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Apparently Stormravens for all


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Can't resist adding my own few cents to this hotly debated and somewhat controversial topic. ;)


Like I've said in the past, I have no objections towards other Chapters getting the Raven in the future (without Skies of Blood and with renamed Bloodstrike missiles of course :)), since I see it as a generalist Astartes craft. Even though the BAs can probably get the most out of it considering our expertise in aerial combat/deployment. As such, I probably wouldn't turn down a game if someone has a Raven painted in other colours other than BA (and GK in the future) and he isn't obviously cheesemongering.


However I do have a problem with players who work under the assumption that they should automatically be allowed to use the Storm Raven even though their army list doesn't have one. That is not how the rules work and if a player like this doesn't get to use his Raven he shouldn't get a sissy fit and start calling people names. When you use something outside of official rules, your opponent has every right to decline playing you. And that is the bottom line. If individual GW stores are giving a different impression, then that is a very shady and outright wrong way to conduct business. House-rule all you want, but just don't expect everyone to agree with you when you are dealing with unofficial rules.

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On topic:

No, the WD does not show in any way that the SR can be taken by other armies besides BA.

Will it happen in time?

IMO yes, but not with the same rules or cost of the current BA one.

If you see the rumours for the GK SR, it costs more, it is a psycker, it has different equipment than the BA one and it occupies Fast Attack slot on the FOC.

Will I allow it in a game?

I wouldn't like having to face it in a Vulkan list, with hammerators and an Ironclad riding it, but

I would probably allow it in a friendly match (as long as it's not becoming a habit ;) ), even though I wouldn't like it...

You see, I'm just one of those guys that actually have fun when playing by the rules. :)

I even strive to have WYSIWYG in all the models I play with, though I don't force my opponents to do the same.

That's all...


Those are exactly my thoughts brother!

The wisdom of our Primarch is clearly strong within you!

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On the note of the GW employee that tries to sell everything, let's not forget how 13 million people are unemployed in this country, if I had to feed myself and my job depended on how many plastic men I sold I would tell kids their Land Raiders can dispell a Slann's magic missle..PEW PEW LAZERZ


Well...not that sleazy car salesman like.. but you get the idea.


As one of the American unemployed:


I don't agree in the slightest. Telling employees to lie to players about what is and isn't against the rules, just to sell a model, is bad and those employees should feel bad for doing it. It's even worse because they could have actually put an option in the White Dwarf or release an official statement in a .pdf online that says everyone can use it. Then they could have sold the models honestly.


EDIT: And to add context to what I said way back at the beginning of the thread, redshirts lie about what's legal in order to sell models all the time. Or at least, they lie to me all the time. It's really, really annoying when an employee tells you something you know is false to try and sell you a model you don't want or need.

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On the note of the GW employee that tries to sell everything, let's not forget how 13 million people are unemployed in this country, if I had to feed myself and my job depended on how many plastic men I sold I would tell kids their Land Raiders can dispell a Slann's magic missle..PEW PEW LAZERZ


Well...not that sleazy car salesman like.. but you get the idea.


As one of the American unemployed:


I don't agree in the slightest. Telling employees to lie to players about what is and isn't against the rules, just to sell a model, is bad and those employees should feel bad for doing it. It's even worse because they could have actually put an option in the White Dwarf or release an official statement in a .pdf online that says everyone can use it. Then they could have sold the models honestly.


EDIT: And to add context to what I said way back at the beginning of the thread, redshirts lie about what's legal in order to sell models all the time. Or at least, they lie to me all the time. It's really, really annoying when an employee tells you something you know is false to try and sell you a model you don't want or need.


Hey you wanna buy this kit? It's called a Monolith, you can use it to defeat the foes of the Emperor and as well as storm the walls of Helms Deep. ;)

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Diversity is hard for none power armour users to understand since there are essencally 6 different power armour codexes, many of them having debateable claims to uniqueness. Prior to the individal codex releases, I can see why BA and DA could have easily been put under Codex Marines, since the units themselves are largely the same, assualt troops were not a troops choice prior to this codex and the main truely unique unit was Death Company. Personally, I would not mind several codexes being condensed down, as the advertisement is currently making it a one horse race, and it is a sad day when loyalist fight loyalist constantly. XD


You could have one marine codex, many people (mostly those that don't play any of the marine codex) would like it. Yes there wasnt' a lot of diversity, but that changes, now there is quite a bit. (assult troops were troops in the last codex FYI) and we had the Baal pred and Furioso Dread and Jump pack Vetrans and honor guard...


I don't understand this "one horse race" mentality, yea, lots of people play marines, thankfully there are diffrent types of marines, because other wise you wold be faceing a lot of the same marines... and unlike what a lot of xenos players think, there IS divercity, yea the basic troop is about the same, but how many BA players are playing DOA lists, vs how many Vanilia players are taking some same list... i dont' think putting out less marine codexes will change the number of marine players...


the best way to stop having loyalists fight loyalists all the time is to not play loyalists...


How can I not play loyalists when 50% of the codexes is verious elements of humanity? I joined the hobby to fight against all sorts of armies, not just verious coloured marines with verious rules.


Obivously it's too late now to snatch everything back and condense it into a single codex, but their vast advertisement and constant release of more marine codexes is hardly helping, humanity is the one horse race because 5 of the codexes are easily interchangeable.

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While I am certain that all marines will get this vehicle eventually two things say otherwise.






These rules/equipment are about as creative name wise as the wargear in the Space wolves dex. They are however clearly ment for Blood Angels. It would not make sense for other chapters even Grey Knights to use such equipment on their Storm Ravens. So GW have either not planned the SR release very well or they are going to release new rules when they allow other chapters to use the vehicle (who knows when). Or maybe as they release new codexs they will all have wargear that will give them a little bit of chapter specific flare (Hopefully making everyone happy). Maybe the Dark Angels could have there own Dark Missiles (very creative arn't I) and space wolves could have Wolf Missiles!

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Ok. I think this thread has been allowed to exist long enough. There is nothing new to say about the subject without getting into accusations of trolling, general silliness, and a constant repetition of the same points.


So, That's All Folks.


When official word hits of the Stormraven being added to other army lists, this can be reopened.

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