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The Time of Ending (Chapter Nineteen up)


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there are battle cannons in artillery pits? i guess that you mean earthshaker cannons?

and whats the big deal about one reload? all artillery weapons need to be reloaded after each shot so it makes no sense <_<


but nice to see this rolling again :D

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Well I just wanted to introduce some action, or else it'd be, 'Yep, just shoot 'em down, we'll just sit here with our army killing manpower and cheer you on'
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Chapter Twelve; The Death of Cadia


The power shields fell and the warriors rose from their crouches. They looked about themselves, and all was rubble; not one building still stood, and the twisted remnants of the crushed buildings were splattered with gore and blood. Lost limbs and body parts littered the area about them.

The walls were gone. Here and there, command structures still stood, but not without serious damage done to the buildings, or whole platoons of men smeared and scorched onto the walls.

A grim silence had fallen; not even carrion birds dared join them. Even the wind had died in the onslaught that had befallen the planet.

Russ stared into the sky, and his eyes penetrated the permeating clouds that sat there; he could see faint traces of huge hulks and writhing Daemon-Engines the size of worlds. He saw whole Chaos Legions amassed for war on an unimaginable scale and he saw siege batteries, some the size of cities, prepare for planet fall on Cadia itself.

But what he saw loaded into the guns of the ships made him gasp in shock; the most deadly weapon that any army could bring to bear was now arrayed against them.

Virus Bombs.


The piles of corpses had saved them.

Bulveye and his Wulfen had slaughtered many enemies under the cover fire of the Long Fangs and the Imperial Fist veterans. Many had fallen, but hundreds still stood, ready to throw themselves at the attackers with abandon should it be required of them.

But those hundreds had died as the bombs had fallen on the planet like the fist of a bloodthirsty God, crushed under megatons of steel and ceramite. A storm of steel had fallen on the planet, and few had emerged unscathed from the destructive bombardment. Never in the history of the Imperium had such a loyal planet been ravished by such fury.

Bulveye picked himself up from the pile of bodies, and tried to recall the events that had led to him buried by those he had once killed; he remembered cutting down a traitor general, and feeling a roar of unbridled fury slip past his lips, tearing his throat asunder until his voice was hoarse, when he heard a rumble from above; he had seen the sky split as volley after volley of bombs fell to the planet, the very earth shaking. He remembered the wall of bodies collapsing as the ground split and shook; he recalled watching one of his Wolfbrothers explode in a shower of blood and bone; and the last thing he remembered was watching as the clouds formed into the image of a leering face and that of a remorseless, pitiless God.

He clutched his head, feeling as though the drums of war themselves were pounding against his eardrums.

He heard a rumble once more, and his heart sank as he realised this wasn’t over. Looking skyward, he saw only dots descending from the heavens, not fully fledged bombs like that which had fallen to Cadia moments before.

His enhanced eyes focussed in on one of the bombs moments before they hit; he saw a twisted daemonic skull on a backdrop of sores and pockmarks. He whispered one final thing before the madness descended on his mind; ‘I remember those...’ he said sadly.

Then the first Virus Bomb hit, and his world fell into shards.


‘My lord, you must leave!’ cried Arjac, grapping a hold of Leman Russ’ pauldrons and pulling his lord close. Russ gave him a stare that could turn a man’s heart to stone, but Arjac was as the mountain, and so he cared not for what look Russ gave him.

‘I shall never leave. I shall die amongst my Wolfbrothers!’ he roared, spit flying at Arjac’s face. He didn’t wipe them away, but rather screwed up his face and returned Russ’ stare.

‘It is not your decision to make, my lord. Terra needs you,’ said Arjac softly, and suddenly a blaze of brilliant white light appeared next to the both of them. A golden figure with the most beautiful face that there ever was stood before them, and Russ stared in awe and deep longing as the view of his father, the Emperor, graced his vision once more.

‘Come with me, my son,’ said the Emperor softly, and suddenly they were gone; Arjac was left clutching at thin air and dissipating atoms.

Arjac bowed his head, and the Wolf Guard activated their protection fields as the air roared with the sound of exploding canisters, and the splashing of toxic liquids as they spilled from their containers.

In moments the air was filled with the screaming and roars of Wulfen-touched and those brothers unfortunate enough to be struck with the virus.

The virus leapt across the planet, snuffing out what lights of life were left on the now barren planet. The death screams of thousands of beings washed over the Star Child like a refreshing wave of water; he swallowed all he could, and he wept tears of joy at the slaughter visited upon the Imperium.




The planet of the Cadian Gate died that night, a light of resistance snuffed out by the hatred and relentless of Suroh, and his fleet pushed on to Cadia, arriving within 24 hours.

Waiting for him was the full strength of the Imperial Fists, the Space Wolves and the Dark Angels Legions.

But what Suroh forgot was the remaining Wolf Guard, and that the fury of a vengeful Wolf knows no bounds...






I know this was far from my best, and I'm sorry for that.

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Later in the series, Suroh becomes psychically linked with the Star Child, and he becomes a psyker to rival the Emperor



But that comes later :mellow:

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++Transmission Begins++

...The Cadian Gate has fallen.


Lord Castellan Creed and Colour Sergeant Kell lie under piles of earthwork and collapsed buildings.


The Space Wolves have lost.


We have Failed.


Prepare for the End of Days.


++Transmission Ends++


It began as a faint rumbling, the sound like that of a boulder crashing down the sound of a cliff. Then the earth began to shake, and buildings began to crumble, the masonry turning to dust and collepsing, the mortar disippating and the rockrete splitting as though it were merely paper.

Some buildings still stood, adamant that they would fall in the face of earthquake.

Then the bombs broke up the atmosphere, and the skies were filled with the screams of bombs and terrified citizens as the deadly payload rocketed to the planet, death their gift and the sound of thunder their herald.

Then the first bomb struck, and Cadia's death began.

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Chapter 13 Preview:


The wall came crashing down, the blasted forocrete and ceramite shielding thrown across the courtyard as the Traitors forced their way into the fortress.

Cries rang out across the square that echoed of warp-taint and ethereal powers, and the sweep of Crozii severed heads from bodies, sending arteriel spray arcing across the stone.

The zip of lasgun met the roar of bolter as the two forces clashed; skulls were caved in and arms broken as the wave of Traitors met the rock of Imperial Guardsmen in the scorched courtyard. Ceramite was cracked, and spines broken as, inch by inch, the Traitors in deep red pushed their way forward.

Toumanez raised his head from the broken form at his feet, and voxed his commander; ++Entrance clear. Ready for your arrival, my Lord++

Within seconds a Land Raider rolled up to the breach, its huge tracks crushing any bodies in its way. The front ramp creaked open, and a gaggle of filth came scrambling out; nine Possessed marines sprinted out, eyes open and teeth snapping in anticipation. Their hands - if they could be called hands, they were so twisted - were a constant blur of movement, anticipation evident in these damned Marine's bodies.

After they had cleared the Land Raider, a huge figure came striding out of the ramp, robes wrapped about him and scriptures blazing on his shaven scalp. His eyes shone with the death-fire of worlds, and his teeth were warped fangs that jutted out of his mouth, strips of flesh hanging from the bestial fangs. The assembled Traitors bowed low before him, and Toumanez approached his Lord.

'Enemy in full flight, Dark Apostle,' reported the Coryphaus.

The Dark Apostle turned to regard his apprentice. 'You have done well, Toumanez. Raize this world in the name of our true God,' spoke Erebus.

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