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Screams of Despair Night Lords WIP -Midnight Clad WE PG 8-


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Hi B&C community,

I recently started building my new Night Lords army.
The models where built and converted by me, and painted by my friend Booyah, since i couldn't paint a decent model, even if my life depended on it msn-wink.gif

These two are from one of my troop choices and are just missing varnish.

Trooper 1

Trooper 2

more to come and c&c appreciated...

  • 1 month later...

just a quick status report here, since there has been no update for a while.


thats mainly because i had a big setback. the two marines shown on the pictures above and two of their battle brothers were mutilated by purity seal spray and aquired a kinda milky finish that ruined the paintjob :P


needless to say, i was really pissed off, not to mention my buddy Booyah (who is kindly painting my crazy conversions :tu:)


been toying with some conversion ideas since then and currently there are a lot of different projects on my desk.


i've used Dan the Deamon's idea for two man "counts as obliterator" teams and i'm currently completing their bases. in addition i'm experimenting with green stuff to shape batlike wings to attach to shoulderguards or kneepads, while Booyah is redoing the paintjob on the whacked purity seal marines.


i hope to get some pictures up here as soon as possible, but since i don't have a lightbox it's kinda hard to take good photos.

my mate Booyah managed to take some pictures for me and so i proudly present another trooper, a sergeant and the first of my chosen.

please bear in mind that they need some more detailing and finishing touches (the scroll on the chosens chest for example).

Trooper 3


Sergeant 1



Chosen 1




I concur, the Chosen is a nasty fella. He must indeed be favored to not have blown one or both of his hands off with those guns by now ;) .


I'm also finding myself pleasantly surprised that I haven't grown bored with Night Lords projects by now. Between the wicked paint scheme and peoples' seemingly inexhaustible supply of conversion ideas, they never cease to impress. Very nice and subtle incorporation of the new BA bitz on those more recent guys, on that note.

@loken86: I asked my buddy Booyah for the recipe, but it turns out, he did the face in one of those crazy, maddened, late night painting sessions and can't remember how he did it. :(


But I got some more guys without helmets in the making, so I'll make sure he writes it down next time :wink:

  • 5 months later...

hmn, almost half a year since my last update, time to feed the thread a little more ;)

been working on a lot of projects lately, a huge load of marines, some terminators and some vehicles.

my chosen painter Booyah was rather busy the last couple of months, so we he didn't get much painting done, but since this is supposed to be a long term project, i guess we're still on time <_<

so without further ado, here are 2 more painted troopers and my first jetbike (inspired by insaniak's fantastic tutorial)

Trooper 1:




Trooper 2:




please bear in mind, that the jetbike is pretty much WIP right now, it needs some clean up work and the drivers backpack is still missing.

i also have to make up my mind about the "main thrusters", cuz i haven't decided if i want to drill them or build a kind of turbine from plastic card.










as usual. c&c appreciated

I like the Jetbike. I've used that Tutorial and it gave me a good result (Though I still need to get some paint on it :tu: ) I think your one is a lot more chaosy and wow! Some great paintwork going on too from your friend! I love Plasma Pistol guy :HQ:


One question, Night Lords haven't changed their colour scheme since the Heresy have they? They've always been like this? I ask because I always intended to do my jetbike as a Pre-Heresy Night Lord and I want to check ;)

One question, Night Lords haven't changed their colour scheme since the Heresy have they? They've always been like this? I ask because I always intended to do my jetbike as a Pre-Heresy Night Lord and I want to check :(


they have not changed their colours like many weaker legions did :) i guess they just added spikes and more grisly trophies since the heresy

i guess my guys won't be done in a year, but i think that's mostly because i can't stop buying that "plastic crack" from GW <_<


i built a counts as Khârn recently and toyed with some raptors, just gotta take some pictures...

This has got me curious: is there some bit of fluff or novel somewhere that talks about how the Night Lords had lots of those jetbikes sitting around? Or is it just that it seems so fitting to their style (which it does, I believe)?


Anyway, seems like a solid enough start. Though right now it feels like it has too much junk in the trunk and not enough up front. A nice big gun (preferably a HF or MM, to scare prey out of cover :devil: ) either between the intake vents or slung underneath may balance out the silhouette. Between them would give it a more organic, intentional feel, and bulk out the front end a bit while also giving it some more length. Beneath would be easier to swap out, paint, and wouldn't involve putting a jet of lit promethium between two vacuums leading strait to the engine ^_^. But who says practicality ever had anything to do with Imperial engineering?


Just my two bits.


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