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DXF's WIP Thread - More Iron Hands

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  • 1 month later...

So this is a little late, but here's the finished Librarian.  I decided to do the lightning-style pattern on the force axe but in red rather than blue; I'd like to know how well you think it came out!







While feverishly painting one of my half-finished Razorbacks and Mk.IV Ironclad, I forgot to take pictures.  However, I started ripping into my scattered boxes of bits this evening, determined once and for all to separate every sprue, box, and clam pack I own by game system and faction so that I can start trying to get rid of some of it.  While doing so, however, I found a scattered collection of pieces and parts of Dreadnoughts. . . just enough, in fact, to put together a rather ornate Venerable Dread!  So here's what I'll be using to build Venerable Brother Niall, former Iron Commander and chief of Clan Shologar:




Also forthcoming is the paint job on the DV Librarian; I trimmed all the Dark Angels icons off of him, so he'll be popping up in blue armor and black robes shortly as well.

I'm working on it!  Classes started yesterday and I got a job to help with the bills, so progress is likely to be slow.  On the flip side, though, my LGS finally got Dawnstone and Ironbreaker in stock, so at least I can jumpstart my highlighting of all those big areas of flate black we have to deal with...

  • 2 weeks later...

So I've been working slowly, what with the new codex generating a need to revise my army list, and it got me thinking that now might be a great time to get back to work on the drop pod army I've always wanted.  So after I get my mechanized list done, then I'll be turning my hand to finally finishing the seven drop pod kits I have.


Anyway, so here's the base for my Venerable Dreadnought.  As you can see, I've decided to start decorating my bases with the detritus of battle, specifically battles against the Iron Hands' arch-foes, the Emperor's Children.  It's a little more purple than pink, but I didn't want to have to invest in a whole new slew of paints, so I'm making it a light purple (I have purples because I use them to paint my Marik Militia for BattleTech).





And then, as a first step towards my pod army (which will of course have several Dreadnoughts in it), I went to town on an Ironclad kit I bought a while back and never put together.  I decided to try my hand at re-posing a leg -- first ever attempt! -- and it came out actually really good.  Against, Chaos Marine bitz on the base for flavor.  Here's a shot of just the base (that foot is glued down as a guide for the legs), and another with the adjusted legs to show off the bent knee.  I, uh, couldn't be bothered to put new cabling on the legs, so I just cut all of it away.  Ahem.







Tell me what you guys think!

The shade of Purple and the pose look really good! happy.png Although I'd have had the foot on the helmet smile.png

I've been trying to work out where (and how) you've cut the Dread leg. If I'm correct, where the piston mount joins the knee (so that the piston mounts are completely separate from the leg itself), and a cut at the "hip". Then reposition.

In any case, it'll be something to see finished happy.png

Yes stomp and grind!!! Good pose.I think the purple looks good.

Thanks! I have to admit to a certain amount of trepidation about the purple, but *I* like it, so I suppose that's really all that matters.

The shade of Purple and the pose look really good! happy.png Although I'd have had the foot on the helmet smile.png

I've been trying to work out where (and how) you've cut the Dread leg. If I'm correct, where the piston mount joins the knee (so that the piston mounts are completely separate from the leg itself), and a cut at the "hip". Then reposition.

In any case, it'll be something to see finished happy.png

Thanks again! As for where I cut it, if you look at the model's leg, there's four pistons in the "shin": one in the middle, two on either side, and one in the rear. I cut the two on the sides where they connect to the knee -- you can see on that left leg that the side pistons don't align perfectly with the center of the knee -- and then the center piston and the rear piston were cut as close to the knee as possible as well (which was a tricky operation, let me tell you!). I then cut the hip joint as close to the hip-cam as possible, trimmed the hip-pistons to a beveled edge, then glued everything back together with the right leg canted to one side and the knee bent.


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