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BA Army Expansion + Chapter Fortress

Angelus Mortifer

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I love it! The scene on the base especially ties the whole model together, but it definitely doesn't detract from the excellent armor wear and color choices. Bravo sir!

Cheers Vel,

The initial Ork raid that lead to Emperor's Sanction falling from grace was but a prelude to a full Ork Waagh! engulfing Celestrin Prime. Newly oathed to the 2nd Company, Jenniker took part in multiple engagements during the conflict alongside her newly joined comrades. The scene for the model is based on the extra bit of fluff I wrote for it below - her first joint arms battle after taking her oath. It actually goes beyond what I've written but ran out of time typing it up smile.png

I wanted to make sure that the whole model conveyed a scene, but also so that the Knight didn't conflict with the base and vice versa. The fairly tight range of colours seemed to work quite well in the end so I'm pretty chuffed. Just wish I had a decent camera to take some sharp, hi-res pics.


The Battle for Valor's Abyssal

The Ork assault on Celestrin Prime had been immeasurably swift and harsh, even by Greenskin standards. Across many of the continents, large scale landings had occurred and millions of Orks poured forth from their battered ships and massive Roks to advance upon the main cities and installations of the planet. One such landing occurred on the plains of Sera, roughly 200 miles from Hive Dragan, and it was obvious to all that the Hive was the main target for what would end up being a brutal assault.

In order to reach the city, the Orks would have to negotiate Cherek’s Teeth, a massive mountain range that bisected the main route of advance for 500 miles in either direction. When resurgent humanity finally reached Celestrin during the Great Crusade, they brought with them the might of the Adeptus Mechanicus who had, in a few short months, cut a gully right through the heart of the mountain to open up land based trade and supply routes for the local populous, and to assist with the inevitable industrialisation of the planet. This gully was improved and added to over the following years until it became a 500 metre wide gap that stretched 10 miles from end to end, its entrance archway the border of the Seran Plains, and a similar egress opening up onto the sweeping green fields leading to Dragan. Its walls stretched up thousands of metres on either side, the Celestrin sky but a thin strip of blue overhead. The Pass, known as Valor’s Abyssal and a remarkable feat of human engineering, was named after Halden Valor, a past noble from the original aristocracy renowned for his 12 year war to eradicate Celestrin of its indigenous and highly carnivorous reptilian fauna. How apt that his ancestors would have to take up a similar mantle to protect their world from a similar threat.

Single minded as they always tend to be, the Ork forces advanced swiftly across the plains, making all haste to secure the Pass in order to filter through the vast numbers of infantry and baffling machines that would be needed to assail the thick walls of Hive Dragan. For several days, running battles occurred between localised Astra Militarum forces and highly mobile Ork bands, but the sheer weight of numbers ensured that Imperial forces could not hold ground for long. Nevertheless, these engagements bought much needed time to set up defences at the entrance to the pass; hastily dug trenches, fire points, tank and artillery emplacements ringed the archway for nearly half a mile in concentric rings, with the sheer walls of the mountains to their backs. Manned by infantry, artillery and armoured elements of the Krieg 301st and 422nd Regiments, the defenders braced themselves for the battle to come, and as hastily made stands went… it wasn’t pretty but it would have to do.

It was here that the Blood Angels also leant their support in order for the defences surrounding Dragan to be improved and bolstered. Given that the IX Legion was required everywhere at once to stem the green tide, Captain Aphael could only spare Brother Sergeant Valen and his 1st Company Sternguard Squad, but they manned the line without complaint, with Sergeant Valen taking overall command from his Imperial Guard subordinates. It wouldn’t be long before his battle acumen would be put to the test, as forward observers highlighted an enormous stain enveloping the surrounding countryside from the horizon, flowing like murky-coloured oil over the lush green of the plains. Before long, that stain had substance, and the faces of both Guardsman and Space Marine alike became grim as countless Ork warriors, clunky metal walkers and a hodgepodge of assorted tanks and vehicles bore down upon the vastly outnumbered defenders. The order was to stand, fight and hold the line for as long as possible, and the Greenskins wasted no time in getting stuck in.

The advanced elements of the Orks struck like a thick wave against the forward defences; light buggies and trucks crammed with Ork Boyz and Gretchin, along with smoke-belching bikes and trikes were the first into the fray, their speed outstripping the more cumbersome and heavily armoured walkers and vehicles of the horde. Disciplined small arms and medium weapons fire cut huge swathes through the initial attackers, with mounds of casualties and mangled wreckage building up quickly on the open plains. The assault was relentless however, as the Ork numbers swelled with each passing hour as more and more Greenskins caught up with their vanguard. What few reserves the defenders had, held back in the entrance to the Abyssal, were swiftly ferried into the defences, to either bolster a section of the line or to replenish losses from the ceaseless attack. A constant stream of ammunition and material was ferried from the rear lines to keep up the counter pressure, all the while under the constant barrage of the Ork guns.

Through the smoke and fire, Brother Sergeant Valen and his men were stalwart in their defence. Amidst the sea of black Krieg uniforms, barely distinguishable islands of red armour could be seen pouring fire into the attackers, or barking encouragement and orders to hold the line or to beat back an enemy advance. For a day the beleaguered defenders held the Orks at bay, each assault repulsed or stymied, leaving hundreds of Greenskins dead or dying… but not without losses themselves. It was clear to Valen from the outset that this was ever going to be a holding action and nothing more, for it was impossible to defeat the thousands upon thousands of raiders set against them. It was merely discipline and exacting fire control, along with the natural surrounding landscape that forced the attackers through a very narrow frontage, which had enabled the Imperium to hold them back up until now… but how long were they to hold for?

