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My Flesh Tearers blog: From 1500pts to half the chapter....


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Day 2


Sanguinary High Priest of the Flesh Tearers, Keeper of the Sacred Chalice, Brother Amasai (Counts as Brother Corbulo/Sanguinary Priest/Sanguinary Novitiate)

When Amit and 1000 battle brothers headed into the stars following the slaughter of the battle on Terra to bring the fury and wrath of the newly formed Flesh Tearers upon the enemies of mankind, they took with them not only stocks of the precious gene seed but also a golden Blood Chalice presented to the Chapter's Sanguinary High Priest which contained drops of blood taken from the Red Grail which collected the life essence from the corpse of their beloved Primarch after his death at the hands of the Arch-Traitor Horus.


Whilst the Blood Angels' practise of transfusions of blood to new recruits to create new battle brothers was soon dropped by the fledgling chapter, the brotherhood of the Sanguinary Priests still continue the tradition of carrying the blood of their Primarch in their veins as a means of preserving his genetic legacy. This Sacred Chalice now resides in stasis on board the ancient Battlebarge Victus. It is in times of great darkness and dark forboding that current High Priest Amasai can be seen where the fighting is thickest and most desperate bearing aloft the brilliant Sacred Chalice as a nimbus of light emanates from the Chapter's holiest of relics. Amasai is the eldest living Flesh Tearer, having served under Seth's three previous predecessors. Eight centuries of service amongst the spires of the temple of the Sanguinary Priesthood have meant that Amasai has knowledge rivalling even the revered Ancients who are entombed within Dreadnought armour. Some say that the great foresight and perception of Amasai is not merely the result of experience, but that he is gifted with a prescience that is the result of the blood which has been flowing through his veins for nearly a millennium manifesting a fraction of the Primarch's own powers.


Either appearing like a comet from the skies born aloft by his jump pack dismembering foes with his ancient power-axe, or striding across the killing fields swinging his great chain-axe in crimson arcs of death, Amasai's very presence and that of the Sacred Chalice drive his Brothers to ignore near fatal wounds and fight with ferocity befitting their dreadful reputation as the living embodiment of wrath.

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I was particularly proud of this one.


Malach, Captain of the Sanguinary Guard (Counts as Dante/Sanguinary Guard)

When Azkaellon was instructed to remain on Terra whilst Sanguinius and the rest of his personal honour guard teleported onto Horus' battlebarge, it was so that the order of the Sanguinary Guard would continue in the event that tragedy should befall them on this most dangerous of gambits. After the Battle of Terra and the reformation of the Legions, when Guilliman laid down the Codex Astartes, the surviving Blood Angels became six individual Chapters. And so it fell to Azkaellon, the last surviving Guardian, to fulfill his sworn oath to his now fallen Primarch and ensure the tradition of the Sanguinary Guard would continue within the descendants of the Blood Angels, the sons of Sanguinius. The greatest human artisans of Mars crafted one hundred and twenty suits of new Mk 7 armour so beautiful each would have been fit for any Chapter Master to wear. Each finished in burnished gold bearing the heraldry of The Angel himself and paired with mighty winged jump packs of a long lost design never again seen, 20 were gifted to each Chapter and bestowed upon the most noble, valourous and pure hearted of veterans. Men who on Terra single-handedly held palace gates from ravening hordes of daemonspawn, who slew traitor Marine champions of Chaos and their Chosen cohorts, who performed acts so valiant they will live on forever, their deeds inscribed on great plaques within the sanctum of the Golden Throne. These Brothers became the Sanguinary Guard of the newly formed Chapters. They became shining beacons of hope, living legends amongst their new battle brothers who would bring light after these darkest of events.


