived the World Eater assault began to fall back, panicked by the fact that their Warboss was being beaten so easily.

Russ smashed his left fist in to the Orks head, blow after blow after blow. His eyes popped, bones snapped and blood vessels ruptured as Lemans punches became an outlet for his anger. The Ork became still only moving as Leman repeatedly smashed his fist in to it. Screaming in anger Leman hauled the Warboss into the air and with his tow hands ripped the body in half. Logan looked on in awe and amazement at his Primarch. He hacked his way through the green filth, his battle weary body driven on by Lemans presence.


“Is this real? Or am I in the afterlife?” Logan queried.


“No my son, this is as real. Who may you be?” Leman replied in turn.


“I am Logan Grimnar, the Great Wolf that rules in your stead my lord” Logan explained to his Primarch.


“You are a good warrior, lets make haste or our World Eater brethren may claim more kills than us” Russ laughed.


Logan smiled, Arjac and the others still in shock.


In the distance a lone figure could be seen. His magnificent gold armour reflecting the emerging sunlight, his Chain axe killing Orks with every sweep. He had killed dozens already, his warriors followed in their Primarchs wake trying to follow in his glory. Ork blood flowed like rives, staining the earth, all that could be heard was the cries of dieing Orks and the whirrs of chain axes.


Angron roared like thunder, sending a dozen Orks flying through the air. Not wanting to be out Done Russ ran forwards, smashing a Killa Kan to pieces with one sword stroke.


This would be a slaughter for the Orks.



Please enjoy and comment! Sorry i went for the red Angel and the Wolf but its got a bit more action and i need to think more about the double team of Night Lords and Raven Guard.

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Leman Russ, Logan and his wolf Guard retinue were stood together a sea of dead Orks around them. The Space Wolves had tried to kneel in respect to their lord but Russ being Russ had said such formalities should be reserved for the Ultramarines. The majority of the World Eaters were still chasing the fleeing Orks, Angron and a small retinue remained behind and were approaching the Space Wolves.


“How could you let such beasts render you incapable of victory?” Angron asked in a mocking tone.


“My Company was surrounded as soon as we had made the drop Primarch” Logan explained. Although his confidence was boosted by the presence of Leman he was still weary of Angron, he did not want to anger or annoy the World Eater Primarch.


“A bunch of savages out smarted you?” Angron laughed.


“No, we were surprised” retorted Logan.


“Do not take that tone with my Primarch” snapped Khârn taking a step forwards.


“I will not have my Legions honour offended like this!” roared Russ.


“It is not my fault they cannot conduct themselves in battle properly and need rescuing. You should be thanking us” Angron retaliated, his tone once again a mocking one.


“You dare demand thanks? Your thanks is being in my presence and living!” Russ answered back through gritted teeth.


“You threaten my Primarch?” Khârn bellowed, stepping between Angron and Russ.


“He dares to accuse me of being unable to lead a company and for us Space Wolves to fight” Logan snapped, stepping closer to Khârn.


“You would be wiser to not make threats Russ, you are an oaf. A flea ridden, gluttonous, ale drinking fool. You are not worthy of leading a legion; one that seems unable to fight. I was under the impression that the Space Wolf legion was the most ferocious of us all?” Angron exclaimed at first menacing and then humours as he spoke ill of his brothers legion.


Khârn began to laugh but was cut short when Logan’s left fist made contact with his chin. The World Eater commander was knocked to the floor, Arjac and the other Wolf Guard moved forwards to engage the few other world eaters; weapons were dropped, this was about honour not mindless violence.


“You are just a blood crazed lunatic. Hell bent on nothing more than bloodshed. Unfit in the eyes of our father” Russ bellowed back in defiance.


Angron struck out with his right fist, catching Russ on the cheek.

The blow would have been enough to crack open the hull of a tank but Russ stood there, the punch seemingly doing no harm. Angron scowled another punch hit Leman in the face again with no effect.

The third punch never made contact with Russ. His hand shot out like a snake and grabbed his brother’s wrist and bent it over so the arm was crooked and facing upwards. With this sudden move and the strength behind it, Angron was pulled slightly down and with this the Space Wolf Primarch brought his knee up into the face of Angron. Three times he did this but whether Angron was hurt or damaged he could not tell.


On the floor Khârn was unable to move the bulk of Logan in his Terminator Armour proving too much for the World Eater. However both exchanged blows. Arjac was fending off from two World Eaters and the other Wolf Guard each fought a brother World Eater.


