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Glory and Hate! A Marines Malevolent Project


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I like the Bro-LT Nick pose. its like he's taunting his enemy before he whips into a frenzy with those chainswords. On another note, are you going to pick up the legion power weapon set for some nifty extras? I could see one of you're angry marine's rocking that heavy chainsword.
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Thanks for all the kind comments, ladies and gents, I really apprieciate it!

@DK2000: I saw those legion sets, but I'm broke as dirt right now, lol. Maybe later. Thanks, man!

@Firepower: With an attitude like that, no. :D

@Noctus: I love it when a plan comes together, lol.

@War Angel: The day the MM's apply PMCS to their plate is the day the Emperor jumps up and does a jig. Embrace the suck, man.

Onward, the pyromaniac of Tris Squad, Brother Jeremiah.



I had this old BA techmarine torso for ages; I attempted to remove the crappy arm ages ago, but totally screwed the pooch and butchered his entire right torso in the process. So, he sat unloved and gutted for nearly 6 years in my bitz box, until yesterday when I was rummaging for some good ideas. I saw this old piece and decided to give a shot at rebuilding the torso to see if it was salvageable. I ain't no Forgeworld sculptor, but it's not bad. Let me know what you think.

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@Firepower: With an attitude like that, no. :D


Aww, and after all the work I put into designing the crusade symbol for you. That's 4 minutes of my life I can't get back :P


Goading aside, nice firestarter. Your supply of bits and jerryrigging talents continue to impress.

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I saw this old piece and decided to give a shot at rebuilding the torso to see if it was salvageable. I ain't no Forgeworld sculptor, but it's not bad. Let me know what you think.


Winner, winner, chicken dinner. He gets two thumbs up from me, Heathens - he'd get three if I had the hands for it. :)

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Great work as always mate.


Nice touch using the techy torso. I know what you mean about the crappy arm, I had him for my Iron Hands and I could never get a good pose due to the awkward angle of the shoulder.


That helmet works brilliantly as a rebreathery type thingy, no prom sniffing for that chap. He is going to look immense with paint.


Good Stuff

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Glad the old Blood Angel Techmarine torso was a hit; thanks guys!

Seasons greetings, in the form of a 75mm adamantium-core round.

Veteran Brother Yorii, with a Mercury-pattern Recoiless Rifle (Counts As Cyclone Launcher)



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Wow ;), these are the best MM I have ever seen! you just convert and greenstuff things awesomnly and then paint it in the style that is just perfect for them! I wall looking through all 44 pages and just added them all to a personal folder for later inspection when I get the time, but truly these are awesome minis! You are the MM player I know so far!
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There seems to be somewhat of a gap at Yorii's waist, as he's looking a wee bit thin in that area (unless he's wearing a corset). Minor niggle aside, cracking model, brother. :tu:
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  • 1 month later...

Glad the old Blood Angel Techmarine torso was a hit; thanks guys!

Seasons greetings, in the form of a 75mm adamantium-core round.

Veteran Brother Yorii, with a Mercury-pattern Recoiless Rifle (Counts As Cyclone Launcher)



Just this. Oh my days... Haven't been here for a while Heathens! this is incredible :O in awe of your skill...

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  • 2 months later...

Daddy's back...


Every Company needs a Guidon bearer; mine just weighs 2 tons, walks through walls, is nigh-indestructable, shoots a rapid fire mini-missile launcher, punches people with a matter-rending fist, and swears a lot. Probably smokes too.

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