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BA Army Expansion + Chapter Fortress

Angelus Mortifer

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You're almost there! It's going to look fantastic, I'm really excited to see the final piece. I just love how you do the weathering. In fact, I love your whole style of painting. You should write tutorials, it would be great to learn some of your techniques.

Ha, don't worry G, I'm still forging on. It's getting close to Christmas and work/people are starting to wind down, which means "social" events (with the bane of hobby painting - alcohol!) are cropping up more and more. It eats into the painting time and the following day I'm still hanging a bit, which isn't conducive to accurate brush control biggrin.png .

I think I've broken the back of this Knight though. All the previous work (legs, base etc) seemed to take a long time to get through, but now we're down to smaller sub assemblies I should be able to churn through it. Gluing and such tonight to and maybe a quick dry-fit with the carapace. Leaving that bit til last as it's the largest area of white, and whilst I've enjoyed the challenge of doing a model in a difficult colour to get right, I'm starting to get a bit bored of it. Need to get back to the red of my Chapter dagnammit!!

On another note, my 6yr old son is plotting with the wife over my birthday and wanted to get me some, "tanks and men" (his way of saying 40k). So I gave her a short list: Sicaran Battletank, Whirlwind Scorpius or Fire Raptor... so far "nothing is off the table" woot.gif

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You better finish that damn thing soon, I want to see the final result! ;) Very awesome piece of work, every time I look into this thread I'm getting that much closer to buying a knight myself.


As for birthday gifts, I convinced my girlfriend to buy me a Fire Raptor last year, and that model is totally worth it! Also, she will probably never again say "I don't know what to give you for your birthday" :P

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Torso all assembled barring the carapace. Very happy how it's all come together, despite some fiddly bits attaching the shield and the stubber to the side torso mountings. Don't know if it was a dodgy mould or that maybe the extra layer of paint made the slot too thick, but I managed to sort it I think with a bit of filing and cutting. The carapace covers where the two pieces attach, so didn't really have to do much after to tidy up.




Don't know about you guys, but I think he's starting to look like a serious martha farqhuar, even if I do say so myself devil.gif Torso still isn't pinned yet as I think I might attach the arms beforehand. Dry-fit carapace for effect.




Next up, sorting out the stairs on the statue piece and hopefully getting some paint down before the end of the month. Reaper Chainsword after that. C&C welcome.

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Even a short explanation would suffice. My painting is clean. Some would say too clean. I want to weather them but once you mess up you mess up hours and hours of work so I don't get to practice much. And like I said your knight looks epic.

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Even a short explanation would suffice. My painting is clean. Some would say too clean. I want to weather them but once you mess up you mess up hours and hours of work so I don't get to practice much. And like I said your knight looks epic.


Hey Grun, hope this helps, and just as a general caveat, this is the way I've found that works and it's fairly simple to do. I'm definitely not Mr Tamiya and there are plenty of peeps on the B&C who are far more proficient than me at things like weathering and battle damage. Tried to make the explanation clear (maybe a little too simple in parts so sorry for that), but I know I don't always come across as clear.


Part 1


So, for a basic paint peel effect (and for both these effects I've kind of oversized stuff to make it obvious).


- Get your army case foam.



- "Pick" at the four edges and in the middle of the face that you'll apply the paint to. Mustn't be uniform and you can be as random as you like.




- Dab the rough end into the paint and then dab the excess onto a spare bit of paper. If the foam is too loaded you won't get the right speckled effect.






- Using a basic façade here of say, the side of a tank. What you want to do is speckle the white paint and also break up the straight edges to the numbers and icon. This was the mix I used for the "black" half of the shin armour of the knight.




- Lightly dab at first so you don't do too much, and vary your dabs in terms of angles and how the facing of the foam hits the surface. Random is good here.




- Once dry, the end result should be something like this, where it looks like the white paint has worn away. After the speckle had dried, I used a standard brush to randomly break up the white edges a bit more.




This is a bit rough and ready as I kind of rushed through this. But spending a little more time and care will get you a more seemless result.

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Part 2

For the extra weathering and chipping I followed the same initial foam dab approach as above. To show what I meant with the tones of colour and how to apply it, here are the oversized versions.

- Initial "chip" shape.


- "Shadow" in the recess of the chip.


- Highlight of the lower edge.


So, the actual version goes like this.

- Base colour is 2:1 Abaddon Black/Mechanicus Standard Grey. The effect works better when the palette you are using is quite close, so the first dab layer was straight up Mechanicus Standard Grey


- The shadow of the chip recess was straight up Abaddon Black, painted on using a standard brush. For smaller examples you'll probably need a fine detail one, or a standard brush with a very good point. Again, you can be a bit rough with the shape of the shadow depending on what effect you got from the foam stage.


- Last stage was the lower highlight in Fortress Grey. I also did lower highlights to some of the other chips that didn't have the black recess, just to randomise the damage a bit more.


Hope it was useful/not pedantic (delete as appropriate) smile.png

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You are a gentleman and a scholar. Thank you for this!


No problem mate, hope it helps. It's worth noting also that this effect is easier to do on larger models/terrain. For actual Marines for example, you'll probably have to use a smaller piece of foam and be a bit more careful in how you apply the paint, so as not to affect any areas of the model you've already finished. For the Knight, I actually used basic masking tape to mask off the gold trim I had already completed first on the shin guards - that way the speckle didn't screw up the edges.

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This dude is awesome!! Nice work as ever Mr Mortifer, as always

Cheers Midnight, much appreciated matey.

Btw, every time I see your avatar pic, I have to ask, how do you do that skin tone? It looks awesome and I'm coming at you from an "honest thief" direction in that if you're happy to share, I will be stealing it smile.png

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  • 2 months later...

Brief update after a pretty lax start to 2015.

Managed to finish my Company Champion for my Command Squad. I luckily don't have too many amendments or additions to add to the army following the new Codex and the changes involved. So this guy makes the CC Squad back to being complete and legit. Used parts from the Sanguinary Guard, BA Tac and Termie kits, and the body of the SM Lord Executioner.

Really happy with the way he came out, but he's fiddly as hell and the wings are a bit fragile. I also laugh at how much time I spent on a 3+/6++, 1W model who will die quicker than a Grot in a Squig pit, but ho hum.

Next up is some more work on the Knight, getting Dante started (now that he's actually playable), and a Relic Sicaran.










Also got a better phone with a better camera, so hopefully pics should be better from now on.

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Damn. I might just have to buy the new terminator kit just for the shields. Incredible work as always.

eBay, unless you are desperate for more Termies smile.png

I certainly am not. I barely use them on the tabletop and I have something like thirty. Are you going to make a standad bearer for the unit. I am curious how he would look like. Totally not asking in order to steal idea in the future!

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Unlikely to do one for the Command Squad as generally I don't think the points are worth it for what you get, especially for a 5 man squad. If I do one it will be with the Sanguinary Guard, but on both counts it will just be for the hobby rather than the benefits it would bring to my army. I'll do one eventually because banners just look cool, period, and I have a conversion in mind using Calgar's standard bearer. Got the model in fine cast so it will be easier to chop and change.


Other things on the painting slab first sadly.

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Very good job, the paintjob is amazing smile.png How much time did you spend on those wings? ^^

The wings are pretty soul-destroying for me. This time I did them first to get them out the way, which helped with getting the rest of the model done, which was easier.

All in it was probably about a couple of night's work, 2hrs each. Having done a few now I seem to be getting a little quicker applying the paint laugh.png

I'll do the same when the Sang Guard are on the slab.

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