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New fluff for Sanguinius and the Blood Angels

Julius Firefocht

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Alright hold up....


BAs and GKs are near the best of pals....


I recall back when our rumours for release first spawned that we were all told at GD Spain(?? I think) that the Blood Angels were only Half of the story....




I foresee plastic GKs on the horizon and a b.a. codex to follow....this is a good year for me. :D Both my chosen forces are likely to be updated ^.^

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Too bad that the Lamenters are, yet again, not part of the party.

That's simply because they were already almost completely wiped by the Tyranids.


Worried about that fluff with Ultramar...is that with the most recent hivefleet, or Battle of Macragge? I'd hate for the BoM story to get entirely rewritten...again...

I don't think its BoM stuff. But I don't have the dex yet to be sure.

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all this talk of allied grey knights has got me thinking though. can our priests give them furious charge as well? how awesome would grey knight termies be, with str 7 I5 power weapon attacks! WOULD BE AWESOME!

Yup. Blood Chalice's special rules say "All friendly units within 6" are subject to the Furious Charge and Feel No Pain special rules." So Furious Charging GKTermies are a go. Though by this point, maybe "allied Grey Knights" deserves it's own thread to discuss tactics, so we don't go further off topic here?

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I can see this new background going down well with the Imperial Fist players. Excellent co-ordination as the Codex and Collected Visions clash over who was Commander of the Imperial forces after Horus rebels and the Imperial Fists lose the role as the Emperor's praetorians. Hopefully the novels will help to clear this up in the future.
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The Horus Heresy "art books," which are pretty clearly the most complete collected source (in one place) are pretty clear that Dorn was the leader back on Terra and was giving orders to everyone. Horus had sent Sanguinous on a mission that was actually a trap and the Blood Angels were out of contact while they were ambushed by daemons.
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" Sanguinius and the Blood Angels Legion served as the Emperor's own Honour Guard, fighting at the Emperor's side during the Great Crusade."


Whats up with this here. Wasn't Legio Custodes the Big E personal army/ honour Guard.

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" Sanguinius and the Blood Angels Legion served as the Emperor's own Honour Guard, fighting at the Emperor's side during the Great Crusade."


Whats up with this here. Wasn't Legio Custodes the Big E personal army/ honour Guard.


The Custodian Guard were the Emperor's bodyguard but weren't really big enough to be considered a full army (the single largest recorded deployment in a battle was 1,000 Custodians). However the Imperial Fists had traditionally filled the role of the Emperor's Honour Guard/Praetorians.

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" Sanguinius and the Blood Angels Legion served as the Emperor's own Honour Guard, fighting at the Emperor's side during the Great Crusade."


Whats up with this here. Wasn't Legio Custodes the Big E personal army/ honour Guard.




Again, "Collected Visions" (the art book) does put them back at the Emperor's side -- after their return to Terra-- around the when he goes to fight Horus, iirc. However, I'd say that it sounds like the new codex has a slight BA slant to it -- shock! :D

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well if the Blood Angels sent a good amount of aid to Ultramar when it was in danger of tyranid invasion, i should hope the Ultramines return the favour now that Baal is on the brink.

They won't. Ultramar is under attack by M'kar, who seems to enjoy messing with first founding chapters.


I like most of the new fluff. I wonder what'll happen if the Sanguinor shows up around the Knights, though.

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I love all of it, apart from the Superman-Mephiston stuff (and rules).

I agree completely. I think they ruined him with this over-the-top crap. He is a member of the Legion of Astartes not the Legion of Super Heroes. Otherwise a great codex (second only to Space Wolves, sorry had to say it :tu: ).

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Some stuff not mentioned in this thread that you'll find in the codex:


The Sanguinor goes DBZ on Ka'bandah, throws him through walls, flies him up through the atmosphere, kicks his ass and sends him back to the Warp.


Dante and the Blood Angels battle Necrons on <can't remember planet> until a Tyrannid Hive Fleet shows up. The Blood Angels and Necrons stop fighting and initiate a JOINT ATTACK on the Tyrannids. Once the 'nids have been driven off, Dante and the Necron SomethingKing simply part ways, instead of killing each other. Apparently the Blood Angels thought it was "distasteful to attack those who were so recently their allies in battle."

