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ultramarine dice

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Using my Ultramarines dice with my Ultramarines army today. I'm hoping every time the noble agemo sign causes all who witness it to pull their hair and gnash their teeth in glorious frustration!

My armor is contempt. My shield is disgust. My sword is Agemo dice.

In the Emperor's name, let none survive!

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i feel bad for you USA based folks, i had to send by APO to keep costs down for all involved.. does tend to drag its feet though..


No dice tour has been more epic than mine. Created in the USA, flown to the UK, mailed to me in London. Used twice (both for victories) then packed into a box and is now sailing the ocean blue BACK to the USA where it will board a truck to make its way to North Carolina.


Awesome Sauce I say.

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No dice tour has been more epic than mine.

Makes me think of those lawn gnome "vacations" where people steal lawn gnomes and then take pictures of them all over the world on their travels.


If someone were to do the same with these dice, that would be double epic. Heck, we could even all contribute photos to the effort and it would appear to be the same dice :)

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Well that sucked! I lost big time tonight and left my dice at home by accident.


Is there a correlation in this do you think?



i used my dice for my chaos army last night, 3 times i rolled for my daemon weapon, 3 times i rolled an agemo.. made my opponent cringe every time ;)

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So I got home from work yesterday and when I stepped up to my door to unlock it, my foot came down on something hard-ish and sort-of-plastic underneath the mat. I lifted my foot, lifted the mat, and what do I see? Padded envelope! Win, my dice are here! .... Wait. No, no that's not my dice. That's a CD case that I've just crunched. I didn't order a CD, what gives? ... Oh. It was meant for a neighbor. ;) /trudges over and delivers the mail to the neighbor.
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So I got home from work yesterday and when I stepped up to my door to unlock it, my foot came down on something hard-ish and sort-of-plastic underneath the mat. I lifted my foot, lifted the mat, and what do I see? Padded envelope! Win, my dice are here! .... Wait. No, no that's not my dice. That's a CD case that I've just crunched. I didn't order a CD, what gives? ... Oh. It was meant for a neighbor. ;) /trudges over and delivers the mail to the neighbor.



Any day now....

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:devil: Don't feel bad GC08, it was meant to be a humorous story. I'm anxious to get them but in no way upset at you for picking an economical shipping method. When given a choice, I always pick the cheapest shipping method :) I'm nothing but thankful to you for getting this started and the work you took upon yourself to make this happen.
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:devil: Don't feel bad GC08, it was meant to be a humorous story. I'm anxious to get them but in no way upset at you for picking an economical shipping method. When given a choice, I always pick the cheapest shipping method :) I'm nothing but thankful to you for getting this started and the work you took upon yourself to make this happen.
I'd say this again, but to save time I'll simply quote. ;)
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My dice made it to Denver. Thye look awsome and I can't wait to get in my first game with them. Thank you GC08 for the work you did!


phew, they are starting to arrive.. wont be long for the rest of you fellas then.


thanks for all the kind words, im just glad we could get 25 strangers from all over the world to get together on a project like this (some stranger than others i guess :yes: )

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:tu: Don't feel bad GC08, it was meant to be a humorous story. I'm anxious to get them but in no way upset at you for picking an economical shipping method. When given a choice, I always pick the cheapest shipping method :) I'm nothing but thankful to you for getting this started and the work you took upon yourself to make this happen.



I curse the local post office for apparently not being as good as the Denver post office. :(

But also this! *shakes fist*

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