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That thing looks awesome. I think it looks even better than the forgeworld model it represents. Is it supposed to be a Fire Raptor or Storm Eagle?


The twin-linked assault cannons and the turbines in the rear remind me of the A-10.I think it could also use similar nosearthttp://static2.businessinsider.com/image/54b41d5aecad04b8099a4e91-1200-924/a-10-warthog.jpg

DSS7 - Cheers Chap!


Quixus - This one is my Fire raptor a-like, glad you like it, and Rotimus my self and a few others have all built versions of the Hog in various guises, still resisting the nose art


jpwyrm - Yeah the turrets move aroung the vertical and horizontal, sadly I ran out of skill to have them rotate as well:laugh.:


Bio - Cheers Fella, and congrats!


Grizzly_bear - You crack on mate, would be great to see it in Sythe colours!


Razblood - And thanks to you, se is a bit of a beast, wish I could tell you about those posts but I have not a clue...


Rednekkboss - I know, my train of unpainted stuff is getting rather large! Will have to get on that now that the weather has turned!


SWAT - Chap, I am sorry I made you squee, sounds terrible!:biggrin.: And the Arnament came about because I wanted to be able to portray both the Autocannon and HB load out of a fire raptor with out having to magnetise anything (or build another of the blighters!) so thought sod it, never knowingly under gunned me.


Threw a load of hours at her yesterday, loads of green stuffing, filling, filing, finishing and mush work to make the turrets mor, dare I say it, "real":dry.: but access hatches for the gunners to get in, ammo hopper hatches, hydraulic lines and all the other BS, mainly rivots.


Hope to get some pictures up tomorrow!


Cheers all!



Really impressive work. I think I shall join your fan-club and build one for my Raptors! (but mine probably won't have moving turrets though...)I guess the main hull is elongated in the same way that you did for your count-as Stormeagle... or did you extended the hull in another way?

JP You crack on brother, hull is indeed extended in the same way as the storm eagle. Have some step by steps of the turrets I think if you need them!

On to the turrets, almost there, just some green stuffing to do:
Access hatch for the gunners:


Auto cannon magazine hatches

AC Hatches

Sadly had my computers robbed, so had to use links on the tablet!

But updated now!

Cheers all


Edited by NightHunters

In other exciting news, just landed 36 unmarked, on sprue, plastic squats. Bringing the total to 50.


Can't tell you how un-reasonably happy this makes me!


Soon to be seen dotted around Night Hunters vehicles and Imperial Guard auxiliary troops!


Super yay!

  • 5 months later...

A very good evening all!

After months adrift in a warp anomaly (this being the lack of computer and camera charging cable) the Hunters return!

Sadly with an astonishing lack of progress, none the less, for your perusal:

First paint on the Fire Raptor


and what she would look like with fighter cover


And gratuitous image of all the big birds


In other news we worked on a cheeky librarian who is calling upon the emperor fearing souls of some fallen guardsmen to do their duty:




Also started work on my first breacher squad


And the centurions are based and ready for paint too! ( and yes, that head will be in the right place by then)


So that is it chaps,

Hopefully more regular updates going forward, of course c&c welcome.

Cheers all!


Well its about damned time...er, I mean, WELCOME BACK!  :cool.:  Loving the Librarian, I think I'll be looting that idea. The air support it looking lovely, as we would expect.

Edited by rednekkboss

OH... I almost forgot, have you seen these?    http://www.fallouthobbies.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Micro-Stencil-Hex-Camo-2-1024x853.jpg



Cheers folks!


Great to be back, it really is!


Dark Apostle, it is the simplest thing in the world, plastic tubing, cut down the middle and clamped in place, a nook sanded out of it, and then a tiny piece of plastic rod as the hinge and super skinny plasti-card for the flip up and open screens.


RNB, thanks for the templates, but that is quite clearly heresy and cheating by the emperor! (That and I have yet to man up and invest in a decent airbrush set up)


Slowly plugging away at the firestormeagleraptor gunship so more on that soon!


Cheers all!



Zxyogi: Greetings you quasi heretical sausage you, when are we going to see some more of your black and yellow scoundrels?

So quick update and it is a really exciting one:

Fireraptor cockpits done.



Also took the time to work on all the position lights and landing lights.


Still an offensive amount of work to do on this bird but it is actually fun again!

Cheers all!


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