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Stobz'z Legends.... Hello Darkness, my old friend...

Go to solution Solved by Interrogator Stobz,

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Sapphon is done nicely.

The only small critique from me are purity seals on storm bolter. I would alter it color by adding a bit blue in the mix, so it won't be the same color with casing.

Either way -- beautifully done mini.


Same comment really, except i would make the seals green instead. Fitting in every way :)

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Very nice Stobz!


Now, as far as complimentary colors and such go, I can see changing the seal color as others have noted. However, from a realistic stand point, I doubt marine's are saying, "Oh no, not at all, this red wax will simply not due on my red storm bolter... Serf! Find me more wax!"


Unless your a pretty little traitor of Fulgrim's brood.

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Now, as far as complimentary colors and such go, I can see changing the seal color as others have noted. However, from a realistic stand point, I doubt marine's are saying, "Oh no, not at all, this red wax will simply not due on my red storm bolter... Serf! Find me more wax!"


That's why I suggested altering color a bit towards blue. Another suggestion would be alter color towards yellow. Some bright orange highlights may do the work.

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A few funny comments and a few things to consider: thanks for sharing your ideas gentlemen, I will ponder and fix as I can. I will also get rid of some of the gloss varnish on his crozius, it looks terrible irl.


"Boogietime, Boogietime, Across the USA...Boogietime, Boogietime, yeah, yeah, yeah"

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Stobz, Sapphon looks fantastic! I am not really bothered at all by the red wax on the SB, because it matches all the rest he bears. You've done some great details on this one, really like the Chapter symbol on the long scroll on both the front and back. I think I might have have carried that bronze/brass detail from the band on his leg up to the raised guard on the pauldron, but it still looks good as the iron/steel color. One thing I notice: he isn't bearing a DW marking on him (or did you just hide it really well?). That Crozius looks like it is about to :cuss something to bits, really smashing (:lol: come on, it's a good pun) job on it! I'm considering some theft. ;)


Now, because I always ask: how did you do the little glowing coils behind the skull mask? I think it is a great effect and really highlights this piece well.



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Thanks BB,

I couldn't find space for a whole DW icon; but now that I can look back and think about it, I may tidy up the 1/2 seen one on his long front scroll as it is a bit messy and make it into a DW instead of DA icon (hell it's already red!!!).

I dropped him during the paint process and in photos you can see a couple of dings in the paint, they will get a tidy up too :wink:


The Glowing 'halo' was inspired by Isiah's new mean as avatar, it was really easy:

White U/C

Ice Blue base

Blue wash

Layers, working from the outside inward:

Ice/White 70/30

Ice/White 50/50

Ice/White 30/70


Blue wash again concentrating on recesses.



Edited by Stobz
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Nice paiting, as usual :)


The only thing I find a bit...distracting? is the power-coil that snakes from behind the crozius. I understand why its there, but a single line might the impression oooooooooooooooooooops, I did 1 line to long, know what I mean? ;)


Also, you always put BIG pictures...if these models look this good with such level of exam, tabletop its gotta be mindboggling :)

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Thanks Tanhausen, I added a little cast light to that area last night so it doesn't look so alone now ;)


The big pics sure do help with scrutinising and fault finding, makes for brutally honest appraisals too :D


Now I just wish I could get some games in, work over summer is stupid busy.



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Brutal honesty...yeah, I guess "OMG11!!! AwSeome!" does get old and doesn't help much.


But fear not, I'm painting a model myself...which I think in total will take me like 15 hours.


And you shall be humbled and your soul will be reborn ;)







Or maybe it'll be just the puny attempt of someone who just paints for fun, although he doesn't have you skills/patience ;)

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You post that my soul will be reborn on post #666, are you working with the Grey Knights? ;)


It took me about 15 hours just to upgrade Sapphon from his old job in the PtR to that pic; damned slow process this painting lark :P

Luckily once I get the kids to bed most evenings are mine!!!


Looking forward to a blog of your work............. :tu:




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I think, if I really concentrate, I could read the words on his purity seals! Superb job as usual Stobz, the blue glow from the TDA is really top notch.


You are deep in directional lighting territory it seems and you deliver perfectly! Some people overdo it in the attempt to show off their work and they end up with improbably strong lighting effects - but you have nailed it!


Good thing you got rid of Chewey too... :wink:

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Easy job; clear for concrete...



Looking good so far....








Victim of stupid operator error :wink:


Luckily I got most of my PtR vow done, here are some updated Sapphon Pics:

(Mostly to keep Bryan and Komodo happy :tongue.: )




Pics not 100% but my new powerfist needs some tweaking too :wink:


Belial is 99%, just needs a little work on his base and some ngarley pics taken in a day or two...


Stay tuned my Brothers




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At first I thought "Nothing serious it's just his right hand", but then I remembered that I'm lefty and most people not. Take care. And it's also a great opportunity to try painting with your left. Little tweaks on purity seals look great.

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