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The Sanguinor goes DBZ on Ka'bandah, throws him through walls, flies him up through the atmosphere, kicks his ass and sends him back to the Warp.

Glad to see I'm not the only one who thought of DBZ while reading this. I'd make a power level remark, but I'll just crush my scouter and let someone else say it.

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To be fair, that's something to be expected of ALL battles with a Primarch involved.


I'm curious as to whether or not Dante called in favors from other non-Sanguinus descended Chapters to help defend Baal.

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ya i have a huge problem with the necrons and sons of sanguinius "teaming up" the necrons would have no since of the phrase. They hate all living things. And why did the tyranids attack there.....they always bypass worlds that are "Dead" necron tomb worlds.......i hate matt ward he has no concept of the back ground of the game...sheeeeeesh.


other wise there is some awesome stuff in this book.

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I can see this new background going down well with the Imperial Fist players. Excellent co-ordination as the Codex and Collected Visions clash over who was Commander of the Imperial forces after Horus rebels and the Imperial Fists lose the role as the Emperor's praetorians. Hopefully the novels will help to clear this up in the future.


I don't see anything to clear up. The Blood Angels codex is written to appeal to people who want to play the Blood Angels, who would want to play an army if the codex was all like "Well, you're a first founding chapter, you're Primarch was killed by Horus, your troops are one "serenity now" away from losing control over themselves and you've been duped by chaos a couple of times." Of course they're gonna hype up the BA, make them into some badass dudes. Same with Codex: Ultramarines (Space Marines), same with every codex really.


Speaking as a loyal Son of Dorn, I don't see how the Blood Angels being the Emperor's Honour guard during the crusade makes them the Emperor's Praetorians during the Siege of Terra. The Emperor wasn't crusading during the Siege of Terra he was working on his secret uber project. Sanguinius being made Commander-in-Chief doesn't mean that the Blood Angels were suddenly the personal guard of the Emperor during the siege either, that was the Custodes. In all likelihood it was probably the Fists manning the walls, while the Angels counter assaulted and the Scars harassed the enemy's rear (sorry if that sounds dirty). I don't think anyone other than our blessed Sigismund actually refers to the Imperial Fists as the Emperor's praetorians anyways, so that's just a prideful boast.


TLDR version: It's GW's way of making us all feel like unique snowflakes.

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ok, is there ANY background about this 'mythical' sanguinor? seriously no one has told me yes or no yet.

He's like the BA version of LotD. He appears seemingly randomly, dukes it out with whoever, and then is gone. Once, he helped a squad of battle-brothers overtake a Night Lords ship. He engaged Ka'Bandha in hand to hand and won. Some say he's Sanguinius' nobler side, while the Sanguinary Guard believe him to be the founder of their order. The Inquisition suspects that he may be some sort of psychic construct, like some kind of Greater Daemon of Awesome and Win.

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ok, is there ANY background about this 'mythical' sanguinor? seriously no one has told me yes or no yet.

He's like the BA version of LotD. He appears seemingly randomly, dukes it out with whoever, and then is gone. Once, he helped a squad of battle-brothers overtake a Night Lords ship. He engaged Ka'Bandha in hand to hand and won. Some say he's Sanguinius' nobler side, while the Sanguinary Guard believe him to be the founder of their order. The Inquisition suspects that he may be some sort of psychic construct, like some kind of Greater Daemon of Awesome and Win.

i'm not sure how i feel about that...i don't like the idea of astartes of the same chapter not knowing about who/what he is....

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So Mephiston is nearly killed by a Trygon (after singlehandedly defeating a Carnifex, Hive Tyrant, and countless other nids). Suddenly Eldrad and co. show up and help the Blood Angels! They stick around just long enough to see Mephiston is alive and then zoom off.


Shatter, thinking Mephiston has Khorne-powers or something. Sanguinor might be Azkaellon kept alive by the psychic energy of the Blood Angels or something weird. Dunno about him.

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"All shall fear His wrath"


Don't need to be a follower of Khorne to be wrathful or a host to the power of the warp. Although the idea makes Mephiston nervous.


The Emperor and Sanguinius are good examples of warp fueled wrath-engines.

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I was thinking something more along the lines of Adept Grendelsyndrome (bonus points if you get that) where Khorne sort of favors him for the sheer amount of bloodshed he causes.

what is, Beowulf reference, Alex

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