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Rise of the Imperium (formely Rise of the Emperor)


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Also reading Galaxy in Flames a little, man i love Angron! To me he isn't a one dimensional slaughtering machine, he does have some depth! :P

Haven't read that book, but that's what I've been killing myself to do...not very easy I assure you ;)

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finally finished it, so far. i found this thing yesterday and i was hooked from the first page :D this is a great piece of work. my writing is no better than yours, espically my grammer, so i'm not going to comment on those factors.

but i was saddened by the fact that Sanguinius was turning to chaos it seemed. but he didn't (or should that be hasn't so far :) )


keep writing i love it :D


Athiair :D

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There was a creaking noise, the Marine at the rear of the party turned around at the waist, raising his bolter.

“It’s just the pressure of the Void upon the hull” explained Fulgrim not even turning around. Lucius just laughed.


“Sorry Sire, my senses are perhaps too keen?” the Marine replied.


“Or your lust for action to great?” Lucius asked rhetorically.


“You would know something about that wouldn’t you?” remarked Fulgrim.


“Yes, I would. I crave for any situation where I can test my skills against a worthy foe” the Emperors Children Captain replied, his hand gripping the pommel of his sword.


“Don’t we all?” asked another Marine.


Fulgrim and the party of the Emperors Children marines nodded in agreement.


“It is a shame that this rust bucket has no fights to offer” exclaimed Lucius.


“What makes you so sure Captain?” Fulgrim questioned.


“This ship is probably home to some Xenos infestation or heretics, no challenge at all for my skills. Wouldn’t you agree my Primarch?” Lucius answering Fulgrims question with one of his own.


“Pride Captain” Fulgrim said reminding Lucius of his rank, “Comes before a fall” he finished.

“You would do well to remember that, we strive for perfection, to be the best we can be but not to be arrogant and over confident warriors. Be careful Lucius lest you attract the attentions of foul warp beings, ones that’d you’d regret. Let that be a lesson to you all” Fulgrim warned, his tone becoming harsh.


“What beings?”


“Ones no mortal should face” his face turning from a complexion of beauty to an expression of dire warning.


For what seemed like decades to them, the band of Emperors Children and their Primarch had walked through the corridor. The plain metal walls and lack of doors or other corridors had not gone unnoticed by any of them. Occasionally they passed symbols of a Skull with stars for eyes with phrases such as ‘For the Emperor’ or ‘From the Shadows we Protect’ were written in gold italics underneath. These were symbols that went unrecognised by the Emperors Children marines, only Fulgrim faintly remembering who they belonged too. The memory caused Fulgrim to widen his eyes in shock.


++“Commanders, report your statuses to me.”++ ordered the Primarch over the comms-net.


++“Lord Idican reporting in, no contact sire.”++ came the first reply.


++“Captain Cagelus reporting, no sign of any life just empty room after empty room.”++


These and several other replies came over the comms-net, all bearing similar news; nothing. Those and dozens of other squads were spread out amongst the Emperor Class Battleship and the dozen other various ships that orbited a red, lonely planet in an unnamed system. Then suddenly they saw it, rising up from the floor and filling the space in the corridor from either side; a door. Flanking either side of the silver door stood two robotic constructs; each taller than a Space Marine and skeletal in appearance, a large blue bladed halberd in their metal hands. Their red star shaped eyes flickered to life as Fulgrim and his warriors approached. In one sudden and fluid movement the constructs took a step forwards and lowered their halberds towards the party of Emperors Children marines and their Primarch.


++“Lord Fulgrim we have made contact with several ‘machines’ of unknown design or origin”++ Captain Cagelus reported in.


++ “Hold your position, respond with the correct action if necessary Captain”++ Fulgrim responded, not wanting to endanger his warriors lives needlessly.


As Fulgrim finished issuing those orders he could see the figure of Lucius in his peripheral vision move, then suddenly the Emperors Children Captain came leaping past him; sword already poised for a downwards strike. Expressionless and soundless the construct parried Lucius’ reckless attack with speed that belied its size.


