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Captain Semper's Disciples of Caliban

Captain Semper

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Ill hypnotize you yet:Paint the fortress,paint the fortress,paint the fortress....add infinitum.....



Agreed. Tisnt that hard, just takes a while and is a good use of Hawk-T and washes.....


However whatever updates on Consecrators they'll be in the other thread and not before I finish the RW that I've started!

Acknoledged. Heard you the first time, the conversation was in here tho... :)


Good Job all around!

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Painted with Vallejo copper,

4:1 Water/T-hawk wash

Drybrush Vallejo brass over top

Paint black into the background bits to cover the drybrush marks



Now (a year later) I think I would have made a Snot Green wash, then a lighter wash of T-hawk, just to add a bit more depth...


Goes off to look for in focus pictures....



Sorry for the Highjack Captain... More pix here:




Now to find EPK's version...

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Must paint fortress... must paint fortress... brains... :P wait a minute!


Anyway I've finished one facade:





BIG QUESTION: Should I do the remaining three facades identical OR each one unique? For example one with green robes, one with red :o , and one with I dunno, green & black :P ?

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I would say black, green, bone, can't think of a 4th the only reason I wouldnt do res is that would kinda seem like blood angelish? (to me anyway) what if you did two sides green or two sides black? Either representing the angels of death idea or the unforgiven idea with black and green respectively...
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BIG QUESTION: Should I do the remaining three facades identical OR each one unique? For example one with green robes, one with red :P , and one with I dunno, green & black :o ?


Identical. I like the black robes as you have it. Looks very old DA Legion - looks very old full stop.

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Captain Semper


On a side note were you in the USMC? Cause the name strikes me...but I wanted to know how you decide which models you decide to give robes to?




Well I understand why you might have thought that, given the USMC motto but truth is that my name comes from Captain Leoten Semper from Black Library's novel "Execution Hour" from back in 2001 was it? A highly enjoyable read, highly recommended. You can still get it from BL in the form of a duology (along with it's sequel "Shadowpoint") called collectively "The Gothic War" and is print on demand. I did serve in the Hellenic Navy for 21 months (serving in the military is compulsory in Greece) but that has nothing to do with my avatar name or anything relating to the hobby :D


Regarding robes: I view the Disciples as a mix of secret police, intelligence agency and military force. So paranoia reigns supreme in the Chapter. Given its special mission I also assume that they have a larger quota of DW inductees compared to other Unforgiven. So the deal is the following: 3 robed members per squad. First the sergeant, second the demi-squad leader (back in the day these guys qualified for a banner!) and the third is the guy that keeps an eye on the other two! :D


The reason for the color choice for the robes (black) you can find in the first post of this thread. :P

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I would say black, green, bone, can't think of a 4th the only reason I wouldnt do res is that would kinda seem like blood angelish? (to me anyway) what if you did two sides green or two sides black? Either representing the angels of death idea or the unforgiven idea with black and green respectively...


How about brown or purple?


An idea I am considering is the Chapter Standard and the other three Sacred Standards on each side. Though I cannot put the actual scene on them. I might use the color palettes of each with their background. Raining swords, burning skulls, etc...

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I'm really liking the black. All black will go well with all the successor chapters. Alternate black and green? What color are those skulls? Tin bits with a DA green verdigris?


To be fair, I am not done with mine yet. I had planned to paint up some of the details behind the ramparts and the guns and lights aren't done yet.

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First off Happy New Year everybody!


@ GM Belial: The banners!!! Awesome idea! I'll reflect on this a bit - see how it can be implemented with my (limited) skill level! I guess I can always revert to Isiah's suggestion and kind of play it safe...


@ Brother Dean: The skulls eh? Tin Bitz, plenty of Badab Black wash, Tin Bitz dry brushing, Scorpion Green/T-Hawk mix wash and further Tin Bitz to take off the excess "verdigris". First time attempt for verdigris so go easy on me! To my defence it looks a bit better in real life... not much though. ;)

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"First time verdigris" you've nailed it!

I'm going to steal your recipe if you don't mind, it's the best I've seen.

I have been hesitant to do any because I haven't seen anything that has inspired until now. Well done.


I'm liking the black robes for the same reasons as the others, old and 'grimdark'.

btw; are you going t o paint the lowest servo skull looking area in the same as the tin bits ones? or are they going to be in a more utilised type scheme?


'appy noo yah, I'm glad Brother Immolator was successful ;)



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First off Happy New Year everybody!


@ Brother Dean: The skulls eh? Tin Bitz, plenty of Badab Black wash, Tin Bitz dry brushing, Scorpion Green/T-Hawk mix wash and further Tin Bitz to take off the excess "verdigris". First time attempt for verdigris so go easy on me! To my defence it looks a bit better in real life... not much though. ;)


Happy New Year to you too! I think the verdigris turned out great, and I'll likely use your job here as a guide for mine, excepting I'll go with Dark Angels green robes. You might hit the skulls with a final touch of bronze though.


