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The Iron Gauntlet DIY Challenge - 2010

Brother Argent

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I, Lysimachus of the Iron Gods accept your second challenge and vow to paint fully and base at least 500 pts of my Chapter before July 7th. I vow to post two or more WIP updates in the appropriate thread. I will also vow to help my brothers and sisters in the challenge with their vows. May the Emperor (or the Dark Gods, whoever gets me first!) curse me if I should fail.


More specifically I'm hoping to do:


9-man Iron Gods squad (Grey Hunters)

+ 1 PA Iron Gods Veteran (WG)


5-man Iron Gods TDA Veteran squad (WG)


and finally, the big man himself, Talek Varn (counts-as Logan Grimnar)


Should be over 700 pts all in and (hopefully) a do-able number of mini's in 4 months!



EDIT: Iron Gods WIP thread

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I, Perry T of the Wolverines accept your second challenge and vow to paint fully and base at least 500 pts of my Chapter before July 7th. I vow to post two or more WIP updates in the appropriate thread. I will also vow to help my brothers and sisters in the challenge with their vows. May the Emperor curse me if I should fail.


I don't know exactly what i will be able to paint, but it should be more than 500 pts worth.

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I was going to make an IA when I found this thread.


So I accept the challenge!


I'll write my IA and come back an edit this with the chapter name.. As I haven't decided yet.


Assuming I can still enter.


Name: Ravagers.. (mentioned briefly in Draco by Ian Watson)





Oh yeah I am gonna try and to paint


Jp Chaplin


Assault squad.


3 tactical squads




2 terminator squads




This totals 1750 (Australians like this number for some reason).. so Ill add shrike or someone to take me over.


Also my scheme is gonna be pretty easy (deliberately) so dont hate me if I finish in like 5 days..

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I, Davidthedespoiler of the Burning Eclipse accept your second challenge and vow to paint fully and base 1850 pts of my Chapter before July 7th. I vow to post two or more WIP updates in the appropriate thread. I will also vow to help my brothers and sisters in the challenge with their vows. May the Dark Gods curse me if I should fail.


I intend on painting the following;


-Destrov Soulrender (Abaddon conversion)


-4 Chaos Terminators


-Land Raider


-7 Plague Marines


-8 Khorne Berzerkers


-2 Rhinos


-10 Chosen


-10 Havocs



Question: Can the things we paint for this vow overlap with the things from the vow with the LPC?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello. I've been away for ages but I'll get back to work soon.


One Question:


Does our army have to be allowed rules-wise (e.g. only 2 heavy supports, 500pts needs at least 3 troops) because I am only rules attuned in the WFB area and so may have trouble pulling it off without help?


I was thinking off putting my hand to some of the new Blood Angels models if anyone is interested. Those winged honor guard look like a sweet retinue for my Chapter master. 

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if your still taking participants then I, ,dangerousdan73, of the Jade Warlords take up your Challenges. I vow, before my brothers and sisters of the B&C to complete an IA article and submit it to the Librarium before the 7th May 2010. I vow to support my fellow challengers with their IAs to the best of my ability. May the Emperor (or Dark Gods) curse me if I fail.




I, dangerousdan73 of the Jade Warlords accept your second challenge and vow to paint fully and base 500 to 1850 pts of my Chapter before July 7th. I vow to post two or more WIP updates in the appropriate thread. I will also vow to help my brothers and sisters in the challenge with their vows. May the Emperor <or Dark Gods> curse me if I should fail.

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I, Battle-Brother Ludovic of the <insert Chapter name here> accept your second challenge and vow to paint fully and base 500 to 1850 pts of my Chapter before July 7th. I vow to post two or more WIP updates in the appropriate thread. I will also vow to help my brothers and sisters in the challenge with their vows. May the Emperor curse me if I should fail.
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I, Hrvat, of the Sons of Amit take up your Challenges. I vow, before my brothers and sisters of the B&C to complete an IA article and submit it to the Librarium before the 7th May 2010. I vow to support my fellow challengers with their IAs to the best of my ability. May the Emperor (or Dark Gods) curse me if I fail.


I, Hrvat, of the Sons of Amit accept your second challenge and vow to paint fully and base 500 pts of my Chapter before July 7th. I vow to post two or more WIP updates in the appropriate thread. I will also vow to help my brothers and sisters in the challenge with their vows. May the Emperor curse me if I should fail.



