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Come fellow Word Bearers


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  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings Brothers!


As a new Word Bearer player I thought I would introduce myself and tell you why I have joined the ranks.


After defiling myself by playing the lapdogs of the rotten corpse sitting on his yellow chair, I thought I would see what the gods of Chaos had to offer. When deciding which legion to play I fell in love with the Word Bearers right away. I like the idea that they are so pious in their devotion to the ruinous powers. If you are going to do something, do it right!


My favourite part of the hobby is conversions when modelling. I enjoy the painting and playing as well, but the most fun is envisioning an idea, and seeing your creation some alive in front of your eyes. I have been compiling all sorts of bits to add flaour to my army. Not all are my ideas, I've gotten some from here. I am still buidling my army, but I have quite a bit so far. Now I have to cut pieces off the sprue, file, etc.


But today, one of the first things I did was to convert an arm, so it could hold a book. After all, Word Bearers must deliver the truth to the uninformed, right?


I'll post some pics when I get a chance.

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Was just browsing here and thought I'd best sign up to this forum.


Still working on my Host's background, but I have done plenty Miniatures!


Here's my current dread:




Sculpted him and shizzle myself!




Here is my Daemon Prince! (Although I do have a plastic one in the works).




I've posted my Word Bearers on other forums in the past, but I couldn't resist lending my weight to a thread like this!


Go go Bearers of the Word!

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Lol thanks very much!


I'm still really coming to terms with my paint scheme for my host. I like the deeper reds but I don't enjoy painting it as much as the brighter reds. I think I'll end up re doing a lot of my older marines. Maybe not the guys in the cowls though, I'll probably use them as veterans.


Not sure though.


Edit: sorry here's a guy or two in the cowls.



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off note, how did you do that hand on it??


Both hands are just converted imperial dread hands.


The hand one is from the venerable dread.


Here's the arm I think you are referring to.




The other arm is from the ironclad.

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Hello Word Bearer brothers

I usually visit this site for a time but just post once, but I have decite to participate more

I live in Ecuador and a few years ago we started a group for playing warhammer fantasy, where I play High Elves, last year we decide to expand our game to 40k and I choose chaos and favour the Word Bearers for the awesome fluff

We dont have much experience playing 40k but we hope to play more this year

I start a topic with my painted army so far here, and a WIP for the LPC here


I must add, all your work are inspiring :)



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How do you guys make the crozius for your Dark Apostle? Looking for inspiration for my own...


I'd make it look totally different from an Imperium one. When I was puttering with my Lamenters for the BoLS Badab War campaign, I made a jump Chaplain with a "defiled" crozius to represent his belief that the Imperium was corrupt and thus the iconic crozius shouldn't be used. As such, it looked like a taloned claw. I've seen other crozii made from Chaos stars, iron halos, vehicle parts, bare skulls, and hammer heads.

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How do you guys make the crozius for your Dark Apostle? Looking for inspiration for my own...

A good part of my Word Bearers Lord, including his Crozius, is based off of this model, but the old Ronin IP-infringement pieces are ludicrously hard to get anymore. I've always thought that Confessor Kyrinov's scepter/mace looked very appropriate for a defiled Crozius, though, and he's still easy enough to find on the cheap. :pinch:

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Yeah the Confessor's scepter is ace, had totally forgotten about that one myself. I had it and had in fact intended to use it for my crozius but the fiancé has hijacked the entire model for her Sisters of Battle force so mayhap I'll get a new one. I find the whole project of looking around for different pieces and trying on different concepts for your entire Dark Apostle is a very fun process. I've been at it for ages and have tons of different ideas for models to use as a base and for what different parts to use to add to that basic body. But even as I have loads of ideas I've still yet to settle on what exactly to use. But its a very fun process and I have no doubt that when its done its going to be a model I am quite satisfied with.


I love looking at other people's Apostle's and I spend a bit of time every week looking around for Word Bearer armies and their Apostle's to see what other people have done.

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As you may have noticed by my avatar i play word bearers. I wanted one of the original legions(undivided) but black legion was too 'common' and iron warriors didn't fit my tactics, AT ALL. So i went for word bearers A:they look cool B:nobody seems to play them.


Anyway, i wanted to field abbaddon, but i didn't want the actual model(so small!) and i didn't want him to be black legion. So, i came up with this idea: The word bearers primarch,(Logar?, the daemon prince guy?) locked himself away in the eye of terror but he has a terrible sate for blood which can't bu fufilled there. So, he uses dark chaos sorceries to possess a champion of chaos(in terminator amour with daemon weapon in this case) The combined strength of logar, his daemon prince status, chaos mutations and the daemon weapon the champion has gives him those awesome attack numbers and strength.

All other enhancements (toughness, invul etc.) is caused by being possessed by a daemon prince. Of course, this model would be suitably converted and green-stuffed. What does anybody think of this idea? Is it viable or stretching it a bit, any help appreciated.

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So as far as ethnicity goes what would the Word Bearers be? I'm looking to name some of my WBs. ^_^


The etymology behind what last names we're given for named Word Bearers is myriad, and can't really be traced to any single ethnic group on Earth. I would recommend Armenian, which is a hodgepodge of names from a veritable trainwreck of ethnicities that moved through their area.

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As you may have noticed by my avatar i play word bearers. I wanted one of the original legions(undivided) but black legion was too 'common' and iron warriors didn't fit my tactics, AT ALL. So i went for word bearers A:they look cool B:nobody seems to play them.


Anyway, i wanted to field abbaddon, but i didn't want the actual model(so small!) and i didn't want him to be black legion. So, i came up with this idea: The word bearers primarch,(Logar?, the daemon prince guy?) locked himself away in the eye of terror but he has a terrible sate for blood which can't bu fufilled there. So, he uses dark chaos sorceries to possess a champion of chaos(in terminator amour with daemon weapon in this case) The combined strength of logar, his daemon prince status, chaos mutations and the daemon weapon the champion has gives him those awesome attack numbers and strength.

All other enhancements (toughness, invul etc.) is caused by being possessed by a daemon prince. Of course, this model would be suitably converted and green-stuffed. What does anybody think of this idea? Is it viable or stretching it a bit, any help appreciated.

Sorry, but no. If you want to run Abbaddon, I'd recomend simply having the fluff for the character that he is a Coryphaus that has fought in a completely unimaginable amount of wars and is incredibly blessed by the Dark Gods for his constant warfare.


I hate giving the axe to ideas, but this is one case where it simply wouldn't be possible. It would be far too major to the Word Bearers, which would cross the line into official fluff, and it's never good to mess around with official fluff.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've recently finished up the modelling part of my Dark Apostle, Kor Gaalen:





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I don't have any pics of my army up yet, but I have about 6,000 points in Word Bearers. Don't really use them atm, but Word Bearers are my favorite Chaos Legion.


Though I will admit, despite it still being my favorite Legion, after reading First Heretic, I think Lorgar, Erebrus, and Kor Pharon are all jackasses. But I still like the Legion, I just hate the Leadership. ;)

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