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BA Army Expansion + Chapter Fortress

Angelus Mortifer

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Quick update (but no pics yet). Honour Guard will be finished tonight - just the helmets to do - and I'll be starting a new project to run in tandem with finishing the Knight. Decided to postpone the Assassins for a moment. So, quick question first before I start chopping and gluing...


Would I be right in thinking that only fully inducted Marines would be susceptible to the Black Rage? Have there been any reported cases of Blood Angel Scouts/Initiates falling, because presumeably as they are not fully fledged Blood Angels, therefore the link to our Primarch's curse hasn't been fully completed yet?


The reason for asking is that I'm going to start on a "quick" scenery project which is effectively a statue/chapel that honours those who have been inducted into, and subsequently died as, one of our Death Company. Part of the piece will show engravings on the plinth honouring the companies whose members have fallen and who are subsequently remembered, and the way it will work means it would be great if I can represent the 1st Company on one facing, Companies 2-5 on another, and 6-9 on a third facing. The last facing has to have the door that leads down into the underground crypt (not modelled, just inferred).


Any advice would be great.

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The ba's are shut into a coffin for a year and come out with all implants in place. So even the scouts are 'full marines' biologically. Though some do fall in the sarcophagii........


Hmmm, makes sense I suppose. I'll stick with companies 1-9 then as it just works better for the piece.


Quick sample shot of one of the finished Honour Guard. Better pics coming this weekend though, when I have more time and better light. Natural light brings the reds and red edges out better with my pics I find.



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Honour Guard finally done and I'm glad I persevered with these guys. As usual I tried to pose them so that they work collectively as a unit, as well as hopefully being dynamic enough. Now I just have to hope that we don't lose the x4 Special Weapon option for the squad in the new Codex, otherwise that's a lot of time wasted dry.png







Feathers..!!! Miles and miles of feathers...!!!


And the group shot. The Sanguinary Novitiate is one of the Priests I finished a while back, newly inducted into the unit.



Started work on the next sub-assembly for the Knight (torso and carapace), and the beginnings of the terrain piece ("Imperial Statuary"/Monument to the Death Company). Off to Spain for a week so more pics when I get back.

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Many thanks fellas, glad you like them.


@Gaweda - more Knight progress coming, but the next stage requires a fair bit of prep (filing, cutting, getting rid of flash etc). Made a quick start before jumping on a plane but the battle continues.


@Mort - thanks mate. The end result has got me thinking about a Sternguard Squad again.....


@Jol - my white on the Sang Priest is different to the upper ribbing on the Honour Guard wings.


Priest White is just 3 base colours built up and blended a bit: Shadow Grey - Space Wolf Grey - Skull White. I assume the updated equivalent colours in the range still work the same.


White wings is just a mix and a base coat, and I unfortunately can't remember exactly what the base mix is. It's someting like Skull White/Codex Grey in something like a 1:6 or 1:8 ratio (the only mix I have ever forgotten to record!). I basically went for a light off-White colour, very pale and very close to pure white, so that the highlight Skull White stands out a bit.


Hope that helps.

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Drybrush, or layering? I'm just struggling to get my wings that smooth at the moment.

Just to be awkward, a bit of both, but predominantly layering. For the upper ribbing I dry-brushed Skull White on the sharpest edges, and the then blended the same for the rest of the area.


For the feathers themselves, it was all layering with basic colours and a wash:


Codex Grey - Nuln Oil (heavyish wash) - Codex Grey (to tidy up and start some of the layering into the recesses) - Fortress Grey - Space Wolf Grey - Sull White.


From the Fortress layer onwards you cover less of the feather than the layer before. I tried not to have too much paint on the brush and I added a little saliva so that the layer blends easier. Because the feathers are quite small, you can get away with slight mistakes and smudges but make sure you don't get any light colours into any of the recesses, as that is quite noticeable.


Does that help/make sense?

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It does. I've got the colours down and can finally get a smooth coat on Apothecaries, etc, it's just wings that I'm struggling with. Perhaps when I finally get around to painting my Sanguinary Guard or my Hammernators then I'll improve on feathers. Cheers :)

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It does. I've got the colours down and can finally get a smooth coat on Apothecaries, etc, it's just wings that I'm struggling with. Perhaps when I finally get around to painting my Sanguinary Guard or my Hammernators then I'll improve on feathers. Cheers :)

I also find with these wings, before you start a particular layer (anyone of the last 3), you can do a quick dry brush along the edge of the feathers to add to the tidyness and to define the area you are going to layer. It stopped me layering over the edge of the feather, and it made the edges crisper at each of the last 3 layers - so that once you've done the White, it should be a sharp difference between the edge of one feather and the recess of the next.