Let's get this party started!

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So I'be added a link to the WIP Thread on the first page and will update the list of challengers when I get a chance. Sorry I've fallen behind again wit hthis but I should be getting things in order. Bear in mind that although I don't always update the first post or pst at all I am still watching. So get those WIP posts up and get cracking on those IAs. Only a month or so to go. (I'm yet to start mine so I have a fair bit of work left myself.)
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I, War Angel of the Eagles Eternal> accept your second challenge and vow to paint fully and base maybe 500 pts max of my Chapter before July 7th. I vow to post two or more WIP updates in the appropriate thread. I will also vow to help my brothers and sisters in the challenge with their vows. May the Emperor curse me if I should fail.


i do not expect to paint over 500 points... my painting is slow, and carefull... more so my building is slower, and im moving into an appartment, so i dont even have internet.

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I regret to inform you all that I cannot go into this contest. My internet connections have been disabled. I was only able to get this up by going to a local library, So I will not be posting anything for a while.
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I, Vengeance, of the Vengeful Angels Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes take up your Challenges. I vow, before my brothers and sisters of the B&C to complete an Index Astartes article and submit it to the Librarium before the 7th May 2010. I vow to support my fellow challengers with their IAs to the best of my ability. May the Emperor curse me if I fail.


Vengeance never retreats. Vengeance never surrenders. Vengeance never dies.

- Battlecry of the Vengeful Angels

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I really hope I don't regret this...


I, the eleventh marine, of the DEVOTED SONS, take up your Challenges. I vow, before my brothers and sisters of the B&C to complete an IA article and submit it to the Librarium before the 7th May 2010. I vow to support my fellow challengers with their IAs to the best of my ability. May the Emperor curse me with a nasty case of boils if I fail.


I also, take up the challenge to paint 500-1850 points of said chapter by 7th July, and support my fellows etc.etc. May I get lemon juice in my eye if I fail.


now that the oaths are out of the way...


I obviously dont have a lot of time to get my IA done, and as I'd really, really like to hit gold stats on the paint challenge, I'm gonna be a very busy boy. I've been a long time listener on this site and particularly in the Liber... but have always been a little shy about posting or contributing. This is a perfect opportunity to become more involved and I look forward to many hours of reading AND writing from here on in. I certainly don't want to start off with a fail on my first B&C challenge!


As a late entry, I'm gonna do my very best to get out 20 C&C's... but as most of ya'll will have heard most of it before, I'll do my best to be actually be helpful. My WIP photos will be up asap... and I hope to have an IA thread started by tmrw.


Cheers all

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II've been a long time listener on this site and particularly in the Liber... but have always been a little shy about posting or contributing. This is a perfect opportunity to become more involved and I look forward to many hours of reading AND writing from here on in. I certainly don't want to start off with a fail on my first B&C challenge!


Good luck with that!

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So, I took up the vow with the Ashdrinkers and totally dropped the ball. I can try and blame things on college, etc. but the fact is, I failed the first challenge.


However, I've started a Blood Angels army for the new codex and recently posted an IA for the chapter I'm designing. So would anyone object if I took up the second challenge with the Angels Incarnadine, though the poor Ashdrinkers will thereby be forgotten?

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I doubt it will be a problem, I've done practically the same thing.

I just realized the first challenge isn't due until May. I thought the deadline was March! Let's take the Gauntlet back up, then!


I, Plague Angel, do emerge from a long absence in order to take up your challenges. I vow before my brothers and sisters of the Bolter and Chainsword to complete an Idex Astartes article and submit it to the Librarium before the 7th of May, Two-thousand and Ten. I vow to aid those same brothers and sisters with their own challenges, as best as I am able. I pledge this in the most holy names of Father Sanguinius and Grandfather Nurgle.


Furthermore, as keeper of the Angels Incarnadine I accept your second challenge and vow to paint fully and base c.1000 pts of my Chapter before July 7th. I vow to post two or more WIP updates in the appropriate thread. I will also vow to help my brothers and sisters in the challenge with their vows. May the Emperor, the Deus Encarmine, and the Plague Father curse me if I should fail.

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