I likewise think you should paint each of the facings to look the same, unless you really want to make it a "Fortress of the *Unforgiven*", and paint each facing to be representative of a different Unforgiven Chapter(mainly keyed to the robes).

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"First time verdigris" you've nailed it!

I'm going to steal your recipe if you don't mind, it's the best I've seen.

I have been hesitant to do any because I haven't seen anything that has inspired until now. Well done.


I'm liking the black robes for the same reasons as the others, old and 'grimdark'.

btw; are you going t o paint the lowest servo skull looking area in the same as the tin bits ones? or are they going to be in a more utilised type scheme?


'appy noo yah, I'm glad Brother Immolator was successful B)





Hahaha thx Stobz! this is actually EPKs recipe!!! from here


Lowest servo skull area? hmmm, probably yes - same way. And I'll try to improve it to, as in make it a bit more vivid. BUT I NEED TO FINISH TWO DAMN CONSECRATOR BIKERS THAT ARE LIKE 90% DONE AND I CAN'T BRING MYSELF TO FINISH THEM!!!


***foams in the mouth***



It's all Brother Immolator's and Brother Dean's fault. (Are they members of the Cabal or something?)



Happy New Year to you too! I think the verdigris turned out great, and I'll likely use your job here as a guide for mine, excepting I'll go with Dark Angels green robes. You might hit the skulls with a final touch of bronze though.


I likewise think you should paint each of the facings to look the same, unless you really want to make it a "Fortress of the *Unforgiven*", and paint each facing to be representative of a different Unforgiven Chapter(mainly keyed to the robes).


Thx Shabbadoo! I will definitely work on the technique some more, maybe a final (light) drybrushing of a more "gold" looking color? Let's see...


I was thinking about GM Belial's suggestion of representing the sacred banners but I think I will probably not do them justice... Maybe I'll follow your advice (and Isiah's for that matter) and repeat the same coloration of all facades...

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Dwarf Bronze would be the color to finish skull highlights with. Vallejo makes an equivalent(Game Color #57 "Bright Bronze")too, if you prefer that. If you don't have access to either, mix a little bit of Tin Bitz and Chainmail into some Shining Gold, and that ought to do the trick.
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Listen this and you will be able to finish those bikers(i assume they are beakies...):

(might want to turn the volume a bit down since you have a kid dont want to scare her )



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Meh, My fortress sat for a year in primer cause I was intimidated. I just finally went :) and dove in and it wasnt that hard. Now I am on a mission to encourage others to "Just Do It".


No infringement of Nike's trademark is infered or intended....


++ Mind the language please :nuke:. I ++

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@ Bryan Blair: Thanks for you very kind comments *blushes*. For highlights just two colors: Chaos Black & Hawk Turquise. Effective and simple. No greys.



Did you do this for the robes on your Veterans? If not, what colors did you use?


Hey Mercy 0f Spades! for the robes I used black and t-hawk but not as sharp as highlighting black armour. That way it looks a bit more like fabric instead of sharp ceramite edge ;) You can find my theories below:


can i get a breakdown of how you paint your DoC and your consecrators??


Sure thing recon! My big theory is to keep it simple! Find something that works and stick to it. That way you get consistency and you get to finish your minis in a reasonable amount of time - thus keeping momentum and hopefully manage to finish the project (a big if for me)! This of course is highly subjective as people can do very complicated themes and finish entire armies in time for lunch. I'm just not one of them!


So enough with the prologue, here's what I do: I find one single color that will be the base of my highlight. In the case of DA green my color of choice is Scorpion Green. So I mix it with DA green on 1:1 for the first highlight, then 2:1 for the second and then if I feel like it I add just Scorpion Green for the last. In some cases I have experimented with adding some sunburst yellow in the last highlight. I avoid using white or off-white colors. For the Disciples black parts I used astronomican grey as the base highlighting color and worked from there. Same process as above although I avoid using astronomican grey on it's own - too contrasting. In fact after I finish I apply a couple of badad black washes, just to be on the safe side.


For the Consecrators it's easier because they are monochromatic. The base highlighting color here is Hawk Turqoise. This gives a blue-black touch but not overly so, there is still some grey(ish) quality in there. The reason I don't use t-hawk for the Disciples is because I'd don't particularly like the green/blue combo.


Anyway that's really it. :)


Edit: for the black robes of the Disciples I broke the above rule and used t-hawk to highlight them. I did that for two reasons: 1) most of the green areas are covered anyway and 2) I needed to give the feeling of fabric as opposed to some hard surface like armour that on the Disciples it is depicted with the astronomican grey highlights.



Hope this helps. :)

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