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  • 2 weeks later...

wow, after being gone for a few years, i come back and was just thinking about this thread and how i'd probably never see it again lol...thread-o-mancy lvl ultimate.

Well, if you read one of the other recent threads, "I wasn't allowed to stop adding to this blog because Captain Tycho wouldn't let me" laugh.png

Good to have you back Len, and I was strangely thinking about your thread a few weeks back too. Now that you are back, you have no excuse not to add to yours too... and it just so happens that I hope to have a WIP update later tonight. Bit more done on the Knight and some brief pics of some scenery. Stay tuned msn-wink.gif

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New update for everyone, though the pics aren't the most stellar in the history of photography.

First up, is some preliminary WIP work on my Imperial Statuary piece. Just early stages for now as I'm waiting on some eBay bits to arrive. This is just the ground floor section with the plan to build some steps leading up to the parapet, and there will be quite a varied set of parts for the whole thing. There'll be a larger plinth on this raised section that will have icons for individual Company members and their companies represented, and various other BA/Imperial iconography, scroll-work etc. On top of the plinth will be a massive statue honouring the fallen of the 9th Legion.



Managed to get the main part of the torso for the Knight finished too. The level of detail on this thing is really impressive, particularly on the side and rear panels, and you can really spend a lot of time picking out all the wires, tubing and such. I didn't because there's already a lot of detail from what I've done so far.

I also had my first proper "woah!" hobby moment in a while when I was dry fitting the torso and the carapace, and putting it on the leg sections. Maybe having spent ages just working on and staring at the legs gave me a bit of tunnel vision, but when the torso went on it just reinforced how immense this kit is, and how well it is made and put together.






The torso isn't attached yet as I'm hoping to pin it rather than straight up glue it, so that it pivots on the hip.

Next up will be the emblem shield, heavy stubber and head section, and probably the Reaper Chainsword. Leaving the carapace for later as well. Comments and criticism welcome

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wow, after being gone for a few years, i come back and was just thinking about this thread and how i'd probably never see it again lol...thread-o-mancy lvl ultimate.

Well, if you read one of the other recent threads, "I wasn't allowed to stop adding to this blog because Captain Tycho wouldn't let me" laugh.png

Good to have you back Len, and I was strangely thinking about your thread a few weeks back too. Now that you are back, you have no excuse not to add to yours too... and it just so happens that I hope to have a WIP update later tonight. Bit more done on the Knight and some brief pics of some scenery. Stay tuned msn-wink.gif

well i do have two good excuses...1. i'm still technically deployed and 2. i honestly have no memory of the thread you're talking about because when i tried to browse through my old threads and posts only the new ones i made since my return appeared.

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Looking great! I'm excited to see the statue come together, it's a great base.

Thanks mate. Parts arrived yesterday so I'm going to get the head, stubber and shield finished for the Knight, and then I'll tackle some more on the terrain piece.

wow, after being gone for a few years, i come back and was just thinking about this thread and how i'd probably never see it again lol...thread-o-mancy lvl ultimate.

Well, if you read one of the other recent threads, "I wasn't allowed to stop adding to this blog because Captain Tycho wouldn't let me" laugh.png

Good to have you back Len, and I was strangely thinking about your thread a few weeks back too. Now that you are back, you have no excuse not to add to yours too... and it just so happens that I hope to have a WIP update later tonight. Bit more done on the Knight and some brief pics of some scenery. Stay tuned msn-wink.gif

well i do have two good excuses...1. i'm still technically deployed and 2. i honestly have no memory of the thread you're talking about because when i tried to browse through my old threads and posts only the new ones i made since my return appeared.

I think the B&C did a bit of a purge a while back, getting rid of dead threads and such. Still, now you have an excuse to start a new one thumbsup.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quick update on some finished parts but it all needs assembly, which I'll hopefully get done tomorrow.

The death of Daemons, Traitors and Xenos... now has a face





Chest plate.



Stubber and shield.






Assembled torso shots to follow shortly.

You think that by doing smaller parts that you'll actually get them done quickly but no... fiddly as hell and took a while to get this lot done. Still enjoying this beast, but I've also had a few slack nights recently so trying to motor on and keep the motivation going (end of the year syndrome starting to kick in dry.png).

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You're almost there! It's going to look fantastic, I'm really excited to see the final piece. I just love how you do the weathering. In fact, I love your whole style of painting. You should write tutorials, it would be great to learn some of your techniques.
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