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Just played my 46th draigo wing game


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Yea, I followed the same path you laid out there and come to an empty page labeled "bits"; very unsatisfying. :HQ: I even cleared my cache/cookies/everything to ensure a fresh page load.


I suppose I can call GW Direct and be like "Yo, I want to give you money. Give me psi-cannons." Then hear them explain to me how they don't want my money.

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the reason I went for converted psycannons, is I realised I needed twice as many as i would have, and then looking about on bits sites made me realise that terminator psycannons are like missile launchers and cyclone launchers, high in demand.


I've heard that power armoured psycannons can work just as well, but as I have no power armoured grey knights, I didn't try this out (and I also wanted to make them look different :) ).

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well, I ordered 3 psilancers, as I glued all my models together (figured out how I wanted them and how I would need to make them different for wound allocation shenanigans before I put them together). Bits sites seem to have quite a few psilancers, its almost as if people dont want to buy them... :)
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Valerian: monstrous creatures are in fact one of the accepted types listed under grand strat. :)


Okay, thanks thade; I've been away from the codex for about six weeks now during this move, and forgot they were in the list.


Appreciate it.



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I think those Psycannons look awesome Nurgelz!!


So after a lot of brain stretches I came up with a 1000 list that I think will do decently, and that minus Draigo himself, I have the models for. Side note: my LGS called GW acquiring about a Fine Cast Draigo for me and they where told that the mold broke, so if you see a Draigo and you need him buy him now as GW said that it could be 4 to 6 weeks before the mold is up and ready!! :D ...Anyways, the list is simple: Draigo, two five man Pally squads- each with two Psycannons, two Halberds, a single Hammer and one of the squads gets Psy ammo and a Apothecary. Comes out to 1K on the nose. Thanks for all the suggestion guys!!


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Side note: my LGS called GW acquiring about a Fine Cast Draigo for me and they where told that the mold broke, so if you see a Draigo and you need him buy him now as GW said that it could be 4 to 6 weeks before the mold is up and ready!! :D

I lol'd at Finecast Draigo breaking his own mold. That's got "Chuck Norris Joke" written all over it. Silly Failcast.


I lucked out and got myself a pewter Draigo; there is no limit to my happiness in that regard.


@Valerian: np :)

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For some reason, that link doesn't work for me. And the GW site's bits listings don't show any metal psicannon conversion kits. I'm U.S. local; are you on the British/Euro site or something else? Or is this just a site/cookie general fail?


Ah nuts. UK here.


I'll see if it will let me choose US and see if I can get to the page.




The US version of the page is blank. ;)


Even the Warhammer 40K > Warhammer 40K Bitz page doesn't list them. :P


If it helps at all the UK listing is;


Grey Knight Terminator Psycannons


This pack contains 5 Grey Knight Terminator Psycannon arms.

Availability: No Longer Available

Part Code: MPN 99060107053




(Just saw the No Longer Available... :'( )

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aye I noticed that too, maybe check some bitz sites or ebay?


I bought a metal draigo, and am using him (still need to paint him, like my whole army...). Can't believe Draigo is so tough he broke his own mold...


seems like a decent 1000 point list Rune_Priest_Rhapsody, and is probably what I would have gone for (remember wound allocation shenanigans!).

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Yeah, the LGS still had a pewter copy of Draigo, so I snatched it up. But I was hoping to do some conversion work on him, and I prefer to use plastic when doing so.


"When lord Kaldor Draigo goes to the bathroom, he takes a baseball bat with him in case he craps out a mountain lion, has to beat it to death, and breaks his own mold!!".


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well i used to play logan wing, and cyclone launchers were always out of stock, so I used havoc launchers instead, you either improvise, or compromise :devil:


Word. I used IG Sentinel Missiles. Cheap as all get out. Bought 6 for less money than a single real CML. And they look good.


We can do the same with psycannons. No one should have to $15 pay for a little plastic bit to go on their little plastic men.

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I've been following this thread closely and I decided to share my experiences with paladin deathstars.


Firstly I don't use dreadknights, instead I have rifledreads. I like to have an ability to pop enemy transports from turn 1. Has worked for me better than dreadknights.


I've used those single paladins as my scoring units and they have been wonderfull so far. Using draigos reserve manipulation they usually arrive turn 3-4 and by then I should have my paladin deathstar chewing up the enemy army. Depending on the mission I've usually reserved one to walk from my board edge and the rest to deepstrike to objectives.


I'm going to a tournament next weekend and here is the list:





10x Paladins with 4x Psycannons, Banner, Warding Stave, Apothecary

1x Paladin

1x Paladin


3x Rifleman Dreadnaughts



This has been working for me. I've played mostly vs razorspam wolves, BA and Nids.


Keep up the good work Nurglez and gief moar BATTLE REPORTS! ;)

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I have taken a break from playing with my draigo wing, as I do to well vs my friends and it is not fun. I am heading to throne of skulls in october and will take my draigo wing there, so I will start playing more games in the run up to that.


Glad to hear that single paladins have been working for you Noober, I like the option for 2 more psycannons in my other paladin squad so will always take 5 as my second choice, and I like DK's, especially with personal teleporters, though can only afford 1 at 1500 points, at 2000 points I use a second DK without teleporter so I can fit in a psyrifle dread. Psyrifle dread's are nice, though I do find them a bit too single purpose to use 3 of them, and also as I have 2 DK models I can only fit in 1 dread unless I make them venerable, upping their cost by a fair bit heh.

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I've been following this thread closely and I decided to share my experiences with paladin deathstars.


Firstly I don't use dreadknights, instead I have rifledreads. I like to have an ability to pop enemy transports from turn 1. Has worked for me better than dreadknights.


I've used those single paladins as my scoring units and they have been wonderfull so far. Using draigos reserve manipulation they usually arrive turn 3-4 and by then I should have my paladin deathstar chewing up the enemy army. Depending on the mission I've usually reserved one to walk from my board edge and the rest to deepstrike to objectives.


I'm going to a tournament next weekend and here is the list:





10x Paladins with 4x Psycannons, Banner, Warding Stave, Apothecary

1x Paladin

1x Paladin


3x Rifleman Dreadnaughts



This has been working for me. I've played mostly vs razorspam wolves, BA and Nids.


Keep up the good work Nurglez and gief moar BATTLE REPORTS! ;)



Lol that is exactly my list I just took 2 vens instead of 3 normal. I also hame a few master crafted weapons in the pallies for full wound allo


Its a killer!

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a rifleman dread is nice, however I enjoy using 2 DK's to provide distractions (and the footslogging one can provide a cover save to my paladins by standing in front of them :cuss), so my 3rd slot at 2000 points is a rifleman. The psychic defence bonus is nice vs some armies, and the fact that he "only" has 4 str 8 ap 4 shots means he is generally less of a threat then my paladins closing on the enemy army.


I played a game vs a 2 landraider logan wing army, and my dread was very low on the threat priority, probably due to me smoking one of his landraiders on my first turn with the 4 psycannons on my deathstar 10man squad with Draigo and libby heh, but thanks to the psychic defense he stopped a murderous hurricane on the deathstar and imobolised the second landraider towards the end of the game.


I also enjoy the target saturation that a DK or 2 provide, means the whole army has a 2+/5++ save or better, and loads of wounds, never played against dark eldar so that will be interesting heh.

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