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Since it's my sacred duty to motivate and advise you on this hobby journey, allow me to just copy the PM I just wrote you for the benefit of all the other guys -- maybe someone has an awesome suggestion that will suddenly make my inane ramblings useful? Anyway, here goes:


Buddy, he's looking absolutely wonderful! I love the cleaned up armour! Funnily enough, however, I am having a hard time deciding about that gorget: I do love the added bulk and brutality of it, but then I see the model without the gorget, and it looks very cool as well -- albeit in a different way.


When  all is said and done, I think it depends on what kind of effect you are going for, above all else: Do you see him more as a heavily armoured juggernaut, ponderous but terrible once he has started to move? Then go with the gorget. Or does he retain a fair bit of agility, in spite of his heavy armour? Then go without it. Sorry, but that's the best I can come up with right now: Every time I look at either of the pictures, it feels like that one's the best -- until I look at the other one again...


While I think the shield looks really cool, maybe you shouldn't give up on that bolter yet?! I don't know, I really liked the pose you had going with it, it only felt like it needed to look a bit more baroque -- maybe if you were to add an ammo feed from a CSM heavy bolter and a shaved down Bloodletter head on the back of the gauntlet?


Looking back on this reply now, it kinda seems like I am picking apart your latest changes to the model, but I'm really not: What we're talking about here is the choice between one excellent variant of the model and another, equally fantastic build. It's hair-pullingly frustrating right now, but it also means that you can basically do no wrong: He will look fantastic either way.


Not sure this pointless rambling will help you, but let me just state once more in closing that I am sooo happy we are doing this! These guys will be amazing! :smile.:



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Thanks guys, Kraut I think I'm going to go without the gorget just now. Maybe.... I really don't know haha

For those who are wondering what we're talking about, I'm unsure wether I prefer him with this collar or without. Thoughts?


Kizzdougs, I liked the open pose as well but as soon as I added the shield I kinda fell in love with it.

Midnight, I'm looking forward to painting him as well. Hopefully I'll get a chance this week.

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I like them both. I think if you do go for the gorget, you don't need the super mask. You might want to use one of the older ones without the extra vents. That's definitely a cool mask for terminators though, so it looks good without the gorget blocking the detail. Sometimes less is more.


Edit: the gorget and that mask still look pretty awesome though.

Edited by Radiation
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You know what, mate: The second the gorget's gone, I want it back -- maybe you should just go for it. It'll look amazing, and after five seconds, nobody's going to remember the version sans gorget anyway ;)


I'll really have to give it my all when painting Lorimar to match the coolness of this guy! ;)

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Ok so the gorget is staying, thanks for all the input folks, will get the gaps filled today and hopefully if the scottish weather holds I'll get him primed later on as well. Edited by Biohazard
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first off congrats on the sprog and may the curse of a thousand sleepless nights pass you by without too much harm.

second the biohazard babygrow :wub.:  just classic :thumbsup:

and finally for now i will have to be that guy and say that although i love the shielded version of the lord my fav will always be the stormbolter version as i personally think it has that much more atmosphere in a kind of "oh cr#p he is heading my way"

i may have to "borrow " the lord idea myself if thats ok


keep up the great work brother

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Thanks very much mate, I grab sleep when I can so not doing too bad. I hear you on the storm bolter buddy but I just couldn't get it to a point I was really happy with it. The pose didn't really work if he carried it in hand normally and I just couldn't figure out a decent looking wrist mount without it looking slightly off balance. I think the shield still has a lot of menace to it bit for different reasons, now I think he looks like a walking tank I can just imagine bolter rounds and lost Astartes bouncing off the shield as he wades into to the thickest fighting.
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So, I had my first apocalypse game today 8000pts a side with each player allowed 1 superheavy up to 800pt limit. I managed to get my Gorehound to stage it was playable with and I'm glad I did. It performed brilliantly taking out a ShadowSword and a Tesseract Vault and not losing a single hull point in the process. Plus I got to see it next to a genuine FW titan. It's not as small as I feared.

Here's a few pics of the day, I actually forgot to get a pic of the two titans side by side to show you guys. Next time though.






This was fun to watch even though the Knight Wa horribly outclassed.



And a quick pic of the Gorehound back on its display base. One of the weapon mounts came off on the journey home so hasn't been reattached yet. Simple fix though then final gap fill and paint will follow. Also have a quick peek at a possible crew.



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Mate, that redesigned cockpit on the Gorehound is absolutely amazing! Just one nitpick: You should replace the head of the front guy with another creepy skull mask like the one the gunner is wearing -- the head you have now is just a bit too harmless looking ;)


Brilliant work, though -- come to think of it, I've really let you off easy, haven't I? I could have challenged you to finish the Gorehound! ;)

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Wow, that really is none too shabby for a first hit out with the 'hound. Must be extra-gratifying to have it perform so well given the amount of time, effort and love you've poured into it.

The crew compartment is a fantastic addition, I actually don't mind the guy with the more normal mask. Being Chaos doesn't necessarily mean you have to make everything look like a prop from a horror movie.

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