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International Brotherhood of Hobbyists

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Primus knows how I missed this :P


I haven't had chance to go through the staggering amount of pages, so my questions maybe stupid or explained in the thread already but:


Is this similar to ETL?


If not is it a showcase thread for people to display their mini's?


Or is it actually another site that has been/is affiliated to the B+C?


I'm intrigued in either case ^_^

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Basically, the IBoH is a group of hobbyists who decided to get together and provide feedback to each other, pool ideas, create projects, etc... All for everyone's enjoyment. It started with members on the B&C, but it was decided that another forum should be created to allow people to trade/sell bits, but most importantly to be able to work on any miniature project (Warhammer, 40k, LotR) and not just Astartes.


Membership is completely free :P



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Basically, the IBoH is a group of hobbyists who decided to get together and provide feedback to each other, pool ideas, create projects, etc... All for everyone's enjoyment. It started with members on the B&C, but it was decided that another forum should be created to allow people to trade/sell bits, but most importantly to be able to work on any miniature project (Warhammer, 40k, LotR) and not just Astartes.


Membership is completely free :P




Got it. Sounds like a very good idea! ^_^


I have some MOD experience when I helped run a (now defunct :( ) Anime/Manga Forum some years ago, so my services are available, although I won't be offended if they're declined :P



In either case I'm in! :)

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I have some MOD experience when I helped run a (now defunct :( ) Anime/Manga Forum some years ago, so my services are available, although I won't be offended if they're declined :P

If you know how the basic functions of the Admin Control Panel work, then I'll make you a Mod/Admin as soon as I get big boss Pig of Sparta's permission ;)


If you don't, then I wouldn't mind giving you pointers, but it would be great if you're a fast learner. Not that I don't like helping out, but I don't have a ton of free time on my hands, so the quicker people understand things, the better it is for the functioning of the board and the easier it is for my brain :sweat: (No offense meant, Aquilanus ^_^)



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I have some MOD experience when I helped run a (now defunct :( ) Anime/Manga Forum some years ago, so my services are available, although I won't be offended if they're declined ;)

If you know how the basic functions of the Admin Control Panel work, then I'll make you a Mod/Admin as soon as I get big boss Pig of Sparta's permission ;)


If you don't, then I wouldn't mind giving you pointers, but it would be great if you're a fast learner. Not that I don't like helping out, but I don't have a ton of free time on my hands, so the quicker people understand things, the better it is for the functioning of the board and the easier it is for my brain :sweat: (No offense meant, Aquilanus :P)




I'll admit, it's been a while, but I'll be able to get back into it soon enough :(


As for threats to higher brain functions - I understand that all too well ^_^

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As for threats to higher brain functions - I understand that all too well :sweat:

Naw! I ain't threatnin' you of any lack o' higher brain functions! ^_^ But if you're up for it, then welcome aboard! :P



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Well shucks, after reading the 'charter' of the thread, I think it might just be right up my ally. Some have said I have the gift of gab, you see. :blink: Seems like a great place to post more day-to-day work and "I'm not sure where this is going" pieces that I try to avoid showing in my WIP thread. I already muddy the waters enough with the walls of text. Least I can do is keep it on track.


Plus, this will give me more of an excuse to get back painting again. So much building has ground my painting to a standstill. Now here's hoping I can learn how to bend time so I can squeeze a few more hours into the day.


Not sure if I'm up to rehashing 50+ pages, so I think I'll start from here as ground-zero for me. Oooo... I think I know just what to show. back in a few minutes...

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Well shucks, after reading the 'charter' of the thread, I think it might just be right up my ally. Some have said I have the gift of gab, you see. :) Seems like a great place to post more day-to-day work and "I'm not sure where this is going" pieces that I try to avoid showing in my WIP thread. I already muddy the waters enough with the walls of text. Least I can do is keep it on track.


Plus, this will give me more of an excuse to get back painting again. So much building has ground my painting to a standstill. Now here's hoping I can learn how to bend time so I can squeeze a few more hours into the day.