“I guess I can test my skills after all!” he cried joyfully, his second attack also parried. Lucius never got to land his third attempt, the shaft of the halberd was rammed into his gut, winding him. He quickly rolled backwards letting his weight roll across his shoulder and arm, narrowly avoiding a blow to the head. To his left the other machine stepped forwards, heading toward the remainder of the party. With speed and skill of centuries three Marines levelled their bolters and ‘clicked’ the safety off; with in a minute the floor was littered with spent bolter casings, the echo of bolter rounds cascading down the corridor. The construct walked on, its energy shield allowing it to weather the storm of shots. Fulgrim began to get impatient as he watched Lucius get beaten back and parried in ever attack he made. He desperately wanted to fight the strange machine but the space of the corridor denied him this.


“Step aside Lucius, he is clearly too much for you. Let me handle this” shouted Fulgrim as again the Captains lightning fast attacks and dazzling displays of swordsmanship were blocked.


“You would dent my honour and pride by requesting such thing? I am merely playing my Lord” retorted Lucius.


“Even In the heat of battle remember your place!” snapped Fulgrim.


Lucius did not reply instead he launched a fresh attack. Within the space of seconds he battered the machines halberd with speedy attacks that even Fulgrim admired. Finally the Captains blade plunged into the metal of the constructs body, the hissing of steam and crackling of energy filling the air. The red from its eyes going, it fell to the floor in a shower of sparks as its legs locked up. Before Lucius could take pleasure from his kill he was sent slamming in to the ship wall, the other alien machine had ceased in its ponderous advance and had shot a blast of energy at Lucius from its halberd. Another volley of bolter shots disintegrated on its energy shield. Already the pounding of Fulgrims footsteps could be heard echoing down the Space ships corridor, the Primarch held his sword ‘Fireblade’ aloft and in several quick steps had closed the gap between himself and the attacker.


It tried to bring its halberd around to block the attack but it was far too late. In a spectacular display of sparks the machine was cut in two. Fulgrim stepped over it nonchalantly, as if the machine had never existed. He stared at the door, inspecting its silver surface. Save for a handle, large skull with stars for eyes set in the middle and the simple phrase “For the Emperor” scribed beneath it the door was featureless. Cautiously as if expecting a trap Fulgrim turned the handle and opened the door, he was relieved; there was no trap. In the distance of the newly revealed room he could see a faint blue light amongst a sea of dark.


“What are your orders?”


“Stay here, I alone will venture forth”.


Fulgrim pushed and closed the door, save for the blue light he was plunged in to darkness. It mattered not his superior eyes granted him vision still, albeit slightly darker than normal. He traced the circular walls, making sure there were no hidden surprises waiting for him. He saw abandoned work stations their consoles and functions having long been left to gather dust. Satisfied he walked onwards, reasoning that whatever inhabited the ship had something to do with the blue light. It did not take him long to cross the room, his grip tightening around Fireblades pommel as he drew closer. The site he saw shocked him. A huge dark blue banner with black edges lined the wall; the Eye of Terra filling its massive space. His eyes followed the banner down and he was shocked even more. A massive figure was sat upon a bolt-gun metal throne, wires connecting the Primarch to the machine.


++“Lord Fulgrim, you may want to come see this”++ Idican exclaimed.


“Skirax” gasped Fulgrim, his brother Primarchs eyes snapping open as the presence of Fulgrim awakened him from his self-induced hibernation. The wires that plugged Skirax into his throne disconnected sharply, as if they were recoiling.


“Fulgrim!” hissed the Primarch his powerful voice filled with hatred. He leaned in closer as if to inspect Fulgrim, the limited light dancing off his dark blue armour.


“What brings you here traitor?” demanded Skirax.


“In the name of the Emperor and Imperium my Legion and I were tasked to conquer this system; we came across your fleet and begun a full investi”


“In the Emperors name? Is that what you call the filth that you worship?” laughed Skirax, cutting across his brother.


“You could not be further from the truth brother” Fulgrim replied eloquently.


Skirax lunged forwards, taken his brother by surprise, both of them crashing to the floor with a loud ‘thump’.


“You do not want to do this brother! There is much you do not know” Fulgrim cried out. Even without a weapon a Primarch was a deadly killing machine, Fulgrim knew this all to well.


“Lies damn you! Lies! I will not fall foul to them! I will never turn to those things you call ‘gods’” snarled Skirax, his punch blocked by Fulgrims arm. Skirax was kicked in the gut, giving Fulgrim time to get to his feet.


