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BA Army Expansion + Chapter Fortress

Angelus Mortifer

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Incidentally, would any of you chaps who has a fully assembled Land Raider do me a favour if you get the chance?

Could you measure the width (including sponsons) and height (including Multi-Melta) and let me know the dimensions? In a strange twist of fate I decided to go back through my own blog and I've been thinking about the Chapter Fortress again. It's been far too long since I did any updates, and I've been getting the scenery bug again of late. I even spent a couple of work hours revamping the final design (...because I should at least get paid for doing something like that msn-wink.gif ) and I would like to go back to doing some more... obviously after the Knight is finished.

Thanks in advance if you can help.

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155x85mm, though my multimelta is off an Attack Bike (ie doesn't have the plate). That is a Redeemer btw dude.


Would look forward to seeing that bad boy revived!

Cheers Midnight, much appreciated matey. If... and let's face it that's a big "if" given my track record on working on the original blog project... I pick up the slack, I'm going to make a start on the entrance to the fortress. The "plan" has changed yet again but the focal point I think will look pretty sweet... in 10 years when it's done :)
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  • 1 month later...

Soooooo, this base took longer than planned, but it's pretty much done for now. Went for a more muted palette with less layers and less highlights than I normally would, so that it doesn't detract from the Knight itself. Also tried to still tie the colours together for the overall effect, and I think it came out pretty well so far.

Tried my first stab at weathering powders too, which are quite fun to use and for a first go I'm pretty pleased. Opted for the FW versions and used Light Earth for the lower recesses on the base here.





The broken flooring at the front...


...will be for this guy smile.png


Once he's finished and glued on, I'll attach the completed leg sections, and then do some additional touch ups and weathering (particularly around the base of the Knight) to try and tie it all in. Getting the Sternguard painted also gives me the chance to finish off my Honour Guard squad mid-way through - not much more to do...


(...they're not pink, it's the light and camera! Final pics will look more accurate http://ogforum.co.uk/Smileys/default/wink_m.gif )

More to follow...

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Those wings are superb. Must have been hell to paint?

Yes, yes they were laugh.png There's something like 96 individual feathers on a pair, and with 6 layers including a wash it gets a bit soul-destroying pretty quickly. It's one of the reasons I've held back painting any Sanguinary Guard as I'd like two squads of five but... that's a lot of feathers! If their rules improve in the next Codex I'll have to bite the bullet though.

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My hats off to you man. This looks amazing in so many ways. Nicely done love how it turned out


Thanks mate, much appreciated. Keen to get the legs and Sternguard finished and glued on - then it will feel like I'm actually making progress on this beastie. Looking forward to getting back to painting metal and armour as the next stages should go a lot quicker.

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There's nothing quite like a good bit of progress, and the beastie is finally starting to take proper shape.

Finished off the wounded Sternguard, giving him some chipped armour and some heavy weathering around the feet and shin guards to show he's been in a protracted engagement. It's turning into a 40k homage to saving Private Ryan (unintentionally) with the scene and posing.










He needs attaching to the base and there will be some additional minor weathering and dirt to add, but I think he fits quite well to the overall colour and style of what I was trying to go for. It's also my first proper attempt at weathering and battle damage and I'm pretty pleased with the result. Still takes a bit of practise to get the right consistency of weathering powder and water, and I need to get a bit better at applying it evenly, but on the whole not a bad stab methinks.








Also added some additional grit and weathering powder to the Knight, in and around the feet, recesses and around the ankle joints and shin armour, to try and make it fit more to the base. The legs also need attaching but the lower section is now pretty much complete.











Going to quickly race through the rest of the Honour Guard now and then move onto the torso as well as prepping and first coats on a "Gaggle" of Assassins. Completed the set recently, and with the new rules it's good to be able to finally field them again without a Grey Knight tax.


Comments and criticism welcome, and more to come.


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Egads. Utterly stunning!


Thanks mate. Certainly trying to put a bit more effort into this piece.


A quick pic of the completed lower section with (arguably) some better/natural lighting.



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Stunning work so far man, any plan's for expanding the fortress?


Also, for your wounded marine, I would have painted the plasma coil plain to sell the 'stranded and low on supplies' angle. That being said the coil you've painted looks really nice.



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Thanks for the comments chaps.

Stunning work so far man, any plan's for expanding the fortress?

Also, for your wounded marine, I would have painted the plasma coil plain to sell the 'stranded and low on supplies' angle. That being said the coil you've painted looks really nice.


I recently bought some extra parts from eBay for the fortress and I've done some quick sketches for a slight re-design. The problem is just finding time to do some more work on it. I want to finish the Knight because if I stop half-way it will become the next 2-3 year project. Got the Honour Guard and Assassins to do, and really wanted to get a Stormraven done (maybe taking a punt on a BA Stormtalon too, in the possibly vain hope that we'll have access to them in the next book), along with a BA terrain piece revolving around Imperial Statuary (or whatever that specific terrain piece is in the main rules).

...and that's not including the Sterguard Squad I want to get done and maybe a return to some of the Space Hulk Terminators...

...and I have had an idea for a Golden Demon diorama entry for about 5 years now. Just sketches and plans so far but it's also BA-centric (not that I'll win but it would be good to say I actually took part one year)...

...so all-in-all, TOO MANY IDEAS AND PLANS, NOT ENOUGH TIME down.gif wallbash.gif verymad.gif

Fair point on the Plasma coil, didn't really think of that.

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Thanks for the comments chaps.

Stunning work so far man, any plan's for expanding the fortress?

Also, for your wounded marine, I would have painted the plasma coil plain to sell the 'stranded and low on supplies' angle. That being said the coil you've painted looks really nice.


