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Captain Semper's Disciples of Caliban

Captain Semper

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I'm only back here to say that you should paint the fortress Semper.


But while I'm here, great job on the chaplain, I love the contrast in the colours used on the front centre, and the highlighting on the clock is top notch!

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I thought it's high time to revive this thread with the addition of better quality pics and take a break from my Consecrators. So here goes:


Baradriel - Master of the 5th Company:




Interrogator Chaplain Skia:




Interrogator Chaplain Afron




Terminator Squad Elias:




Termiantor Squad Mordrad:




Terminator Squad Chismael:




Venerable Brother Griel:





Brother Rashiel:





1st Tactical Squad Bekenel









2nd Tactical Squad Shakziel








7th Assault Squad  Nathaniel





More later... :D

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You have some drilling to do fine Sir, and I recommend adding a couple more different colours to some parts of the bases to break them up and make them look a little more varied/realistic.


Damn sorry for the late CnC, but get to it man :P


Awesome looking dudes nonetheless.




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i have to say i agree with Stobz on this one whistlingW.gif

The stuff is Fantastic though with lashings of awesomesauce on top...

the extra work should be done because the level of work you have displayed here so far is of the " GO ALL OUT or GO HOME!" mentality... keep doin it

cheers Mithril

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Thx guys. :)


These is my earlier work with the bases - in my later attempts (see Consecrators) I've added some greens to break up the orange-y rust effect as well as some brown and black inks to give them a bit more depth... I guess I have to go back an apply some of this recently gained experience to my DoCs...


The drilling is soooo intimidating for me - especially in this quantity... I just have to take a deep breath and go though it I guess. I KNOW NO FEAR! (I have to say it to convince myself :lol: )


As it happens I've run out of FW stuff and I won't be spending much in the near future... So tidying up old stock might be in order! :D

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Good man!! I knew you would do your models proud tongue.png Esp since you are getting even moar betterer al the time.

Heck, I just ripped a bunch of powe-rfists off my 3rd Company due to a delayed reaction to 6th and challenges; thems a gonna take some fixing befower deyr lookn good agin. All that 'fixing' sure does take time away from moving forward thoughermm.gif

Nice work on the improved photography, that is a good skill in itself thumbsup.gif

I recommend getting the back of two gloss posters and shining the two lamps at them so only reflected light hits your models, less deep shadowing, more even lighting and stops the glare in the background too tongue.png

Too many smiiles and yokel speak, sorry.



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