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Glory and Hate! A Marines Malevolent Project


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A fantastic addition too your band of puny loyalists ;)


looking forward to seeing him painted in targeting enhancing yellow :p


and of course nice to see you're back!

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Is that guys face off the old Nork Deddog model?


Ha! No, though he is definetley as ugly. It's the head off the Knight-Commander Pask model. I liked it because he looked so old and scarred, but unpainted he looks far, far more gnarled and beat up. Which is friggin' perfect for the guy carrying the physical representation of my Centuria's pride.


@Furioso: Nope, just some poor critter. After all , there are no wolves on Fenris...

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++++++ Brother Jeremiah of Tris Squad +++++


Not super happy with the shoddy repair job on the neck armour below the right ear, but.. ah well. Lesson learned. Only one more guy, and Tris Squad will be complete.

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Is that the torso from the new Ravenwing heavy speeder? If so, hell yes. I was just wondering how one of those would work as a torso for an infantry marine. Looking good, brother. Glory and Hate!


Nope, never mind, just saw the WIP... still, excellent job. Your weathering technique has improved from when your first started these psychos.

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  • 3 weeks later...

First off, sorry that this will be short, but it's late. Second, I'm trying out a new camera, which didn't work out so well; please forgive the shoddy pic, I'll post a better one later.

Anyhow, may I present you, all the way from the first page of this thread, almost 2 1/2 years in the making, rebuilt 3 seperate times due to a number of accidents, hated and loathed, sitting alone in my to do pile until I finally got sick of looking at it.... The IV Centuria's only Vindicator.


Needless to say, after so much work put into it, this became less a labor of love, and more of a competition to see whether I would actually finish, or this old sucker would meet my wall at high velocity and be repainted as terrain. I guess I won. Also, I usually name mini's after a game, or something unique happens to it. My Pred got named "Old Bill" because the first game it saw was between two cavalry troopers, my buddy and I. The Rhino got the name "Fortuna Tenax" or Tough Luck, because it dies in insane ways, yet always seems to get it's cargo at least near it's destination safely. This bad boy, though, got it's name tonight....


"Alley Cat". It's scarred, mean, ugly, apparently has nine lives, and is pretty solid in a close scrap. Bam.

Termie should be next, unless I get distracted. Again.

As always, comments are welcome! Take care, y'all.

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I've always despised the old vehicle templates. But you did good making it pretty paint wise biggrin.png

The flamer guy...I want! Gonna have to see if I can find that head-torso bit around the interwebs. It looks like you're tightening up and refining the wear and tear too, at a glance.

Also *hypnosis eyes* Teeeemplaaaaarssss. devil.gif

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As long as the answer isn't "Send it to Heathens", go for it.


After this stubborn piece of :cuss: , I may never build another Vindi again.

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