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Phoenix Knights - Expeditionary Force (1st & 2nd Cie)


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really nicely painted stuff!


got a gripe with the chaplain though.. (sorry) his power fist arm is too long under the shoulderpad, the elbow shouldn't have much between it and the rim of the pad if you look at your normal marine arm.. and the other arm needs soft armour between it and the chest.. other than that id consider altering the crozius so hes hitting his foe with the wing rather than the face, its a personal preference but i think it would improve the model.


sorry for being a naysayer.. i just think with as crisp a paint job as you've done on the others, that you'd regret the small things later on.

really nicely painted stuff!


got a gripe with the chaplain though.. (sorry) his power fist arm is too long under the shoulderpad, the elbow shouldn't have much between it and the rim of the pad if you look at your normal marine arm.. and the other arm needs soft armour between it and the chest.. other than that id consider altering the crozius so hes hitting his foe with the wing rather than the face, its a personal preference but i think it would improve the model.


sorry for being a naysayer.. i just think with as crisp a paint job as you've done on the others, that you'd regret the small things later on.

No problem Lorenzen, constructive critics are what makes us progress. For the PF arm, you're probably right, but on the mini it's ok and shortening the arm would be quite difficult for me. I will try to sculpt a soft armor between the right arm and the chest, you're totally right on that one. At last, my personnal preference for the crozius is as it is now, for I see him charging and designating ennemies to a squad rather than thrusting the crozius in h2h.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback guys !

  • 4 weeks later...

Didn't made it through the first cut of the chappy contest, I'll have to improve ! biggrin.png

Work has taken its toll from my free time, but I've made some progress on Oberon.

Cloak, banner, head and a deco shield are on the to-do list. And the base ofc.


Hope you like him. Comments & suggestions very welcome !

  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you guys for all your comments.

*** Transmission processing ***

Lord-captain Oberon is one of the most experienced space marine among the Phoenix Knights chapter. He is second only to the Chapter Master for the number of campaigns and years of service. During the battles of the 13th crusade, where he fought to defend the Helican subsector among all the chapter forces, he has earned a reputation of excellent tactician and specialist of deadly counter attacks with armoured vehicles.

From then, even if the main forces of the chapter still defend the sector and chase remnant chaos forces, he has been charged to lead an expeditionnary fleet to take back fallen worlds and to help the Imperium repell Xenos invasions.

The main body of that force consists in his battle company, the second, and several squads front the 1st, the 8th, the 9th and the 10th. Several members of the high chamber of the chapter are under his command as well. Overall he is leading more than 200 space marines with an especially high number of armoured vehicles and aircraft.

Always going to battle in his personnal terminator armor, he has been given one of the most precious relic of the chapter : a double bladed power spear named Suraki and surnamed "the Phoenix claws" among the chapter battle brothers. Its origin is unknown but some rumours say it's a weapon found during the great crusade and given to the Phoenix Knights as a gift from an Imperial Fist captain at the creation of the chapter.




*** End of transmission ***

I know I promised a banner, but I have a lot of work to do (finish the 2nd tac squad, paint the chaplain, build & paint a termi squad, etc) and will go back on him later. He already took me a lot of time and he's huge enough like that smile.png

Next step, building a second librarian in terminator armor (always wanted one, the challenge is the occasion)

Hope you like him & pardon any mistake in my text !

Thank you guys for your very kind words. I keep my motivation thanks to you !

The fluff is a bit dull ,but I try to avoid super mysterious origins/motivation/organization and to stay coherent. If you have any suggestion you're welcome...whistlingW.gif

Thank you guys for your very kind words. I keep my motivation thanks to you !

The fluff is a bit dull ,but I try to avoid super mysterious origins/motivation/organization and to stay coherent. If you have any suggestion you're welcome...:whistlingW:

Well, you mention a higher number of librarians than you typical chapter. Maybe expand on this? More librarians usually mean more psychers among the peoples that they recruit from. That being the case, it usually catches the attention of the Inquisition. You could take it one of two ways.


A. They have had trouble with the Inquisition due to the higher concentration of psychics among the peoples of Avagg II. Maybe a background that includes some sort of coverup or disagreement.


B. They work closely with the Inquisition due to their staunch following of the codex and their librarians are often chosen for the Deathwatch because of this.


Anyway, just some thoughts. Personally, I would go with B. since I really would to see how you would make a Deathwatch squad but that's just me.

Actually I was planning to build an inquisition team to ally with this army, because I'm a fan of John blanche's type of approach (on a modelling perspective). I was thinking of a higher concentration of psychic abilities among the nobe families of Avagg II. They are only a small part of the population, but usually give quite a high proportion of the chapter's librarians. From then I'm leaning toward your B, and imagine an agreement between the chapter and the Inquisition to often give librarians to the Deahwatch in exchange of the right to keep the management of that psychic gifted population.

It needs to be worked of course, but thanks for the input. And I was hesitating between expanding my sternguards to ten or building a deathwatch kill team. You've convinced me of doing the latter ! biggrin.png A 5 men Kill-team led by a Phoenix Knight Librarian is a cool project, and a simple way to include members of chapters I like in that army (actually it will be hard to select only five^^).

After finally going through all nine pages, and cleaning my chin of drool and not fainting from the sheer awesomeness of your models, I applaud you for you work, which has inspired me to get back to work on my Blood Guardians. I am in love with Oberon entirely. I plan to steal his power weapon and make it, once I get the models of course.

All so very impressive.... Top tier do it yourself army indeed!


For Oberon, what character rules are you using for him on the Table-top? Obviously he has TDA and a storm bolter, but is his spear supposed to be a Relic Blade or simply a Power Lance? I think Chapter Master Carab Culln of the Red Scorpions could represent him well rule-wise, if you are not adverse to using FW rules.


Culln has MCed Relic Blade (i.e. "Suraki"), MCed Storm Bolter, TDA, Iron Halo, EW, TH, Orbital Bombardment, and several other rules that are useful in CC. As for chapter tactics, he exchanges Combat Tactics for allowing all of his Tactical Sergeants to become Apothecaries.

@ ChaptermasterDemon7 : thanks for the compliment and feel free to steal the weapon. Easy to do and cool looking ! I hope to see some Blood Guardians soon, there's never enough "Liber Astartes". smile.png

@ L30n1d4s : he is planed for TDA, SB and relic blade. I also thought at Culln (I have both IA concerning Badab) cause he is matching model-wise. The rules are cool, I'm ok with FW stuff but I have a small reluctance concerning his special feat with sergeants and Apoths. I don't see how to take that into the fluff of my chapter and, above all, I don't want to put that rule in it. I can imagine a "Phoenix" rule giving the equivalent of FnP to tacs, but it's weird and pretty powerfull. I guess I can keep combat tactics in its place, but then Culln is kinda expensive.

We'll see what next C:SM propose ! wink.png

Some other options, if you don't mind going outside C:SM, include:


-Counts as Logan Grimnar, with Suraki representing the rules for the Axe of Morkai. Rules-wise, Logan brings a lot to your army and, if you are willing, I think you could represent your chapter well and competitivelu (albeit a bit unconentionally) with SWs... instead of a bunch of space Viking Marines, you have a chapter of burning phoenix Marines.


-Belial of the Deathwing, with Suraki representing the Sword of Silence. Doesn't seem to fit too well with your chapter, but if you including even a single TDA squad, then they could be "counts as" Deathwing and it would be worth the points to have Belial (no scatter DS, good combat stats, scoring TDA troops)


Whatever you do, this is fantastic work and I, like many others on this thread, eagerly await your next installment (perhaps a Phoenix Land Raider?! How amazing would that be!!!!)


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