It is 10,000 years since the Battle of Terra and the Flesh Tearers have endured much in their long history. Mighty heroes have come and passed. The Flaw has decimated their ranks, leaving them on the precipice of destruction. Constant battle has left them bloodied, bruised and staring into the maw of oblivion. It is at this hour more than any other that a shining beacon of light and hope is needed more than ever. Whilst it is the Flesh Tearers out of all of the descendants of Sanguinius that have been the most affected by the curse of the Black Rage, those who have ascended to the hallowed ranks of the Sanguinary Guard have displayed an incredible ability to withstand the Curse. Through strength of will, purity of purpose and divine guidance these golden brothers have harnessed the fury within themselves and focused it into an unerring force on the battlefield. It is well known that to ascend to the Sanguinary Guard is as close as a Flesh Tearer will get to obtaining immortality. His name will live on forever amongst the greatest heroes of the chapter. Whilst the ranks of the Flesh Tearers are battle weary and in constant action performing only the most necessary of repairs to their battered and well-worn equipment, the Sanguinary Guard stand apart, their mirrored golden armour reflecting the rays of light like a divine aura. For these are sacred relics which have been worn by countless heroes who continue to perform deeds that could one day match those of the original 20 for whom these suits were made.


Of all the Sanguinary Guard currently in service of the Flesh Tearers today, it is Malach who's name is uttered alongside those of millennia past. As Captain of the Guardians, he leads them into battle as the embodiment of divine wrath. It was six hundred years previous that, as a member of the 1st company, Malach led his unit of Vanguard dropping directly into the heart of an Ork invasion of the Warlord Umbrag the Butcher on the industrial moon Targos. As the Imperial defence force was overrun by thousands of the vile xenos horde, a Thunderhawk gunship of darkest arterial red and black was seen to drop out of orbit and strafe the Ork lines. Malach and his squad descended directly onto the Warlord's armoured column of Battlewagons and destroyed three immediately with Infernus pistol and Meltabomb. As the hulking figure of Umbrag in his Mega-armour stumbled from the wreckage along with his bodyguard of Mega-Nobz, Malach's squad charged immediately whilst the aliens were still disoriented from the blast. One swing from his Thunder Hammer and the Warlord was dead, as his squad members cut down the now fleeing bodyguard. Seeing this feat of arms, the Ork Waaaagh was broken and they died to the guns of the now re-invigorated Imperial forces. But, it was not after this that Malach was elevated to the Sanguinary Guard. Nor was it after he killed the Word Bearer Dark Apostle Krune in single combat. Nor after he planted the Melta Bombs which disabled the Eldar Phantom Titan at the Battle of Werdum, for these are all feats that are expected of the men-become-gods of the Sanguinary Guard. Feats that are recounted for days during the rare high feasts as inspiration to both new aspirants and grizzled veterans alike. No, it is due to his unwavering control and unquestionable faith that Malach was inducted into the Sanguinary Guard and his name will live on, as well as the innumerable tales of bravery and heroics since as an inspiration to all Flesh Tearers who will come after him. And why his foes will know what it is to look upon death whenever the golden host descends upon the battlefield, for nothing else in the Imperium is at once so beautiful yet so utterly terrifying.

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Thank you. I was beginning to think I wasted my time and no one even bothered to read any of it!


Paint. Next I have planned is paint.


I've got 2 StormRaven sitting there to build, and more Drop Pods. But I am forbidding myself from assembling anything else until I have painted what Ive got!

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Actually I may as well just resurrect this thread instead....


Bought my ticket for October UK ToS tourney. I will be taking my Flesh Tearers in some form.


Which means I actually have to paint them and decide on a tournament viable 1750 list.


With the abundance of Hydras and Psyfleman Dreads about I am thinking I will need Lascannons over Assault Cannon and Frag Cannon Furiosos in Pods to deal with the threats early.


I'll revive my blog as well which is now looking dusty and neglected.


Currently considering:





Furioso Dreadnought 125

-Blood Fist w/ Meltagun

-Frag Cannon

-Blood Fist & Meltagun

-Magna Grapple

-Drop Pod



5 Death Company

-Power Weapon

-Thunder Hammer




Death Company Dreadnought

-Blood Talons



5 Assault Marines


--T/L Lascannon



5 Assault Marines


--T/L Lascannon



2 Attack Bikes

-2 Multi Meltas




-Autocannon Turret

-Twin Lascannon Sponsons




-Autocannon Turret

-Twin Lascannon Sponsons




-Extra Armour



Meph behind Razors. Predators offer threats across the board. Alpha Strike from the Furioso = 4 shots at rear armour. Raven comes in with DC and DC Dread. Bikes to pop armour and contest objectives if needed. Swapped my faithful TL AC an Vindicators for TL LC and Predators to try and remove ranged threats to the StormRaven as early as possible.