“What happened to your ‘gifts’” he asked sardonically, Fulgrim shook his head.


“If you came back with me to Terra you’d realise that my and our other brothers ‘mistakes’ have been forgiven and that the Emperor is among us again.” calmly replied Fulgrim.


Skirax stared at him a look of utter bewilderment on his face.


“Is this a ruse? Some trick or ploy to ensnare me and my Legion? Some trap for you to give my soul to your bastard masters?” Skirax question, the emotion building in his voice.


“No, I speak only the truth. I am free of daemonic possession and the taint of chaos. You forget I was tricked too by Horus”, the anger was building in Fulgrims voice; “I would never have willingly turned from the Emperors light! You forget the nature of the Heresy and how everyone even Horus was deceived.” explained Fulgrim.


“Those are merely lies in which you are trying to justify yours and the others actions!” rebuked Skirax.


“You and your Shadow Brothers are not free from all this; for you ran in the Emperors and Imperiums darkest hour!” Fulgrim snapped.


“The darkest hour in which you traitorous bastards created!” Skirax screamed, his right fist lashing out and catching his brother Primarch across the face. Fulgrim remained calm and stoic in the face f the outburst.


“I fought that damn daemon for ten thousand years! I was trapped inside my own body, you know how that feels? Do you even begin to comprehend the torment I was going through? I was driven to turn away from my Father, whom I love as much as we can! I was made to kill my closet brother! And fatally wound another! It was all I could do these past millennia to keep some of my sanity intact and remain hidden within the hell that is the Eye of Terror. To see everything we strove to create being destroyed by mine and my legions hands was heart breaking! Before you judge me, experience what I have been through!” Fulgrim explained distressfully.


Skirax’s stern and angry expression softened, it was true he would never experience what Fulgrim had. However he had his own feelings of guilt; it was true. In the Imperiums darkest hour, when he was needed most he and his Legion had fled. In the face of adversity he had buckled, for that he would never forgive himself.


“Aye Fulgrim, it is true I did flee like a coward. I did not know what to do, brother was fighting brother, and our grand Imperium was being torn asunder. My legion was nearly wiped out; I was in no position to fight. So I shamefully fled, leaving mankind and the Imperium to it. For centuries my shattered legion and I have drifted through the void, they have remained in stasis ever since. I have been guiding us safe fully through the tumultuous warp”. Skirax explained the shame evident from his tone.


“You do not owe me an explanation, come with me to Terra. The Emperor will forgive you and your legion can take their rightful place in the annals of Imperial history” announced Fulgrim, slapping his hand on his brother’s shoulder.


“I cannot explain why but I trust you, do not let me down Fulgrim” Skirax replied hesitantly, nodding his head forwards.


“For the Emperor!” roared Fulgrim.


Skirax nodded, “For the Emperor!” he cheered.





Right that took me a while, please enjoy and comment!


Now the competition is simple. I need to introduce the 11th legion and im going to let you choose. What I ask of you is to pm me with your DIY legion; Primarch name, legion name and colours etc etc. Nothing silly please, then I will look at them and see which I feel is the best and will fit most. If you’re not chosen please please do not be disheartened!

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Awesome chapter man, can't wait till the next.


Also i think you had a few words wrong


Fulgrim pushed and closed the door, save for the blue light he was plunged in to distance

I think that should be darkness

“What brigs you here traitor?” demanded Skirax.

and this should be brings


Good work, keep it up :huh:

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By DIY legion do you mean like a full DIY article, or just name, Primarch name, color scheme, and rough explanation of temperament/tactics?

Excellent addition to the saga, by the way.

I just gave the name, symbol, a quick rundown on their history (Don't forget, their history was less than two centuries so keep it short), battle cries and tactics, along with preferred weapons.

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Thanks guys, I've edited those mistakes now :wub: Regarding the DIY thingy, just a brief over view. Primarch and Legion name, their symbol and colours, battly cry and tactics, some history about battles(ones thet are not in the fluff) they fought in and then most importantly why they left/were kicked out of the Imperium. I was going to do the 11th Legion myself but i thought this would be a good way to get my readers involved :tu:
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