The secret incantation is:


"Wibbley, wobbley, Timey Wmey!" ;)


I'm looking forward to it too. As well as all the stuff I have going on here, I have a few Eldar mini's that are currently taunting me from my modelling table because only 1.5 of them have been painted and it'd be nice to have a thread devoted to them (even if it's to just shut them up... :blink: ) ^_^

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Some thoughts and advice brothers.


El Capitan is done, save for fine detailing (name plate, symbols, litanies, etc), but before

I base him up I need to decide whether to for a back banner or just and Icon of some kind.




The rest of his pics are in my TS WiP page linked in my sig.

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Personally, I'd go for an icon than a banner, but I've never been one for banners (mainly as I'm not good at freehand and back banners always used to break when I made them, especially if I put a lot of effort into it ^_^ ) save the Chapter Banner which would be entrusted to a member of a Command squad anyway. I like the mini as he is, but it's personal preference in the end :blink:
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Well shucks, after reading the 'charter' of the thread... *Snip*[/b]


The secret incantation is:


"Wibbley, wobbley, Timey Wmey!" ;)


I'm looking forward to it too. As well as all the stuff I have going on here, I have a few Eldar mini's that are currently taunting me from my modelling table because only 1.5 of them have been painted and it'd be nice to have a thread devoted to them (even if it's to just shut them up... :tu: ) ^_^


"What? Bow ties are cool."


Would you believe I own a rather convincing costume for the 11th Doctor? Huge fan of the show (old and new) to say the very least. I hope to build a life-size Dalek at some point as well. I can't help but have visions of rolling up-and-down my street yelling in a modulated voice, "You are an enemy of the Darlek! You will be exterminated! Exterminated!!" and blasting people with CO2 and water cannons. Yup, I'm a geek.


Errr... where was I? Oh yes, my Predator paint...




As I mentioned in my WIP thread, I've now sworn off acrylic paint for doing my base Gold. The miracle-in-a-bottle called Vallejo Liquid Gold is my new best friend for this task. In just 1 coat you get almost perfect coverage, and just need to go back and do a few touch-ups after. Washes cover over it just fine, and I've just started doing a few layers on some parts. I even did some cleanup on the turret to see what it's going to look like.


Liquid Gold is alcohol based, so you need good quality (90%+ isopropyl) rubbing alcohol for thinning and brush cleaning. But I've found that I used a bit of the solvent straight from the bottle to keep the paint smooth on the pallet, and use the alcohol mostly for cleanup. It really is worth the little bit of effort to learn how to apply it, especially if you plan on painting a lot of Gold, like I do.

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Hey Boys & Girls,

Im back to !!! :P

Been a quite year for me hobby wise as me & the wife have had a baby boy who is now 10 months old so just managing to get some hobby time back,

Here what i have managed to do in the last month or so,

My chaos army at the mo is just worldeaters but had the urge to do some alpha legion for some reason which is what the last guy is meant to be :lol:

C&C folks ?













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@ Aquilinus and Battle Brother Ludovic: You'll get no complaints from me on helping out. In fact if you're ok with it, I'm happy for you guys to 'recruit' other like minded members to help out with the Forum, not that I don't appreciate being in the loop or anything but you can take that as my 'approval' to do what you need to do to get this aspect of the IBoH up and running again. I'm not trying to pass the buck, but rather trying to allow people who have better knowledge than I do to use that knowledge and ability to further our brotherhood and also to spread some of the 'work' and 'responsibility' as ultimately this isn't my Brotherhood of International Hobbyists, it's ours and I'd like to try and involve the community of it as much as we can in influencing and controlling what we do and when we do it, if that's alright of course :). Also, Welcome to the IBoH Aquilinas!


