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Crimson Fists Project B&C member update....25/3/14

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Sweet a reason to get a finecast Pedro....


May I suggest using a GKPA arm as it would have a storm bolter on it already?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Good morning everyone (UK time)


I'd like to say that I haven't forgotten this thread nor the B&C members that still have yet to be finalised off and painted.


I had crushing news from the hospital at the end of October and then my relationship went down hill...so a bit off my game....BUT this has now left me with the time and concentration to get going on this thread again.


The 4 remaining B&C members that are waiting wont be waiting much longer I can assure you.


I found a fine cast arm for kantor....boom

Bala boom




Here's a pic of the last of the sternguard as well as a predator...felt like I needed to get some tanks done lol




Too mich firepower?




So yeah. This thread will be getting weekly updates again....


Hope you are all well.

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Sucks to hear about the bad news buddy. You'll just have to distract yourself by painting kick ass Crimson Fists ;)

Cheers fella...I had a game against chaos the other week...I walked away winning 9-0 lol

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Sorry to hear about your unfortunate circumstances, hope things turn sunny side up soon.  The b&c member marines should be a real treat to see in future updates (and I'm not saying that because you were making one of me at some point haha).


My one nitpick about Kantor is that the bullet holes need some kind of frayed cloth around the holes- so it doesn't look like a finecast casting issue.

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  • 2 months later...

Good morning brothers, how are we all?


Right I know I've been a bit quiet in terms of my project but here's the first update of a few (got my head down and been painting)


Next stern guard and B&C member to be done is Brother Melice



Brother Vàlentîn of the 4th sterngaurd squad of lord hell blades crusade company


++"brother sargent, enemies now at 250 meters walking to the east, I put their number on the 130 mark, one of them looks to be in control....but not by much though..."++


Vàlentîn had his back against a rocky outcrop on the very south side of the ambush site.


'130 orks...13 to one.....surprise is everything' he thought to him self, out of all the brothers in his squad he had the greatest respect towards the ork race, one ork was as powerful in strength and martial prowess (not as well drilled, disciplined or skilled) as any space marine, often he'd Recite the litanies of hate, dedication and vengeance to his brothers....they joke that he will make or even be picked to be a chaplain as he's as 'cold, bitter and an un-joyous soul'


The silence snaps his mind back to the coming fight, he checks over his Bolter, a Godwyn pattern combi melta...'a full load' he remarks to him self...he has mag locked on his back a venerated chainsword, given to him during the defence of new rynn city when his squad came to the aid of elements of 3rd & 2nd company under ork attack in zone 13 of the manufactourim area, a 3rd company sgt gave his chainsowrd with the stain of his blood as a mark and an oath toward Vàlentîn forever binding them.


The silence was then broken by the bark of a Bolter joined by another, then 7 more....


'Best join our brothers eh' he spoke to his Bolter


++"Rõca...try and not let your arrogance make me have to come and save your back water ass again"++


++"only you can get away with talking to me like that with out having a beating in the cages brother"++ Rõca replied


++"meet in the middle then?"++

Vàlentîn voxed back


With a feral laugh, ++"haha yes brother as per our mission as always, stay well...don't get killed"++


With a turn poised into a hard sprint Valentin strode into the orks, Bolter on single shot...but the the time it took to take a breath, 4 headless orks fell to their backs or knees....as he was but 15 foot away he reached for the chain sword and gunned it too life burying it into the first ork he came into, in a flash he threw a frag grande into the orks on his left, switched his bolt gun to full auto and sprayed a mass of rounds from left to right making a semi circle of clearance around him, ripping free the chainsword still buried in the ork from his initial charge...


++"Rõca, you're late"++


And with that...he waded back into orks towards Rõca...






The last 2 members Brother Mikhail and Telos05 will be loaded up later on today or tomorrow


With that I put together 2 more guys for Brother Heinrichs tactical squad


Brother Lysere






The dev squad is being worked on right now B&C members as follows.....


SGT: Firepower (appropriate)

ML1. Shadowsong7007

ML.2 Jeremy1391

ML.3 Reaper88

PC. Nards08


....keep an eye out


Thanks again brothers C&C welcome

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@The_Chaplain: thanks fell, I do try and get individuality and some dynamic look to my models.


@Doghouse: told you what happened via GTA, and you know you can grab a spot in my army any time


@deathspectresgt7: glad you like your self lol


@Biohazard: thank you also fella, yeah I'm glad to be back painting too.....you must try harder....I'm looking foward to seeing your army again

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Good to have you back man, liking the new progress.

Thanks brother, great to be back in the mind set for my project, minds been scrambled up for ages


Right here's brother Arrendàjo AKA 'Telos05'


Brother Arrendájo of the 4th sterngaurd squad of lord hell blades crusade company


Arrendàjo was positioned on the furthest point of the north east side, Checking over his heavy flamer it was a Tartarus pattern heavy flamer that had been almost irreparable but Arrendàjo refused to let such a relic be discarded and locked away in the chapters valuts...so he brought it back to life after the beating it had acquired against a traitorous assault by the arch enemy; it had taken many years of care and dedication to the weapons spirit to spring life back into it but after 6 years of working on the weapon on and off in between campaigns he'd finally restored the weapon to its former glory.


The flamers title 'dorns wrath' was etched on the barrel, it had seen a long history, dating back to the iron cage.


Him and Brither Mikail had the honour and objective to cover the rear position by holy flame, make sure no green skin escaped and once the battle was over scour the area with flame to kill all trace of the Xenos presence.


Looking at the chrono count down ++40 seconds++ before the warband was within the kill zone.


He patched into Mikhail,


++"brother, are you ready to shut the beasts route off with cleansing flame?"++


++"you do worry me at times brother, you seem to revel in the slaughter through flame....I feel you have the wrong gene seed inside of you and the wrong shade of chapter colour"++


++"ha! You could say that....but you know me....after the destruction these beasts caused us....I would walk the stars burning the life out of every single one of them"++


++"you're going to need a lot prothieum....will you be commanding your own fleet of fuel ships then"++


++"always the sarcastic one....we shall see who reaps a bigger tally this night.....the beasts have passed us.....shall we?"++


++"for Dorn"++


++"for Dorn"++












Hope you like him brothers

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