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BA Army Expansion + Chapter Fortress

Angelus Mortifer

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I feel your pain, for my newer SG playing models I decided not to spend that much time on those smooth transitions, nobody sees it anyway.. but when I painted my Dante, I spent a whole evening just on the wings too^^


I would never do the wings first, as I would certainly get some red paint on them and ruin everything^^ though you probably painted before gluing them on I suppose?

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I would never do the wings first, as I would certainly get some red paint on them and ruin everything^^ though you probably painted before gluing them on I suppose?

Yeah, I generally paints all parts separately before gluing, except for maybe putting torsos and legs together first. It's a pain but I'm @nal retentive enough to know that it would bug me knowing there was a bit of grey plastic showing... even if you couldn't see it tongue.png

Superlative as ever!! I think we need another group shot with the new champ msn-wink.gif

I know, right? Was going to do the squad shot then completely forgot. Will try and get it done this weekend and post.

Cheers fellas for the positives.

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Obligatory squad shots smile.png



Knight Reaper Chainsword almost done, then some other updates and projects to start.

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Got the Reaper Chainsword finally finished. Impressive bit of kit, and one that I'm looking forward to eventually using against my enemies tongue.png .

Finding the whole, "painting the bu66er white" thing to be a bit of a chore at the moment, and also had to re-mix the paint given how long I've dragged my feet on it. Once I get the other arm out the way the rest should be fairly plain sailing though.



I've been trying to work out how to magnetise the gun arm so I can swap between Battle Cannon and Thermal, but now that I've completed the Reaper I should be able to just build one of each and slot them into the torso as needed (bought the other option on eBay). The part that attaches to the side of the torso has two holes to go over the latches, and you can then just twist the piece round so that it stays secure (and actually gives you a bit of mobility for posing), which I wasn't expecting. Still think this is one of the best kits they've ever done, and they really thought about how it all goes together.



Got the urge back to complete him, but I also want to start work on the Sicaran and Big D(ante).




More to come...

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Very nice smile.png

Did you consider working the metal parts a bit more? Both the bronze and metal seem a bit too clean compared to the white parts. Adding some purple, blue and seraphim sepia wash would make it look a lot more interesting I think smile.png

Perfectly valid comment Ush, and one I can answer with the simple response of, "I don't know whether I can be bothered..." laugh.png

I agree that the metal should also be scuffed and chipped like the paintwork, and I have put a few token scratches and such on the gold around the blade (as well as knee and shin guards), and a few scratches on the actual metal work behind the blade. The problem is I'm at a bit of a loss as to how to do that and make it look authentic. The minor metal scuffing was just to break up the "clean" but it's a bit lame and so I'm loathe to do anything further at this point. This project is also taking up a lot of my time, to the detriment of other stuff I'd like to get started, so I'm kind of cutting a few corners right now.

I should really make more of an effort, as it will be people like you who call me out on my laziness msn-wink.gif . Might go with a conservative sprinkling of your wash suggestions... just want the thing to be finished now though!

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The paintjob on the white parts set the bar quite high for the rest of the model ;D I agree that chipping the metal parts the way you chipped the rest would be a ton of work and not very motivating^^

I would definitely just try a wash approach, it should take 30mins max on the whole exoskeleton and adds a lot of depth, especially the purple/blue smile.png

Have a motivational pic, the purple part on his back is the effect I'm going for on my knight^^ then seraphim sepia to blend the purple black into the metallic part. The most tedious part was waiting for the wash to dry..


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The paintjob on the white parts set the bar quite high for the rest of the model ;D I agree that chipping the metal parts the way you chipped the rest would be a ton of work and not very motivating^^

I would definitely just try a wash approach, it should take 30mins max on the whole exoskeleton and adds a lot of depth, especially the purple/blue smile.png

Have a motivational pic, the purple part on his back is the effect I'm going for on my knight^^ then seraphim sepia to blend the purple black into the metallic part. The most tedious part was waiting for the wash to dry..


Very interesting, and thanks for this. Might indeed give it a go. For the bare metal I used two coats of Nuln, followed by one of Agrax, but the brown layer is perhaps too subtle (and certainly doesn't show in the pics). Also, my simple scratch work for the gold and metal is a bit slapdash compared to the rest of the model (tiredness... laziness... etc), but maybe this might lift it up a bit.

Unngh....arrgghhh....I just can't wait to see this thing completed!!! I was inspired to buy my very own Knight because of that pair of legs.

Ha, if it was just the legs that were important, this thing would have been finished ages ago biggrin.png.

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  • 3 months later...

Like all good Vampires, it takes a lot to keep me down. Been slowly plugging away behind the scenes, and finally the end is in sight with the Knight.


Long distance ordnance now finished (with an Avenger Gatling Cannon newly arrived but yet to be built), and the shoulder guards done. Just the carapace to do for now (maybe a carapace mount later) and then he's complete and ready to lay the smack down.


Battle Cannon










Shoulder Guards




Thermal Cannon










Looking forward to getting back into painting some red again...

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...and whilst not red, I did at least manage to squeeze out a second jump Epistolary recently for a local painting competition. Been wanting to run a double jump Libby list for a while, but he was never high up on my to-do list. Luckily the comp was "Wizards and Psykers" so I had the perfect excuse.












Little bit rushed in the end but glad how he came out. Need to touch up a few areas though. more to follow...

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  • 1 month later...

Sooooo, this only took about a year and a half roughly, in-between other projects and annoying absences from the painting slab but... my Imperial Knight is now done... more or less... apart from the Avenger Gatling Cannon I still have to do... sooooooon.


There now follows a massive pic dump and the abridged fluff. Comments welcome (and I know purists can find a few obvious holes but I got lazy and the bloody thing took so long to do that I cut a few minor corners). Looking forward to getting back to some straightforward and smaller projects, likely Dante, a Relic Sicaran, a Bike Squad and some Mechanicus Allies.




"Emperor's Sanction" - Knight Errant, House Hawkshroud (Oathsworn to the Blood Angels 2nd Company)


Emperor's Sanction, piloted by Jenniker Mortavlon (unusually a female pilot), has had an illustrious history but has recently suffered at the hands of a particularly zealous Magos of the Mechanicum. A recent incursion of Ork Raiders on the agri-world of Celestrin prime resulted in a high number of Mechanics assets, both military and material, being destroyed - despite the Imperium ultimately being victorious. Petitioning her father, Baron Mortavlon, and laying the blame squarely at Jenniker's feet, the Magos demanded she be banished from the House and her Knight be handed over to his forge as recompense for his losses. Instead, and not wanting to lose face or standing at Court, her father sent her on a penitent crusade oathing her to the Blood Angels 2nd Company under Captain Aphael (who also fought in the defence of Celestrin), and stripped her of her House colours.


Hence, despite bearing many of the usual icons and heraldry of a Hawkshroud Knight, the traditional yellow has been replaced with white wash as a mark of shame. Many at Court believe it is only a matter of time before Jenniker turns from the House completely, to tread the path of a Freeblade, but they underestimate her tenacity and desire to win back her colours, and her honour. Her oath to the 2nd Company has lasted many years and the relationship between the two has been immensely successful, with Captain Aphael valuing very highly the power and speed she brings to the conflicts they have shared.














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Jenniker's Oath to the 2nd Company.




Honour and Kill Markings, including the Skitarii Alliance Icon (...for when I finally start some Allies).




2nd Company allegiance mark.









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Stormspear Rocket Pod.


Really pleased with how this simple conversion came out.




This is what death looks like at ground level tongue.png


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Alternative weapon options - Rapid Firing Battle Cannon and Ironstorm Rocket Pod.








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