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Just played my 46th draigo wing game


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they aren't, though all it takes is you to roll a 1 and we are down 1 paladin :D

Yep, this is precisely my thinking. It's how I kill Hammernators: lots and lots of boltgun fire. If I put three tac squads of fire into that unit then charge it, it's gone, because my opponent is bound to roll some 1s and overflow will eat them.


Against Paladins this is MUCH harder because of wound allocation and the fact they have two wounds. I'd be hitting that squad with my ML Devastators from the first turn on; he is going to roll some 1s, he is going to lose a paladin or two a turn to my Devs.


Given that is my marine-thinking, my paladin-thinking is "I need to kill those MLs". Callidus, Riflemen, Orbital Strikes, and S5 Storm Bolter fire (when finally they get close enough). Oh, I could say hello with a Scouting Dreadknight too. :D

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but the problem is, if you are shooting at my big squad I have draigo. 4 missiles should get 2-3 hits, 2-3 wounds, first one goes on draigo, then I have a very decent chance of saving both on the others. Draigo will always absorb the first instant death hit I receive, and if you have a squad of 10 chaos marines rapid firing bolters and 2 meltaguns, well, means its more likely I can put both melta on draigo.


If draigo fails all 4 instant death causing saves, well, he's just saved 4 paladins, lowering his effective cost by 220

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Yes, that is a pickle. :)


Did I mention that I picked up three more boxes of GK Terminators last night? I'm planning on fifteen paladins, at least one Malleus Inquisitor in TDA, and a Brother Captain. After I've painted a few Terminators and I'm satisfied with the results, I will clean off the Draigo model and proceed to convert him so that he's equipped properly and no longer "Draigo". (Yes, he's pewter.)


Oh, I also picked up an Infinity model which I'll be converting into my Callidus. By the Emperor, this will be done.

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good times heh. 15 paladins is all I'm using, though I did pick up the bits for 2 more torso's and legs so I can make an apothecary and standard bearer :)


I also received my contemptor pattern dreadnought yesterday, but that will be something for me to work on later, as I have 2 months to paint 1750 points worth of draigo wing (18 models... heh).

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I am going to use the Librarian from Space Hulk for my GK force, scrapping and filing away BA heraldry as necessary; I already have the TDA Librarian in my marine force, so beyond the SH one I'll be doing a conversion. 20 GKT bodies and only fifteen planned paladins max leaves me with models to play with. Inquisitors, Bro Caps, and a surprise or two...
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as I have 2 months to paint 1750 points


Throne of Skulls?


Game of Throne of Skulls second event indeed heh, bought the ticket, booked the days off work, now just need to get my army painted, sort out a B&B and then get there :D


why, you wanna go too?


Oh and thade, I had 2 of the old old grey knight terminators, i added weapons to the old arms I had but didn't like the way it looked, so here is my attempt on the second one.



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You mean they look big and out of place like Shoulder Pads on a regular marine.



Naw, I think your good.




Edit: btw good thread, Nurglez, you caused me to purchase a box of Paladins (Terminators) and a Stormraven.

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Heh, thanks for the opinion on the libby, think i'll paint him first, eventually.


Can't speak for the storm raven, am yet to try it out, probably because I'm not that happy with the model, mine still needs work.


I feel that a libby is needed with the storm raven, shrouding plus flat out can be nice.

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they aren't, though all it takes is you to roll a 1 and we are down 1 paladin :D

Yep, this is precisely my thinking. It's how I kill Hammernators: lots and lots of boltgun fire. If I put three tac squads of fire into that unit then charge it, it's gone, because my opponent is bound to roll some 1s and overflow will eat them.


Against Paladins this is MUCH harder because of wound allocation and the fact they have two wounds. I'd be hitting that squad with my ML Devastators from the first turn on; he is going to roll some 1s, he is going to lose a paladin or two a turn to my Devs.


Given that is my marine-thinking, my paladin-thinking is "I need to kill those MLs". Callidus, Riflemen, Orbital Strikes, and S5 Storm Bolter fire (when finally they get close enough). Oh, I could say hello with a Scouting Dreadknight too. ^_^


I don't have my codex with me at the moment, but is the Dreadknight able to benefit from the Grand Strategy? I don't recall Monstrous Creatures being on the list of eligible unit types. Isn't it just Infantry, Jump Infantry, and Walkers?



