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Great. I need some motivation :rolleyes: I've done another paint test, and when done about halfway I figured out another, much easier way to do it. Hopefully I too will be able to add my AL squad (at least a combat squad) to the boards tonight. One almost done, and now I have a few hours of free time.


- Nat

Hey home-skillets!


I'm back to tell you that I've got some new pictures up! :HQ: Feel free to check the link in my sig and leave some C&C! Thanks in advance!


By the way Natanael, I like your Alpha Legionnaire, you have any more angles of him? I'm thinking the green might need some blending into the purple at the moment, like with a glaze or two.

Well, since that last guy did not turn out very AL-ish, my 2nd test model looked little better. Then I found out a way to get them look kinda "fluid" or whatever. I imagine the AL armour looking like the ocean, blue-green, not a single colour. And with that in mind, I think this works well enough:





As you can see, they dont look great at all up close, but from a little distance they actually look great, I think :lol: With some details and the hydra and AL paint all over the large flat areas (think sophisticated warpaint) it will be done, I think. So, Goose, sorry, but no more pics of the first guy :P He will be cleaned and repainted.


- Nat

Hello everyone, I've been laying back on the Warhammer 40K recently, but since it's now Lent, I need something o fill up the void I usually spend eating!

So, I was hoping you could help me out with some color scheme ideas I have for my new scouts. I don't have any pictures yet, but I'll get some up soon. My plan is to have my whole army project built, primed, and (mostly) painted by Easter (sort of like Penance outside of my usual Penance, but fun - now enough sacrilege, shame on me).


I have in my mind to allow for squad differentiation in my Doom Guard color scheme, considering I use symbols for squad types, numbers for companies, and helmets for rank. I'm still not sure how to do squad numbers for my Tactical Marines and such (thinking eye lenses, but wouldn't be visible enough), but for all squads it would follow a similar pattern as for company colors (white for first squad, yellow for second, etc.). So, for my scouts, I was thinking I could do their fatigues!


That is to say, I would like to give the impression that their fatigues are tinted the color of their squad. So, my project has three scout squads, so that means one "white" squad, one "yellow" quad, and one "red" squad. So my question, at long last, is: How would you go about doing tinted fatigues? Understand I don't want them to be pure red colored, more like khaki with a red tint. I was think a base coat of black (like all my marines), followed by a coat of Skull White, then Kommando Khaki, then a watered down-coat of Mechrite Red, then another coat of Kommando Khaki, and possibly a coat of Bleached Bone.


No, obviously I'm no master painter, but I've been meaning to improve, and that means recipes. So, any suggestions?

Normish, only thing I can suggest is maybe try succesive washes to tint the fatigues.

As promised here is the final two marines of this squad.


and another group shot, ten Initiates. I plan on painting several scouts for this squad as well but that's for another time.


The highlights are a bit washed out, might try some flash photos and see if they are any better.


Hey Folks,

Well its been a long long time since i did any painting well before xmas i think :P

But i finally picked my paints ups and got moving with something,

I know its not the best one i have done buts it's a finsished mini none the less :D

What you think ??

I know pics not the best.









Finished up the Crusade banner I was working on, now it's just a matter of recreating this with paint :P

What do you think?


I may yet add something below the shield, depends on how the design translates to the actual banner. Any ideas?


Hey Guys, thought I'd post a couple of things up that I've been playing with :D


First up is what is tentatively titled 'the chaplain of the damned':


This is what happens when you leave unassembled mini's lying next to each other!


And this is what I came up with after seeing GooseDaMoose's excellent sorcerer in his Batko Blacks thread:


as you can see as he's still missing his limbs, mainly cause I'm not really sure what to do with him....



@ KhornateKiller: good to see you back mate, those AS are looking great. A couple of washes on the metallics and they'll be perfect :D


@ Brother 'Ussell: the crusade banner looks good, I second the aquila perched upon a skull or laurel idea. Also really liking the BT marines as well, the chest eagle on the one in the right in the closeup looks really well blended up and the script on the armour is a really really great touch too.





Here is what I've been trying out, some new techniques that I learned courtesy of CMON. I think he came out alright so far.








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