Thanks to the advice of AustonT I just picked up a Neo for Iwata gravity feed air brush and a compressor online which should be with me in a week or so. Getting my orders in for some of that godlike Vallejo Model Air as well. Then production can start!


Got a test game on Monday running this list against a Vulkan list with about 6 MM Attack Bikes in it so I might just drop the Magna Grapple from the Furioso and turn to the Vindicators instead. Not sure yet. Although I am pretty sure that my Dreads and Mephiston can handle them in combat quickly and efficiently.

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Bought my ticket for October UK ToS tourney.


Are you going to the Event 1 (15th & 16th Oct) or Event 2 (22nd & 23rd oct??)??


Event 1 should see me, Captain Idaho & sgt campbell (won April ToS with Sister of Battle). I'll be there with my Space Wolves, add some Long Fangs bring my army from 1500pts to 1750pts. Just need to make marker for my tanks in the army & I'm ready to go.



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I'm going to Event 2.




Yeh it is thin on Troops but I find that at 1750 my Troops don't really get targeted unless it is a multi objectives game. And even then The vindicators, Mephiston and Furioso are much bigger threats so they remain unscathed for a while.


I just played a Vulkan list today against one of the best players in our area. He had 9 attack bikes, 2 Ironclads in pods, 2 5 man Tac squads in Lazerbacks and 5 TH/SS Termies in a naked Raider Redeemer. It was 5 objectives and dawn of war. The Furioso came down and vaped a Razorback from the rear. It then got shot in the back by 3 Attack Bikes and blew up. He caused some serious damage to my Vindicators with his Bikes as I gambled playing the 24 inch game and lost out due to his 3++ save from Turbo Boosting protecting him from Pie Plates and getting within 12" the next turn. The Raven came in on turn 4 and the DC and Dread did a lot of damage. With Mephiston Winging in to add his weight I felt a swing...


Unfortunately the game ended Turn 5 and he won 1-0 on objectives. We decided to continue playing to see what would happen and in my turn I mounted an Assault Squad into the Raven and boosted onto another objective whilst clearing him off the one he was on. I would have won 1-0


What it has shown me is that the army is very delicate and I have to play very conservatively with my 1000pts at the start waiting for the Raven to show up. I am not swayed against using the Raven and DC units. Whilst a Terminator unit and a Furioso might be more survivable after the initial charge, the decimation the DC can cause is a beautiful thing. And Lemartes having access to the Re-Rolls to hit and wound is godlike. A 5 man TH/SS unit with a Priest wouldnt be as scary I dont think.

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I am considering dropping Mephiston....


But I'm not sure where to spend the 150pts


2 more Attack Bikes and another 2 Death Company won't necessarily make up for the lack in killiness. But on the other side I can put the Librarian in the Raven and Shield it....

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Hey dude, just noticed on your list; are you sure your points are correct on your dread? I don't think you're paying for the Magna-Grapple in the points above; I know, because I run mine the same way minus magna-grapple, and he's the same points as yours.
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You're right, I copy pasted it from the wrong document. It is 175.


Might go for 1 Vindicator and 1 Predator


Quite like to try this out and see how no Mephiston affects me...




-Fear Of The Darkness (to shock units off objectives or the table edge)




-Extra Armour



7 Death Company

-3xPower Weapon

-Thunder Hammer




Death Company Dreadnought

-Blood Talons



Furioso Dreadnought

-Blood Fist w/ Meltagun

-Frag Cannon


-Drop Pod



2 Attack Bikes

-2 Multi Meltas



2 Attack Bikes

-2 Multi Meltas



5 Assault Marines


--T/L Assault Cannons



5 Assault Marines


--T/L Assault Cannons







-Autocannon Turret

-Lascanon Sponsons


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  • 3 weeks later...
Here are some shots of my magnatized DC Razorback/Rhino inspired by your work here












Hey, firts look at your blog, great stuff! What did you use to make the smoke dischargers more authentic?

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