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Captain Semper's Disciples of Caliban

Captain Semper

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Here are three squads of Deathwing Termies from my Disciples Army. I'll try to improve my photographic techniques... BTW I'm seriously thinking of having my robed marines in black robes... Too dark I know - but it is a tribute to Eisenstein's (the director not the spaceship) portayal of the Oprichniks - Ivan the Terrible's secret police! Because this is how I view the Disciples: Very, very secret police... I'll post pictures soon.









So on the white-black robe dilema, this is what I came up with. However the strong flash of the camera does not do credit - to either... I'm still for the black!



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@ Droma: thx for your kind comment.


@ Jehoel: Thx... thought so too. BTW if you want to play the black/green theme for the robed figures, then by putting on white robes you make them essentially Dark Angels... Not that they are not :) .

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Cool bases, well done on this shady successor chapter.


IMHO, Go with the black robes to create a point of difference to the DA/DA, it looks 'almost' fallen it's such a dark scheme. Very cool.




PS; On the improvement side, your great looking DW need All their barrels drilled, or at least a dot painted. :P it detracts from your good work.

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Great - thx to all you guys for the feedback! I'm in the process of blackening all my robed figures (@3 per tac squad it'll take some time...).


Stobz: Good you pointed it out! Dotting all barrels pronto!


I'm gonna post some more pictures later today :).

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OK! here goes: 1st Tactical squad - 5th Company - Squad Bekenel. The squad has a Heavy Bolter and a Melta Gun. Bekenel has Power Weapon (mace) and Plasma Pistol.






And while we're at it here are:


Ven. Dread Griel - Plasma Cannon




Dreadnought Rashiel - TL Lascannon






My Interrogator Chaplain Skia




...and another termie - this time practicing stripes



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Thx Gillyfish!!! Well let me see... Need to blacken the robes for 2nd & 3rd Tac., complete the 4th Deathwing squad, finishing touches on 7th Assault and then the real fun starts: Finish up the 5th Comp. that will conclude my Greenwing (or is that green & black wing?) and move on to the Ravenwing. As a nod to the DAs ravenwing my guys will have black helmets. I plan on the Revenwing boxed set - 6 bikes, 1 attack bike and one speeder. And then another one!!! Did I mention my Master of the 2nd? Apparently he has one of those jetbikes too... And of course after that the elements of the 10th. Maybe with a Land Speeder Storm as well (I know we don't get them but all's fair in love and getting Cypher to repent!!!).


Ahhh I almost forgot: allies!!! Well other Unforgiven actually. Just to break my attention from the black & green I plan to add the odd squad for another sucessor or even the original Chapter! First in line: Consecrators!


After that moving to Chaos. So inspired by ADBs portrayal of Night Lords I might put together a small force (even the characters of the book as they are described on their way to meet Abaddon in "Soul Hunter"). And who knows, maybe they are led/joined by a Fallen :)


EDIT: Almost forgot: the Ironwing (this --wing thing is getting out of hand :D) Two LRs and a rhino for each Tac squad. A drop pod for the Company Vets. and a Razorback for the Command squad. I hope the Codex doesn't change before I finish... Or rather I hope it does :D

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Those are nice so far....


What I would suggest though is to work on the base a little. thee seem a too monochromatic to me. Some trashes should be metallic, and maybe if you could paint some yellow/black stripes. Coloured cables would also look good.


Just my 2 cents

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Thx Master Avoghai!


I hear what you say about the bases... but 1) they do not have any cables (they are the "trash" bases by MicroArt Studio, so they are effectively rusted metal in the form of scrap) and 2) I think my photo skills need to be somewhat (a lot?) improved... what I use to paint them is Boltgun metal then a Ogryn Flesh wash, then extensive drybrushing with Tin Bitz and highlight it with various oranges and camo green... It looks OK in real life but I get what you're saying. In fact I toyed with the Yellow/Black stripes idea but there are a few concerns namely: my ability to draw really straight lines and the need to paint quite a few of them if I want to make it a unified theme.


I'll revert...

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In fact I toyed with the Yellow/Black stripes idea but there are a few concerns namely: my ability to draw really straight lines and the need to paint quite a few of them if I want to make it a unified theme.


I'll revert...


Unified theme doesn't necessary means "all with the same base". You have a metal/rust dominance so that's fine. You can then differenciate each model by painting yellow stripes or blue/red/green painted metal parts... just like I've painted this Khorne rhino on the scenery (sorry for the blue aspect of the pic but you get the idea).


You just have to avoid making to many couloured parts so that your base don't look like Mariokart rainbow race, but I think this would add variety and depth to your bases.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So finished "blackening" my 2nd Tactical Squad Shakziel of the 5th comp. Shakziel has a Powerfist and the squad carries a Plasma Cannon and a Flamer. Unfortunately light & photographer are sub-optimal => crappy pictures. I'll attempt better photos of the army overall ASAP.






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So here is the beginning of my Consecrators allies.


@ EPK: This is it!!! Mk5 Consecrators on the way!






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So here is the beginning of my Consecrators allies.


@ EPK: This is it!!! Mk5 Consecrators on the way!


That thing is going to look fantastic! Can't wait. The rest of your DoC are looking great as well. I could totally see a backstory to that Dread being one of the founding members of the Consecrators. How better to kick off a Chapter full of the Legion's relics but to give it one of its most ancient marines along with them.


I think the Heresy armor is going to look badass as well. And if you ever expend the force, you can mix in other mks.



Yep can't wait to see that dread in DoC colours! Great work on the other squad – looking awesome sauce.


Ahem, you mean Consecrators.

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Looking better all the time, cool army, esp with your new 'allies'.


With your photos, I'm no expert but have been trying a few things out lately....a major improvement can be achieved by simply getting a large (A3) piece of light grey or beige paper and using that under and 'bent' up behind the models. The camera will balance everything else (colour/light etc) better. Cost-amost nothing.

Don't put the models too far back to avoid shadows on the 'wall' behind and use a flash (if it is too bright get a little bit of tissue paper and sellotape it over the flash to mute it down some).


Cheap and easy all the way.


Can't wait to see more..



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Thx guys!!!


@ Bryan Blair: Cover of "Fallen Angels" is a great inspiration of how such a Dreadnought ties with the rest or the Chapter! (I have yet to decipher the color scheme though - they look way too metalic to me).


@ Isiah: Thx for your kind words. I'm planning on adding some consecrators in my army - and then other Unforgiven too...


@ EPM: I definately plan to add other armour types - anything from Mk2 to Mk4 (but I have a soft spot for "Heresy" armour). Maybe I'll also add the old style missile launcher that has a very distinct look. However the shoulder mounted Heavy Bolter and other heavies are nowhere near as cool as the hip mounted ones - so I'm sticking with the latter. Oh, and the old style melta: AMAZING. I'll get that too!


@ Stobz: thx for the tip! I'll give it a try. In fact I might opt to actually use a camera instead of my wife's i-phone :D.

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