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Grey Knight Rumors Thread


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So, how many of you actually fear using a psychic power and getting perils with your justicar? I don't want him to die that quickly!


I think it will be our largest weakness...


The fact that he isnt the only guy in the squad with a powered weapon of some kind should alleviate this somewhat no? I mean sure, he brings an extra point of ld (for the power armour dudes anyway) and that is nice. But they can still do psychic powers afterwards, be it with slightly reduced ability. I think one of the strengths of the grey knight army is going to be that units wont be as dependable on one particular model as they are in codex astartes armies. (Still somewhat dependable on them ofc, but not to the same degree).

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The weakness is that the power *won't* go off.


On top of that, you've just lost an expensive, elite guy, as you have no save for the Perils test (unless it's a GKT or equivalent, and then you still have to reroll your 5++ save...).


That and any high Initiative armies such as Eldar and Nids


Not really, I6 Halbards, Quickening and Cleansing Flame will deal with high I armies. :lol:

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So whats everyones opinions on which weapons to give deepstriking GKT then?


Halberds, NFW, Warding Stave, etc?


4 Halberds, 1 Hammer (if its a strength doubler) and either incinerator or psycannon depending on what you want the unit to do. (Frie some gribblies or hit some rear armour).


I doubt banners are going to be worth it if you have to give up a NFW for it (If not, they should be mandatory). Unless for maybe ten man strong footslogging termie squads where the number of overall attacks will actually increase a decent amount.

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The Shadow in the Warp will make it hard on us, but the Justicar still has 38% chance of making that roll. He does have about 17% chance of dying though. Still, 10 GKs assaulting 5 nids Warrios should shoot 20 times (hit 14, wound 7, kill 1 model), then assault without hammerhand (too risky), attack 20 times, hit 10, wound 5. Then, if you rolled badly (like doing 1-2 wounds), try a force weapon kill. The warriors will kill 4 models back, on average...


So, all in all, vs nid, you don't absolutely need to do the psychic test, but the odd are slight in your favor (38% chance of insta-killing their model vs 17% of killing yours) if you want to pull that card out of your sleeve. Hammerhand doesn't seem like it's worth it, though, unless you're pulling it with an HQ (50% chance of making the Ld test on 3 dice and only 13% chance of both getting a Peril AND not making that re-rolled 4+ inv. save) and even then it's quite a gamble on a 150-200pts model!.



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I've never faced Nids, but constantly face Eldar, and it's the Runes of Warding I'm more worried about. :lol:


This, as well as shadows and double hood lists, are going to throw a spanner into the works in grey knight armies. That's why I think it will be important to try and build units that can make use of psychic powers but dont utterly rely on them. (For example, dont rely solely on hammerhand and might for your strength needs. Take one hammer, just in case).


Also important when dealing with counter psyker lists will be judging wether or not using a power is a good idea. Spamming them willynilly could potentially be dangerous. For example, lets say youre assaulting a blob of eldar with a squad of purifiers. Quickly judge your odds of breaking and sweeping them without using cleansing flame (if thats still a thing in the actual codex) and weigh those odds against using the power and potentially losing a dude. Or when assaulting a vehicle, ask yourself if cracks have a decent chance at getting it done before using might and/or hammerhand.

This will be less of an issue against lists that dont have antipsyker tricks to make you peril more. The normal chance of perilling allows for a fair bit of spamming but it might nonetheless not be a bad idea to keep moderation in mind.

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I've never faced Nids, but constantly face Eldar, and it's the Runes of Warding I'm more worried about. ;)


This, as well as shadows and double hood lists, are going to throw a spanner into the works in grey knight armies. That's why I think it will be important to try and build units that can make use of psychic powers but dont utterly rely on them. (For example, dont rely solely on hammerhand and might for your strength needs. Take one hammer, just in case).


That and also remembering that we can pull from beyond JUST Grey Knights. Vindicares look pretty attractive for polishing off a basic Psychic Hood/Rune Weapon.


GML is right though, Runes of Warding will not be fun.

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Oh, and ridiculous canadian prices strikes again!


4 GKSS boxes, 2 GKT boxes, 2 NDK boxes, 1 codex: From my local store: 500CDN$. Shipped around the world by Wayland (free ship. voucher): 285CDN$





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Well, 50% of the time. ;)


Vindicares look pretty attractive for polishing off a basic Psychic Hood/Rune Weapon.


