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Phoenix Knights - Expeditionary Force (1st & 2nd Cie)


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Hello all,

I'm coming back to 40k after a 10 years pause (children etc). I always played SM and again decided to play & paint them, this time a vanilla SM chapter of my own.
First step, as yellow and black are my favorite colors on a model so far, I decided to go that way. After several tests, found my scheme :

Tactical Marine




Just before going to the mini plog itself, a brief introduction on how I see that chapter. By advance I apologise for the mistakes, English is not my primary language...

The Phoenix Knights are a recent chapter, created from Imperial Fists geneseed during the 23d foundation. From their genetic heirloom they got a stubborn temper, an inclination for defensive and mechanised tactics and, above all, a knightly behaviour. That last characteristic has developped more than any other due to the homeworld they received, Avagg II, a feudal world in the Helican subsector from which they recruit their neophytes .
Little is known about their beliefs. They are strict adherent of the Cult Imperialis, but it seems that the number of librarians is higher than in a standart chapter. Those who fought alongside Phoenix Knights tell that they are particularly cautious with their equipment and weapons. They also seem to have superior quantites of special weapons and armoured vehicles. Apart from that, they follow strictly the Codex Astartes, which is considered to be the symbol of the rebirth of space marines from the ashes of the Horus Heresy. Only the titles and nomenclature may vary from the codex, inherited from traditions of the 99 baronies of their homeworld.

Enough fluff (somewhat), here are the 3 first test mini, members of the 1st tactical squad of the 2nd company.



The chapter badge is a Raven Guard transfer, painted over.
Photo are a bit dark, my camera's crappy ... Hope you like it, the rest of the 1st tac squad will soon follow smile.gif

Thank you for you kind answers. I will try to take better photos for the rest of the squad (now finished).


Here are my recipes :

- Yellow : base with a mix of Sunburst and Iyanden, maybe 60-40 (to keep it bright). Highlights with sunburst, then sunburst + white, up to pure white (on the helmet for example). Shadows are made in mixing blazing orange and base, and with scorched brown for the last ones. Ah and I forgot, white undercoat !

- Teal : I have to make the freehand with white, and then paint it again with Prince August Emerald (838)... Shadows with Hawk Turquoise and highlights with white.


Hope that will help ! :D Yellow marines are a pain, but the result is always great I think. Would have done Lamenters, but I hate chess and didn't want BA successors ^^ (yours are really great btw Lamentermarine).

I've bought a Sanguinary guard box & a GT squad, along with Mk III and RG vet parts from FW. With all these bits, i'm planning to do another Tac & Sternguards, a Captain and a librarian. All will be far more kitbashed than the first tac which is "standart".


But I'm currently painting a landspeeder :D

Can't wait to see more! When I first saw the SMP pic I wasn't sure about the green as an accent colour, but once I saw the painted mini's I had to change my mind, it looks awesome! Beautiful job in general, especially the (very clever) work turning the RG badge into a phoenix!

And finally Brother-knight Tully, leader of the 1st tactical squad of the 2nd compagny. He is the youngest sergent of the compagny, and the last one promoted among them, but his ability to take initiative and his predispositions to leadership earned him the confidence of Lord-captain Oberon.





Any comment appreciated :D


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