Angron’s powerful hands gripped Russ’s throat and hefted him into the air, slightly choking the Primarch.

“Give up Brother?” Angron said in a cocky tone.


“You would like that wouldn’t you?” Russ mocked.


Before Angron could answer an armoured foot slammed into his chest, winding him. Russ fell to the floor and rolled hastily to the left and got up. The enraged Angron charged toward Russ. Logan looked over, fear and worry -to unusual emotions- creeping into his system. Russ braced himself as Angron leapt at him, knocking Russ to the ground. The pair struggled for dominance, rolling around exchanging blows that could shatter the bones of an Astartes with ease. Dried blood had formed around Lemans nose and Angron’s face was slightly red and he had a boot shaped buckle on his chest plate.


Logan’s face was quite bruised, his nose was broken and jaw had become dislocated. Khârn’s left eye had been popped, his nose and jaw were both broken. Arjacs two World Eater opponents both lay on the floor, unconscious.


“Enough” shouted Angron, his voice booming through the air.


“This is pointless at best and futile at worst” he continued.


Logan allowed Khârn to get up; his ribs had also been cracked.


Russ and Angron were stood apart both in a combat stance, Angron was the first to move forwards.


“You fight well brother, as do your Sons” he conceded, bowing in respect to Leman.


“You mock me and now you proceed to try and cosy up to me? This just shows how fickle you are” stated Russ.


“We are warriors both you and I, we are more alike than you would admit” replied Angron flatly.


“That is an affront to my personality” snarled Russ.


The situation threatened to once again boil over into another fight.


“Tell me if this is not my place but Primarch Angron has a valid point my lord. Both of you are the galaxies greatest warriors, second only to the Emperor in combat prowess; both of you respect worthy opponents and both of you are honourable fighters” Arjac commented.


“All this fighting has perhaps blinded me, maybe we are alike after all Brother” Russ replied jovially.


Angron nodded, the two Primarchs walked towards one another and clasped hands.


“Your loyalties?” questioned Russ.


“Were always to the Emperor that was a dark time indeed Leman. One I would not want any of my brothers to endure.” he replied solemnly, answering his brothers question.


Leman Russ nodded, understanding somehow what Angron had been through and what it had done to him.


“Let us make haste and depart, more planets in this system have the stain that is the Ork menace upon them” declared.


“Let the Space Wolves fight alongside the World Eaters to repay our debt.” Russ announced.


“There is no debt but it would be our honour to fight side by side with you” declared Angron.


The Ork race was about to feel the Emperors wrath made incarnate in his most fierce Primarchs.



I really hope you like this chapter, it is the longest one i have done to date. All comments are welcome! Even if its "Nice job!" or "cool story" it shows people are interested and will motivate me :(

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Two figures walked down the dark street. Buildings rose up either side giving the two Tau Fire Warriors the feeling that they were closed or being watched. They gripped their Pulse Carbines tightly, and taking solace in the works of their races greatest engineers. Both wore a suit of black carapace armour with a single red stripe running down their arms and legs; the colour of their Sep’t world K’aun.


“Such ugly and pointless architecture. You would have thought that this Empire would have learnt to desgin more aesthetically pleasing building by now” commented the Fire Warrior on the left.


“I do not wish to understand this barbaric race. They fight each other as much as others; they remind me of Ork bar the physical features. Why do we let them join the Greater good?” asked the other Fire Warrior, seemingly bitter towards humans.


“To enlighten them, in Unity we can conquer the galaxy. These are the teachings of Aun’Va” his comrade explained.


“Why do we not kill them instead?” he asked.


“Then we become just like them” he warned, his eyes furrowing to study his fellow fire Warrior.


The pair continued to walk down the alleyway continually checking their surroundings for any signs of the enemy; they had been warned that they were being stalked and yet there had been no sightings. Hundreds of Tau had been brutally killed, a dozen or so tanks had been wrecked and supply depots had been destroyed.

Many of the Tau commanders kept their forces at bay in their bases, reluctant to venture forth into the Hive cities and outlaying towns. However Commander Bright Star had declared he would not let some guerrilla fighters prevent this world being brought into the Tau Empire and as such his forces had garrisoned inside a town and were street by street combing it.


Resentfully these two Fire Warriors were patrolling a few streets and had done so for hours, without sound nor sight of anything.


Until now.



Please enjoy this teaser :P

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