Our Eldar player is planning on moving Eldrad from the 10 man WraithGuard unit (T6 go go!) into a Falcon just to stop the Vindicare. He's not worried about him landing a penetrating shot, but relying on his stupidly broken, far better than Venerable, fields to save his tank and suck up the limited Vindicare shots.



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also don't forget Space Wolves 4+ cancel power item. we'll almost never get it off it off with them.


See my comment above about Vindicare Assassins. Also opening them to 8 S:7 Rending shots from 10 PAGK in a Rhino can do quite a bit. Most are only running with a 3+.


Since most GK powers are buffs, Wolf Tail Talismans won't come into play too much. But it would be worth the price of admission to see it stop a Heroic Sacrifice.

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I realize it's a huge stretch, but from hearing about Heroic Sacrifice...I don't know if that would come into play. The power doesn't effect the opposing unit, it merely supercharges your dude (in essence, a buff) to lay out a killing blow when he's all but spent in combat. That's a seriously RAW argument though. ;)
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I realize it's a huge stretch, but from hearing about Heroic Sacrifice...I don't know if that would come into play. The power doesn't effect the opposing unit, it merely supercharges your dude (in essence, a buff) to lay out a killing blow when he's all but spent in combat. That's a seriously RAW argument though. ;)


Depends a bit on the wording of the power but either way, I dont think you can weasel out on a fluff based technicality of 'its powering up my d00d' even RAW. If it requires some kind of to hit and/or to wound roll, RAW is pretty much showing it to be a targetted psychic attack, no matter what the fluff blurb above says.

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Sure you can. We've been doing it for years with the RAW of the Daemonhunter Force Weapon. Yes, slaying outright and causing "Instant Death" are completely different in technical verbiage, but both amount to removing a model from the table regardless of wounds, etc. One of those just happens to ignore eternal warrior.


But, like you said, it all depends on how it's worded.

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Will be picking up a box of each for the Power weapons and Plastic Libby bits to last me forever however this codex just seems like ward has turned his full retard status up 3 notches but I am glad you got a codex update. Still have not seen it in person due to natural dramas... But yeah I also feel bad about what I have heard about your Fluff quite a shame your army was quite cool fluffwise but now.
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Some developer comments:


"Mat has undoubtedly written a fantastic book here. Reading through it I found my jaw dropping at some of the stat-lines and abilities - they are utterly ruinous. A Grey Knight strike force will, almost certainly, find itself outnumbered by their opponents, though this should not be feared as your warriors will almost certainly be better in every way, be it manoeuvrability, shooting prowess or close combat skill. There are so many cool units in this book that you just want to have them all, from the lowliest servo-skull (which have superb rules and background) through to the most powerful Grand Master (who will break your opponents like twigs)."


"It can go toe-to-toe with pretty much any monstrous creature in the game, and wades through lesser enemies with ease. It's also the Grey Knights' best option for serious fire support, with options for heavy psycannon, gatling psilencer and heavy incinerator - just the thing to thin the enemy horde from a distance."


"Strike Squads are the Grey Knights main line of battle units - though, in truth, they stand head and shoulders above even the elites of other armies. Able to Deep Strike onto the battlefield, Strike Squads can assail the foe from an unexpected quarter."


"Grey Knight Terminators are versatile units that excel at both seizing enemy objectives and holding on to those you've already captured. With the protection of Terminator armour, they can shrug off the worst of the foe's shooting attacks whilst replying with formidable firepower of their own."


"Lord Kaldor Draigo is a combat monster - there's no other way to describe him. He's lethal against non-daemonic foes, with plenty of Strength 5 force weapon attacks to lay a beat down. When faced with hated Daemons, his Titansword becomes Strength 10, ensuring a pretty one-sided fight in his favour. Even if his enemy survives, Draigo's storm shield is sure to keep him fighting. And on top of all of this, Draigo is a Grand Master, able to bestow extra abilities on his allies. Want your Dreadknight to capture objectives? Draigo can make that happen. Want a Scouting screen of Dreadnoughts? Draigo can make it happen. He's the best possible way to keep your opponent on his toes."

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Think there will be a 1.5 wave later in April personally - the Jokaero have been seen and I think I spy crowe here: (green arrow)




EDIT - no idea why the pic looks like that as the one on photobucket is fine. Sorry.


It irks me that he doesn't have IC status (confirmed on warseer by someone who has seen the codex first hand), but they place him in pictures so it looks like he can join the squad.

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