@ Subtle Discord :

Would you believe I own a rather convincing costume for the 11th Doctor? Huge fan of the show (old and new) to say the very least. I hope to build a life-size Dalek at some point as well. I can't help but have visions of rolling up-and-down my street yelling in a modulated voice, "You are an enemy of the Darlek! You will be exterminated! Exterminated!!" and blasting people with CO2 and water cannons. Yup, I'm a geek.
You actually had me laughing out loud :). Welcome aboard brother, I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that I can't wait to see what else you have to share with us. Incidentally that Predator looks great already...


@ Rider-75: You probably already know what I'm gonna suggest but I'm gonna suggest it anyway; if you've got a banner and an icon that you're umming and ahhing over then you could always paint up both and see which looks best when they're on the mini... And... I haven't forgotten about the challenge we got prepared for all that time ago but thank you for reminding me. I know where 'it' is and I will clear some space in my painting queue to allow us to get going, I promise. Oh, and despite the fact that I've yet to finish painting mine, I cannot sing the praises of the Contemptor kit enough. It's just amazing :).


@ KhornateKiller: Congratulations on surviving the last 10 months!! Really though (very belated) congratulations on the birth of your mini-battle brother/sister, I hope everything is going well for you guys. Back on topic, those World Eaters look fantastic as does the Alpha Legion marine. I really like the battle damage and the red armour on the sons of Angron.


@ Everyone else (apologies I'm replyig to this on my phone and I can't scroll all the way back to page 53 to be able to quote names): thanks for coming back, it's great to see you :).


Now a question, I know that we've discussed it before but how do you think we should/could best indicate membership of the IBoH for Fraters on the B&C? We talked before about a 'seal' for sigs, do you still think this is the best way to go or should we explore something else? If we do go with a seal is anyone willing to help out with creating it? I don't wish to undermine or dismiss any of what we've done before but I would like to know what everyone's feelings on this are.





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@PoS: I think I know where mine is.... I'll find it over the week and get it prepped and undercoated. Need to find a 60mm base or similar somewhere I think for what's going through my head... Had long enough to plan right enough :)


@SD: pred is looking got. One thing I've always disliked is large areas of metal work and despite a few attempts I can't seem to get my head around the NMM technique :) your approach looks like a nice solid start.


@Aquilanus/PoS: I'm tending to the icon style. I've a hew from the command, GK termie and marine termie sets I think. Or I may try and convert/kitbash something fancier or generally more Captainesque

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Khornatekiller - Congrats on the arrival :huh: and very nice mini's :)


PoS - No problem mate - just need to confer with BBL on what needs doing and how etc ^_^


Rider-75 Just seen you mini on the 40k FB page with a regular mini as a comparison. It's a lot bigger. I do like it a lot ^_^

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Brother Cambrius reporting in.


Some thoughts and advice brothers.


El Capitan is done, save for fine detailing (name plate, symbols, litanies, etc), but before

I base him up I need to decide whether to for a back banner or just and Icon of some kind.


The rest of his pics are in my TS WiP page linked in my sig.


Looking really nice Rider! I think an icon of some description would work really well for this guy instead of a banner, maybe one of the banner pole decorations on his backpack'd work best imho.



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Well folks, my Dark Vengence bits arrived yesterday - the Librarian, tactical squad and Terminator squad. I couldn't justify spending out for the box as I would only use the DA models. Plus I bought the Gamers Edition of the BRB when it was released.

So far I have cleaned up the Libby and blocked in the base colours and put the first wash on. The Termies are assembled but need cleaning up - mold lines etc removing. The Tact squad segeant will have a different breastplate - don't really like the tabard thing it'd got, so a Mk. VIII torso will probably look better.

I'll hopefully get some pics posted over the next day or so.


Also placed my order for GD - as it will save some money in postage :D

I should hopefully have some Mk.V Heresy marines, the FW event only Enforcer and some of those fantastic looking termies waiting for me.


Everyones work is looking fantastic. Glad to see IBoH getting some PA love - it's like meeting up with an old friend you havn't seen since school.

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