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Stobz'z Legends.... Hello Darkness, my old friend...

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Bobz is back with a vengeance :teehee:


Your models and general awesomeness where sorely missed.


Great work on St. Elmos' Ire and I especially like the plasma glow. :thumbsup:

Demoralizing as always ;)


I was joking when posting my Vengeance about the fact I was probably the only member of this forum with a Vengeance actually painted...


Honoured to be now in so good company :D


I notice that while I've tried to make it as cheap as possible by making my Darkshroud convertible, you chose the exact opposite solution :lol:


But after Milicant's Sammael speeder it's the second inspiring Javelin LS :tu:

As someone fairly new to the site this is the 1st time I have seen your DA's and I would have to agree that this is 33 pages of pure awesome but I will have to leave it at that as I have spent so long on this thread I am now running late for work . Good work and keep it coming.

Well Stobz, I think the Jengeance is a bit overpowered! :P


Fantastic job as usual - the Javelin is a very impressive model - for some reason I think it's also an unloved model although not sure why... Not to difficult to put together was it?


The first picture that looks as if it's coming at you is really awesome... and love the red leather seats! :devil:


Is the base self made?




*note to self: revisit the RW*



Don't know if its a conversion, a kitbash, an alternative model maker or if you have an illegal sweatshop in your basement packed with philipino artists!


Stuff like this my friend are the stuff that make us tremble with fear of ever picking up a brush again...and then thrust us to our "WIP-gotta-build-this-unit-some-day".



Damn, my secrets out ;)  

Thanks my funny frater; I'm glad to get him out of the queue as 2014 will have me concentrate on my DW (finally, after all these years).  

Capt: The model itself is sweet, no major casting probs and construction was a piece of cake. I make nearly all my bases myself, just the normal cork, bark, sand and bitz combo. 

Lovely model!  I've been thinking about doing something similar myself with a Javelin and a Darkshroud, but I can't seem to find measurements of eaither model.  How close are they in size?  All I ever see is both being described as "bigger than a normal speeder."

The internet is surprisingly empty of actual measurements of the javelin (and the vengeance for that matter).  If you get a moment with a ruler. I'd really appreciate it if you could give actual length/width measurements.  I'm working on a 30k force that I can also use with the DA codex, and the Javelin might be a great flavor inclusion for both lists.

Hi Erren: The VJ class Landspeeder is 120mm long not including the pokie array thingie at the front (which I forgot to paint the end of :rolleyes: )and 50mm wide not including the guns, they (PSBs) add about 20mm to each side.

No Idea what the DA Dex version measures, I got my PSBs from Bitzbarn and didn't buy the whole thing. Maybe someone else can help you out with it's measurements :thumbsup:




Edited by Stobz

:jawdrop: Superb conversion and beautifully painted!  While I don't have the Vengeance LS, my Darkshroud is 12 cm wide and 12 cm long (with antenna array is nearly 14 cm long). Height is 6 cm from the proximity sensors to the top of the turret (Angels excluded!).



EDIT: I've forgot to measure height of the model :blush.:

Edited by Brother_Bethor
  • 1 month later...

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