I recently bought some extra parts from eBay for the fortress and I've done some quick sketches for a slight re-design. The problem is just finding time to do some more work on it. I want to finish the Knight because if I stop half-way it will become the next 2-3 year project. Got the Honour Guard and Assassins to do, and really wanted to get a Stormraven done (maybe taking a punt on a BA Stormtalon too, in the possibly vain hope that we'll have access to them in the next book), along with a BA terrain piece revolving around Imperial Statuary (or whatever that specific terrain piece is in the main rules).

...and that's not including the Sterguard Squad I want to get done and maybe a return to some of the Space Hulk Terminators...

...and I have had an idea for a Golden Demon diorama entry for about 5 years now. Just sketches and plans so far but it's also BA-centric (not that I'll win but it would be good to say I actually took part one year)...

...so all-in-all, TOO MANY IDEAS AND PLANS, NOT ENOUGH TIME down.gifwallbash.gifverymad.gif

Fair point on the Plasma coil, didn't really think of that.

the curse of plastic crack strikes again!
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Thanks for the comments chaps.

Stunning work so far man, any plan's for expanding the fortress?

Also, for your wounded marine, I would have painted the plasma coil plain to sell the 'stranded and low on supplies' angle. That being said the coil you've painted looks really nice.


I recently bought some extra parts from eBay for the fortress and I've done some quick sketches for a slight re-design. The problem is just finding time to do some more work on it. I want to finish the Knight because if I stop half-way it will become the next 2-3 year project. Got the Honour Guard and Assassins to do, and really wanted to get a Stormraven done (maybe taking a punt on a BA Stormtalon too, in the possibly vain hope that we'll have access to them in the next book), along with a BA terrain piece revolving around Imperial Statuary (or whatever that specific terrain piece is in the main rules).

...and that's not including the Sterguard Squad I want to get done and maybe a return to some of the Space Hulk Terminators...

...and I have had an idea for a Golden Demon diorama entry for about 5 years now. Just sketches and plans so far but it's also BA-centric (not that I'll win but it would be good to say I actually took part one year)...

...so all-in-all, TOO MANY IDEAS AND PLANS, NOT ENOUGH TIME down.gifwallbash.gifverymad.gif

Fair point on the Plasma coil, didn't really think of that.

the curse of plastic crack strikes again!

True, very true... but I also forgot one. Really want to get my hands on a Relic Sicaran as well. Great looking model and ruleswise fits us quite nicely.

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Wow, it may only be a pair of legs at the moment but that Knight looks fantastic, I can't wait to see how it progresses.


Also, I know this is probably a crazy idea but I was thinking about how the Pilot is stuck with the Angels for 10 years and was imagining what kind of influence they'd be on him/her.

Now imagine this, the Knight's faceplate is wrecked in battle whilst saving a Captain and his command squad from overwhelming odds. In thanks the Captain honours the Knight pilot by allowing him to bear the Chapter symbol and commissions the Techmarines to forge a new faceplate for the Knight; a beautifully-crafted Death Mask-like faceplate. I reckon it would look really striking. :)

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Wow, it may only be a pair of legs at the moment but that Knight looks fantastic, I can't wait to see how it progresses.

Also, I know this is probably a crazy idea but I was thinking about how the Pilot is stuck with the Angels for 10 years and was imagining what kind of influence they'd be on him/her.

Now imagine this, the Knight's faceplate is wrecked in battle whilst saving a Captain and his command squad from overwhelming odds. In thanks the Captain honours the Knight pilot by allowing him to bear the Chapter symbol and commissions the Techmarines to forge a new faceplate for the Knight; a beautifully-crafted Death Mask-like faceplate. I reckon it would look really striking. smile.png

Thanks mate, however, you seriously over-estimate my ability to green-stuff!!! laugh.png ...even though that is a pretty sweet idea. Maybe a Tycho style half-mask..?

-goes off to think-

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Wow, it may only be a pair of legs at the moment but that Knight looks fantastic, I can't wait to see how it progresses.

Also, I know this is probably a crazy idea but I was thinking about how the Pilot is stuck with the Angels for 10 years and was imagining what kind of influence they'd be on him/her.

Now imagine this, the Knight's faceplate is wrecked in battle whilst saving a Captain and his command squad from overwhelming odds. In thanks the Captain honours the Knight pilot by allowing him to bear the Chapter symbol and commissions the Techmarines to forge a new faceplate for the Knight; a beautifully-crafted Death Mask-like faceplate. I reckon it would look really striking. smile.png

Thanks mate, however, you seriously over-estimate my ability to green-stuff!!! laugh.png ...even though that is a pretty sweet idea. Maybe a Tycho style half-mask..?

-goes off to think-

Thanks! :) I'm glad you like it, it just came to me as I was reading about the Knight and the Angels.

Perhaps if you're not confident enough in your green stuff-fu to sculpt a whole mask you could parody the Mechanicus symbol by shaving down half of a Mechanicus-style faceplate and sculpting the "human" side over it?

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Thanks! smile.png I'm glad you like it, it just came to me as I was reading about the Knight and the Angels.

Perhaps if you're not confident enough in your green stuff-fu to sculpt a whole mask you could parody the Mechanicus symbol by shaving down half of a Mechanicus-style faceplate and sculpting the "human" side over it?

I might see about doing a test version on a spare face plate and throw it out to the forum to see whether it's a go-er. It'll be a while before I get to that bit though.

Did some more on the Honour Guard last night and was going to put up a WIP pic, but I think I'll save it until they're all finished. Did a dry fit of the remaining parts (and they need a little adjustment as the winged shoulder pads and backpack wings clash in places) but the Sanguinary Guard wings along with the chunky Plasma Guns make the unit look pleasantly beefy and mean. Should have them finished by next week.

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