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Rise of the Imperium (formely Rise of the Emperor)


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Actually Russ is with Angron(i think you're refering to Russ) are probably near the EOT as they were killing daemons... Any who a little teaser/preview.
Actually, I was speaking outside of this thread fluff, giving you a chance to kill more Tau. Don't forget; there's only so many Tau!

It was a great teaser, can't wait for the real thing!

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Konrad is a nutter, he never really went to chaos he was just always evil :P Skirax ah okay, well i have like 300billion Tau to kill? Yes Space its more funny when they stand up to people but who in the right mind would try and fight Curze?
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The figure landed with a ground shaking ‘thud’, his face twisted into a vision of terror; lightning played around his deadly talons. “Run little Tau, run for your dearest lives” the figure roared with laughter, his tone malicious and filled with terror. The Fire Warriors training and discipline fleeing them as they fled the Night Haunter. The darkness was penetrated only by Konrad’s Talons and the Tau’s torches, like oppressors the Imperial buildings rose up around them; their ugly faces leering down at the fleeing Xenos, acting like shepherds herding them to their deaths. A Fire Warrior fell to the floor, his comrades ignoring his pleas for assistance. Curze merely laughed.

“Pathetic creature, you and your kind can run but you can never hide!” Curze mocked, his tongue lashing out at the air as he spoke. The Fire Warrior was now in the foetal position, his urine pouring out on the cold road surface. This caused the Night Haunter to laugh even more, his very presence caused terror; the Fire Warrior let out cries of help. Konrad hauled his prey into the air, its urine and faeces splattering on his feet. In one horizontal swipe Konrad sliced open the Fire Warriors armour and stomach with his Talon, the Tau’s innards spilling out over Curze’s armour and the floor. He dropped the dead body; the weakness of the Tau sickened him. Konrad would teach them the meaning of Terror, he smiled at the prospect.


The Night Haunter looked towards the sky, wondering how his brother Corax was fairing.


Corax was in a crouching position as he stalked the patrolling Fire Warrior unit. Using his subconscious he was convincing the Tau that he was not there, their weak and feeble minds easily fooled. He watched them go about their patrol, his Corvus pattern helm gave him an avian like appearance. His ancient and bespoke jump pack roared into life, twin tails of flame streaming from its engines as Corax was propelled into the air. The sound of armour buckling, bones snapping and flesh being pulped replaced the Jump packs engines as Corax landing atop a Fire Warrior. The remaining nine Tau spun around in confusion and readied their weapons.


“Ps.. Psyker?” one of them stuttered.


There would be no replies, Corax extended the Raven Talons; the very weapons he crafted. In a flurry of death Corax slashed in a myriad of directions, with each slash a Tau was felled. Xenos blood spurted every where, limbs and bodies decorating the floor. Satisfied with his work Corax carried onwards his jump pack once again carrying him forwards through the air. He landed softly and retracted the Raven Talons, he looked from left to right, surveying his surroundings; yet more buildings. His helmet told him that the power of his jump pack was at 18%, enough for one last jump, it also told him that his heart rates were at a steady 21 beats per minute, the ‘combat’ he had just been engaged in not even raising it. Corax unclipped a cylindrical object from his waist and set it on the ground and pressed the top inwards. Like a blooming flower the objects side opened to reveal a pulsating blue light from within.


The stench of ozone filled filtered through his helm and a dazzling display of lightning flashed before his eyes. Dozens Raven Guard Terminators appeared before Corax’s eyes, the sight warmed his hearts. Across the city dozens of other locator beacons were going off, some were for Terminator units such as the ones in front of the Raven Guard Primarch, others were for Night Lord and Raven Guard drop pods alike.



This is the actual preview, the other was the previews preview.. sorry. Enjoy and make of it what you will.

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his heart rates were at a steady 21 beats per minute

Oh My God if I was Corax I'd have messed my pants at that! 21?! That's way off! I think you meant about 60. But, let's not forget the double heart thing, so his heart rate would be somewhere in the region of 80 per minute.

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Well i was alright at my biology. Remember their hearts will be quite big and strong and will not need to work as hard to pump blood around unless they are pushing their bodies to their limits. :(


Edit- Oh 3 hours or so till the dead line closes, 2 diy legions received so far!

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Maybe this is why I'm not so good in Biology class ;) :P


Your resting heart rate is a measure of how physically fit you are (unless it ends up mega-low). Generally, the lower it is, the lesser the fat content on the surface of the heart and the more efficiently it works, therefore the less times it has to beat per minute to supply blood to the various important bits of your body. I imagine that a primarch would have very little body fat beyond the acceptable norms (assuming that their metabolism and respiratory system work in roughly the same way as ours).


Excellent update!

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Exactly Alecto and if a normal Human is able to have a resting heart rate of 32bpm then i reckon a Primarch could have one between 12-20 but i know i stated otherwise but he is in a combat situation, well a theatre of war so his heart rate is raised slightly.
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