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Stobz'z Legends.... Hello Darkness, my old friend...

Go to solution Solved by Interrogator Stobz,

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Cheers Boss, battle damage and wear'n'tear are the way to go with white toys; it's really hard to get lighting for pics of white models that don't reflect glare everywhere too.

I'm glad you approve, as mentioned earlier I might treat myself to some THk love once ETL14 is finished....tbc


EDIT: For clarity I only painted THREE Raiders for my vow, the fourth is the one shown much earlier in this thread and is only there to show the whole DW fleet off together.

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Haha, they need to be white to be worth an extra 30 points each for the ETL ;)


Gillyfish sir, I posted it many pages ago (post 600) but there is a tonne of waffle between here and there so here it is again:


Spray white (twice)

Chainmail tracks and other metal bits

Black in some recessed bits

Dheneb stone on icons

Brown ink in the recesses and edges and icons (the old black-lining technique)

Badab Black wash metal bits

Agrax wash icons

Fix all the bits that are over the edges with ceramic white (better than Skull white for this but looks uneven at that stage)

20% Agrax-80%water wash over all white bits, avoid pooling by spreading it around

Drybrush skull white to smooth out ink but keep a little extra brown near edges and lower bits.

Touch up Chainmail areas that got white brushed

Drybrush Chainmail onto metal

Chaos Black highlight edges of white bits

Weather with superlight drybrush black and occasional stippling and occasional chainmail stipples

Codex grey on icons

Chestnut wash icons

Highlight icons with white/teal mixture

Paint other bling like gold and red bits using whatever take your fancy

Add Red ink scribbles

Paint rivets in Chainmail now or they just get rubbed off by my rough mits during handling

Sit back, drink Whiskey, be happy.

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I like that last step best of all. :)


They look fantastic, Brother Bobz, very good show. Good luck on completing your vow!


I've told you before, I really like your barrel glows (and you need to start using the new paints so you can tell me how to do it without me having to run everywhere trying to translate colors), but I also like the awesome blue-ish targeters and lenses and it's very cool that it uses a color not often used on Dark Angels vehicles! Really like the sweetly simple auto-multi meltas as well.

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My conversions must be getting better if you can't see where they are ;)


Plenty of chopping for these guys T: getting the shields to fit the FW arms was difficult, getting the tabard things to fit the torsos and legs was difficult, green-stuffing the top half of the tabards was difficult, hell even sanding the little icons on their shoulders down was difficult as I kept going right through them and wasted three before I got five whole ones done.


I'm just really glad Cactus took the plunge before me and gave me confidence and inspiration to finally do my version, which are surprisingly similar :P Hence my name for these fellas in honour of Cactus's work. CACTUSPHRACTII!!!

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Stobz those LRs are so impressive! I really like the white white approach (since you have the skill to deliver it) as opposed to the more common bone white!


And those termies? the conversion is fantastic - and brave may i add... What colour will you choose for the robes? standard green or red? *please go red*

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Here is the answer to your question Master of Ceremonies Dude: He took me four evenings to get to this stage, I'm really going to struggle to get the other ones done in the remainder of the month.




Still a couple of highlights (such as on the glow) and maybe some freehand after the event ;)


Log rolls....

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Yessssss!!! Red robes! He looks fantastic man - a true Knight of Old!


I'm sure you'll make it to the deadline but whatever you do do not jeopardise the quality!


Edit: Just realised the robes are white-ish and the pteruges are red... Brave Stobz, very brave. Good thing it works! :D

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