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The Time of Ending (Chapter Nineteen up)


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Chapter Seven Preview:


Nurgle leant over Isha, gripping the lower part of her well crafted face. Just the Plague Father's touch leant Isha a series of pock marks across her cheeks, his disease ridden finger causing her much pain. She writhed as he leered over her, and he began to tip the bubbling goo down her throat; the touch of the toxin-riddled soup burnt her mouth and caused her to scream out in pain. Her eyes widened until it seemed they would burst from their confines in her skull. Her tongue turned a light green shade, and her very eyes were riddled with the marks of disease. She felt her organs shut down systematically until only her heart was left, beating her infected blood around her failing body.

In a moment of pure madness she lashed out, knocking the tipped ladle from Nurgle’s grip, which flew across the cage and hit the cage wall; flecks of the liquid landed on the bars of the cage, which fizzled and popped until, where once there were steel rods, now there was a hole. Isha became aware of Nurgle screaming, but she could only stare in awe at the chance of escaping this hellhole once and for all.

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What I would say is that:


Nurgle genuinely loves Isha, but can only show it in his little 'I love you, have another terminal cancer' kind of way. He seems in this chapter to be a bit...rapey, not the kind of twisted romance that it is portrayed as in the fluff. Well written and presented though ;)

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Chapter Seven; Loves Labours Lost


Nurgle leant over Isha, gripping the lower part of her well crafted face. Just the Plague Father's touch leant Isha a series of pock marks across her cheeks, his disease ridden finger causing her much pain. She writhed as he leered over her, and he began to tip the bubbling goo down her throat; the touch of the toxin-riddled soup burnt her mouth and caused her to scream out in pain. Her eyes widened until it seemed they would burst from their confines in her skull. Her tongue turned a light green shade, and her very eyes were riddled with the marks of disease. She felt her organs shut down systematically until only her heart was left, beating her infected blood around her failing body.

In a moment of pure madness she lashed out, knocking the tipped ladle from Nurgle’s grip, which flew across the cage and hit the cage wall; flecks of the liquid landed on the bars of the cage, which fizzled and popped until, where once there were steel rods, now there was a hole. Isha became aware of Nurgle screaming, but she could only stare in awe at the chance of escaping this hellhole once and for all.

She turned to Nurgle, a look of pure hatred in her face. He craned his neck round, and her face turned white at his face. The left half of his face was gone, burnt away and cast to the ether, and the rotting bone beneath left bare to the ravishes of the warp. Isha snarled at him, before tentatively placed one foot out of the cage, testing the ground around it, and then moving forward as it became clear that she was, for the moment, safe. She turned back to the baying God, and the scene before her took her breath away.

Nurgle was bent over, his broken face looking up at her with tears in his eye and eye socket, the acid drops falling from his wretched face and burning pit holes in the cage floor. He opened his mouth, but garbage was all that spilled out. He tried again, and this time his words came, only slurred and, in some places, incomprehensible.

‘Please... Isha, please... I love you...’ he stuttered, and Isha stopped in her tracks, taking pity on the God. Tears came to her eyes, but all she could think of was how much pain this... this, thing had caused her... she looked down at her arms, pockmarked with the remnants of past diseases, and her heart hardened once more. She looked at the God with remorse, pity and hatred. She spat at his face, before turning and fleeing through the toxic clouds that haunted the Garden of Nurgle.


The fumes swirled around her as if it was alive, lashing out at her and scoring marks on her beautiful face. She tried her best to reroute her powers to these injuries, but it was becoming too much. She staggered onwards, covering her mouth with her arm. She heard whispers and laughter behind the veil of the fumes, but ignored them and continued on, the fumes winding their way down her throat and into her lungs. She fell forward, coughing and hacking as the poisonous smog worked it magic on her insides. Bile came forth and she couldn’t hold back the vomit as it flooded her throat and mouth. She opened her mouth, and the sick poured out openly, cascading across the floor of this god-forsaken place. She kept retching, and the fumes kept wreaking havoc on her insides.

Eventually the flow of sick stopped, but only because she was completely emptied of it all. Now she was just dry-retching, and the pool of vomit flowed around her hand and knees and, despite herself, she gave into her tiredness and fell forward onto her stomach, lending in the pool of vomit, hearing a sickening splash as her form impacted on it. She wanted to move so badly, but all her strength was drained and the feel of the sticky liquid just made her weep. How could she have been so stupid? She thought. At least with Nurgle I had been safe from this filth.

She heard a scratching, rapidly approaching her. Her eyes snapped up, and she stared around before her through hazy vision and bloodshot eyes. Forms were evident, lingering just beyond the curtain of smoke. Her eyes glazed over then, and she just lay limp.

The scratching came closer, and she was drifting closer to unconsciousness. They were really close now, so close she could smell their putrid forms as they took stock of her.

As she came to the boundary of conscious thought, she became aware of a long claw running down her back.

The last thing she heard was a the sound of her own screams as thousands of daemons poured into her, burying their claws in her skin and ripping her bones out and spraying the ground with her blood.

She screamed and screamed, and all she felt was pain.

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