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Phoenix Knights - Expeditionary Force (1st & 2nd Cie)


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Thanks for all the kind comments.

With the release of the new GK, I had the project of my own plastic librarian (like many^^). The rear torso of GK is really a blessing for the psychic hood.

So here is my version... actually my two versions. I prefer the one with the staff, but had to show you both. Tell me what you guys think :)



Very nice. The guy with the staff looks more like a librarin, but the sword guy is more of a fighting libby, in my mind. He is the chaplain-psyker guy that flattens enemies with his sword as often as with warpfire, all the while reciting litanies of praise to big E. Well, maybe I read a bit much into a miniature, but hey.


Conclusion - I have no idea who to pick. Both are a great kitbash.


- Nat

Holy hell! Havent been on this thread for a while and man have you been busy. First, thanks for that yellow recipe, I may have a use for that very soon. Second, that Librarian is just ace! Again, another idea I've put into the "future army" list, keep up the good work!
  • 2 weeks later...

As promised, a finished landspeeder.

It's my first try at weathering and I think I've been a bit to far, but I still like the final result. It's an old plastic model of landspeeder, so I didn't get the HF in the kit, so needed to pick-up one from a dread.

Opinions welcome ;)





I'm currently doing the 2nd tactical squad & (plastic converted) sternguards. I delayed the libby because I can't decide how to paint him (sticked with the staff btw). Blue or not blue, that's the question...

Very nice LS, the weathering is very, very, very slightly overdone to my mind, but it's a minimal complaint on a nevertheless beautifully done model!


Think I'd go blue on the Libby. It seems like the Chapter is quite 'Codex' in its look and markings, etc, so it would be the appropriate colour; he'd also stand out nicely from the rank and file. Plus, given that Codex Librarians wear yellow tabards with black markings anyway, he'd still fit in too.

  • 4 weeks later...

I'm not quite dead ^^

I spent a long time building my sternguards, scratching my head to find a kitbash/conversion that I like... Anyway, the first one is nearly painted, and I will post him soon.

But before that, I've done the first two marines of my second tactical squad :


Hope you like them :)

Thank you for the kind comments.

I always undercoat white, which is not the best solution regarding time spent on the mini, but is mandatory for my yellow.

Weapons are undercoated black separately.

For those interested, my forecoming Sternguard scheme will be the following :


Nice choice of colour changes for the SG, should stand out well! Will they be the metal set or kitbashed plastics?


Edit: Never mind, just reread your earlier post, looking forward to seeing what you've built!

The first sternguard is finally here :(

I've spent a long time to find the right pose and bits to give him a veteran look without going too far. There are small conversions here and there. The loin cloth is made with GS but nearly invisible now...

I spent even more time painting him : teal on black is a pain ! It's my first attempt ever at osl, the result is ok but not as good as I would have liked.




Hope you like him, feel free to suggest things, I'm just beginning the 4 next sternguards :lol:


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