Valen and his brothers thought nothing of fighting to the last breath or the final bolt round, a sentiment shared equally with the Krieg Guardsmen whose notions of duty and defiance matched their own, but the war for Celestrin Prime was still in its infancy and he knew his squad would be needed more and more as the days or even weeks went on. Receiving no orders to fall back, Valen made an urgent request for further support or reserves, but the Vox was a mess with random static and harsh feedback. As the battle wore on, communication became more and more haphazard, even between squads and units in the defences, but this seemed to be more than just distortion from the conflict that raged around him.

It was then, thirty six hours into the fight, that the Orks brought forward their big guns. Massive, clanking walkers wreathed in engine smoke, and larger monstrosities now entered the fray. Though slow and cumbersome, these enemy machines were heavily armoured and practically impervious to the guns of the defenders. Only the heavy anti-tank weapons were able to have an effect against such machines, but their numbers were few and they could not bring them down quick enough before two others replaced their fallen comrades. The battlefield was engulfed in cordite and smoke, and the noise of war was deafening, as it was now clear the Orks were making a concerted assault to take the breach and break the back of the defence. Comms were practically useless, and the whole scene felt hideously oppressive and claustrophobic, as if the whole battle itself were physically pressing down on the defenders, eager to squeeze the last breath from their bodies.

Despatching a cluster of Orks advancing on his position, Valen turned and scanned for new threats and was met with a hideous Ork effigy striding through the smoke. Disproportionately fat around its girth, and armed with two massive, piston powered claws, the Ork machine lumbered into view, its seemingly glaring face boring right into Valen where he stood. The line of bolter fire he stitched across its torso and head was met with a crackling flash metres from its target, a gritty actinic taste hanging in the air from the discharge. By now the vox was a constant squeal of noise, and nothing discernible could be heard.

Switching to his under-slung Plasmagun, Valen was about to let loose a point blank volley when out of nowhere a wayward rocket cork-screwed down from the heavens and exploded only a few metres from where he stood. Thrown through the air, Valen landed heavily amongst the ruins, partially dazed from the impact. As he turned and tried to get his bearings the Ork machine continued to lumber towards him, its claws flexing in their joints as if savouring the kill to come. Unable to stand, Valen levelled his Combi-Bolter aiming squarely for the grinning parody of an Ork face… a shadow loomed over where he lay… and he whispered…

“For Sanguinius..”

He fired. The stream of super-heated plasma shot from the barrel and in a split second the warmachine was engulfed in an enormous fireball, the explosion taking a huge swathe of Orks and enemy machines with it as huge chunks of machinery rained down on the surrounding area.

The comms squeal, a constant irritant for several hours along with the tumultuous din of war, abated in an instant and it was as if all sound had been sucked from the battlefield all at once. Looking up from his prone position, the shadow that had engulfed him immediately took form, as from the haze enveloping the entrance to Valor’s Abyssal strode an Imperial Knight, heavy steam running off in streaks from its Thermal Cannon as the after-glow blead off its enormous muzzle. Time appeared to freeze. The Orks seemed to pause at the loss of one of their most prestigious machines. Equally, the Imperial defenders were briefly dumfounded by the enormous explosion that erupted from their heavily beaten lines.

Over the vox, a female voice gave but a curt comment filled with nothing but conviction, “…Engine Kill Sergeant Valen”.


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Hell, it's about time! tongue.png Very good job, looks amazing! (ok still thin the metallics are too clean, but that's personal preference msn-wink.gif) love the useage of the decals, you really put some thought there, didn't just slap them wherever. Also, how did you do the banner between the legs?

Oh, and the rocket pod is really good too msn-wink.gif thought of doing the flying missiles too, but didn't get around to ordering them, where did you get yours?

P.S. Now go do a second one, with all that practice it won't take you more than a year, I'm sure tongue.png

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Hell, it's about time! :P Very good job, looks amazing! (ok still thin the metallics are too clean, but that's personal preference ;)) love the useage of the decals, you really put some thought there, didn't just slap them wherever. Also, how did you do the banner between the legs?

Oh, and the rocket pod is really good too ;) thought of doing the flying missiles too, but didn't get around to ordering them, where did you get yours?


P.S. Now go do a second one, with all that practice it won't take you more than a year, I'm sure :P

Ha, yes, I'm not happy with the metallics either and figured you would spot that Ush. What do you mean about how did I do the banner? It's all one piece including the chains, and a straightforward paint job. The skull decal on the front I had to chop up slightly and replace the imperial fist with our own winged blood drop on the forehead. On the back, it's just a collection of decals cut and arranged from the Knight sheet, the old SoB sheet, and the large FW BA one. Definitely no paint for all that detail :)


The rockets come from from the new Dev kit and it's a really simple conversion. They're pinned all the way through the front face plate, and the way the face plate attaches to the rest of the pod means it fits snugly in the space without the need for magnets.


As for a second one... no... not yet... but maybe sooooon. Bear in mind my third will be a FW variant to complete the "family". Dad Mortavlon couldn't have just a simple Paladin or Errant now could he.

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