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Yet another informative thread started by Nurglez!! Like you brother, I too have been recently swept away from the Fang by this new shiny new codex. And nothing has changed in my love of TDA either. Glad to see you have so much good feed back (I just spent almost an entire hour reading every page!!) here!!


I just got a GKTDA box for my birthday and then bought two more with a little cash I set aside. I have been using army builder to assemble a solid 1500 pnts, but there is a 1K tourney in a little less than two weeks from now. Is a Draigowing possible at that level?? Should I opt for a 5 man Pally squad for Draigo, and the use GKTDA for the rest of my models so that I can fit more into the list?? Or am I still better off going with the survivability of a 2 wound Terminator??


Thanks all


End of Line

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Well, welcome to the grey side rune priest raph, we has cookies :D.


For 905 points you can get Draigo, 10 paladins and 4 psycannons. With those spare points you could get 1 more paladin, or lose a few and 2 psycannon's for a dk or dread or libby. Personally, Draigo, 10 pallies and a lone pally would be funny, combat squad in objective games or have an uber death star and a lone kill point :)


As paladins can come squads of 1, it gives a few options and gives us very cheap scoring units (though vulnerable to certain attacks).


Let us know what you decide there matey...

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Well I'm not sold on the idea either, but if you can only afford 11 paladins and 4 psycannon's, would you rather have a squad of 5 and a squad of 6, or a 10man squad and a lone paladin?
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indeed they are, when playing against armies who have toughness 3-4 and 4+ saves or worse I often give my DK the re roll to wound rolls of 1's, lets his heavy incinerator totally own squads (place it so it covers a whole squad of imperial guard veterans, roll 10 dice, needing 2+ and rerolling 1's, oh sorry, the whole squad is dead :D ).


And BO, yes a solo paladin is a free kill point, so to speak, but they have to find it, and kill it, if at 1000 points you have draigo with 10 paladins, and 1 paladin, you still only have 3 kill points. Toast 2 enemy units then keep draigo and the 10 paladins safe and you win ^_^


Personally, I'd choose 2x5 man paladin squads, and use the spare points for either an extra pally or apothicary and some MC weps, but I thought I would throw the suggestion out there :D

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Getting closer. This weekend I finally got the chance to base coat my paladin kits (all four of them). Still working on marine-based projects (my chief apothecary) but these guys are now officially on deck. (Happy to say that Krylon Metallic Silver is the easiest thing to base coat with ever.)


I need to figure out what arms go with what hands go with what weapons and determine the best way to set them all up such that I can play games with what-weapons-my-paladins-have-today. Given the limited number of shoulder plates and slightly less limited number of arms, I'll either be going with pins/tiny magnets or something more mundane...like purchasing additional arms. What I need to do now is find some Psi-cannons (as the four provided are simply not enough). I'm sure bit shops will charge me like crazy for them, but what can you do? ;)


I'm thinking ultimately I'll be fielding the paladins in a 10 and 5 config (a la Paladin Nurglez) or dropping the five-man and going with PAGK so I can weave in some other fun stuff to play with (like an irresponsible number of assassins, my Sisters of Battle/Henchmen unit, etc.). I'm excited.

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What I need to do now is find some Psi-cannons (as the four provided are simply not enough). I'm sure bit shops will charge me like crazy for them, but what can you do?


Use the old metal TDA arms! They have the old Psycannon, which is far superior to the new one, and you can buy a 'bitz' box of 5 of them form the GW site!





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For some reason, that link doesn't work for me. ;) And the GW site's bits listings don't show any metal psicannon conversion kits. I'm U.S. local; are you on the British/Euro site or something else? Or is this just a site/cookie general fail?
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go to gw online store.

* Warhammer 40,000

* Warhammer 40,000 Armies

* Grey Knights

* Bitz


psycannons should appear there. Or do what I did, and use the psi lancer gun with the barrels chopped off, and a chaos marine gargoyle barrel in its place.



Also, while just playing and trying them out, just blue tac the hands in place :HQ:

Also an idea I've had to show which weapons are MC'ed, I'm going to blue tac purity seals on to the weapons that are MC'ed, letting me chop and change as needed :D


Edit, the psycannons from GW seem to be no longer available...

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