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Inglorious Drunkards² (Tavern Brawls + Solo Duels)


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Hmm. Seems as I am the final member of the 13th (bar the AFK Decoy), I should start doing something.


Mav, I've PMed my instructions. Now to dish out some pain to these whelps.

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Hmm. Seems as I am the final member of the 13th (bar the AFK Decoy), I should start doing something.


Mav, I've PMed my instructions. Now to dish out some pain to these whelps.


Is this your first or second post in this thread? Hahahahah!!

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Hmm. Seems as I am the final member of the 13th (bar the AFK Decoy), I should start doing something.


Mav, I've PMed my instructions. Now to dish out some pain to these whelps.

im still up for abit.im 13th.

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Hmm. Seems as I am the final member of the 13th (bar the AFK Decoy), I should start doing something.


Mav, I've PMed my instructions. Now to dish out some pain to these whelps.

im still up for abit.im 13th.


I think he was talking about the 13th in his pack not you masquerading as 13th.

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Hmm. Seems as I am the final member of the 13th (bar the AFK Decoy), I should start doing something.


Mav, I've PMed my instructions. Now to dish out some pain to these whelps.

im still up for abit.im 13th.


I think he was talking about the 13th in his pack not you masquerading as 13th.

im both 13th here in the brawl and when im making my army.13th is what got me into 40k

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NIGHT ONE: Inglorious Drunkards

Team Decoy

- Decoy (pack leader, Storm Claw) I5

- Brother Crazywolf (Storm Claw) I5 OUT COLD

- Firenze (Iron Priest) H4

- elithren (Grey Slayer) H4 OUT COLD

- Wolf Lord Metuhs (Storm Claw) I5 OUT COLD

Team hendrik

- hendrik ironskull (pack leader, Wolf Guard)SOLO BONUS: +1 Initiative. G5

- hrothgar the bold (Chapter Master Ignis Domus, 2nd in command, Wolf Guard) SOLO BONUS: +1 Attack. I5 OUT COLD

- skadi, the she-wolf (Grey Hunter) SOLO BONUS: +1 Initiative. G4

- forte the unweilding (Blood Claw) G5

- Wolf Lord Kieran, the Talon of Fenris (Grey Hunter) G4

Team Nrth

- Nrtrhstar (pack leader, Grey Hunter) SOLO BONUS: +1 Initiative. G5

- postal (2nd in command, Grey Hunter) G4

- Arez (Grey Slayer) G5 STUNNED

- Zynk Kaladin (Grey Hunter) G4 OUT COLD

- Torin (Blood Claw) G4 OUT COLD

Team Alex

- commander alexander (pack leader, Grey Slayer) G4 OUT COLD

- Rune_Priest_Rhapsody (Grey Hunter) G5 OUT COLD

- Vantius (Blood Claw) G5 OUT COLD

- Loki-LaughingDeath (Blood Claw) G4 OUT COLD

- Reyner (Grey Slayer) F5 OUT COLD

SOLO or Undecided

- Wysten (Wolf Scout) H4 OUT COLD


- Brother Ramses (Tyr Bloodmaw, Grey Slayer) SOLO BONUS: +1 Initiative. H4

- Chef Wulfen (Long Fang) I1


Decryption sequence initiated…..


Please stand by…..








Tavern Master: The fifth.....:

Moving diagonally to share the tile with Wysten where if I can, I am throwing stools at Skadi before rushing in directing all my attacks at her if she is still up. If not directing my attacks at Loki. If they somehow knock eachother out before I gt there, drinking some mjod. - Brother Ramses

im going to stay where i am and double tap skadi if she goes down before my move all fire on loki. - Chef Wulfen

Decoy is going to rush in and revive Wolf Lord Metuhs with his healing potion while Firenze covers him. - elithren

I'm a glutton for punishment, but I'm going to charge back into the fight against Hendrik and Forte, a saga isn't worth much if you acquired it sitting in the back! Sides, I can't just let Arez take them on alone! - Nrthstar

Charge me at H4. I have some vengeance to dish out. And make it so I have the multiple normal attacks with the one bonus. More dice rolls usually help. - Firenze


Skadi MoTW (6). The Shield Maiden strikes first and wounds Loki three times. The Blood Claw saves two and fails one. Loki is now stunned. The two continue figthing into the next round. Kieran MoTW (5). Kieran pops-up to support his pack-mate and strikes at Loki and lands four wounds on Loki. Loki fails one and comes crashing down. Chef Wulfen strikes at Skadi from the distance. Landing two hits and wounding with two. Skadi fails one, but ignores the wound thanks to Loki.

The Iron Priest rushes in and attacks both the Wolf Scout and Tyr Bloodmaw. But the Grey Slayer was quick to react and strikes first! Tyr Bloodmaw, makes his counter-attack however Wysten wasn't able to react fast enough against the advancing Iron Priest. Tyr lands three wounds on Firenze. The Iron Priest makes his saves. Firenze and Wysten strike at the same time. Both Firenze and Wysten wound with one. The Iron Priest makes his save, but the Wolf Scout fails his and comes crashing down. Decoy rushes to revive Metuhs. I roll a 2. Metuhs was not able to be revived in this round.

Meanwhile... hendrik faces off against Arez and a re-energized Nrthstar. The two strike at the same time. Nrth MoTW roll (5). The Iron Chin lands five blows all around between forte and hendrik. hendrik lands two on Arez. Everybody makes their saves! forte and Arez strike together. Each land a single blow but only the Greenhorn manages to wound the Wolf Guard. hendrik makes his save.

postal, Zynk and Torin get into close combat with Skadi and Kieran. Both the Sheild Maiden and the Talon of Fenris make their counter-attack. Skadi MoTW roll (6). postal MoTW roll (5). Zynk MoTW roll (3). Kieran MoTW roll (6). The Shield Maiden strikes first, and delivers five wounds on the three members of Team Nrth. postal saves, Zynk fails, Torin fails, postal saves, Zynk fails. A stunned Zynk comes crashing down from the second wound, as Torin becomes stunned from the Shield Maiden's fury. Kieran strikes with postal and Torin. Kieran lands five wounds on postal and Torin. Torin lands three wounds on Skadi and Kieran. postal lands four wounds on Kieran and Skadi. Kieran's attacks make postal stunned. As an already stunned Torin falls to the ground from Kieran's blows. Torin's 3 wounds are all saved by Skadi and Kieran. postal's attacks on the two fighters are also saved.


I realize that certain actions didn't happened as some of you have planned. But I've decided to make the action flow, realistically as possible with how everyone was re-acting to the situation. Also please keep note, that those bodies that have already been used up as ablative wounds are no longer in the tile and CANNOT be used again!

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SWEEEET! I took down a few people, and assisted in another :D wait, nothing against hendrik in his terminator armour, but I'm more impressed with Arez still alive. But I think I'm looking forward to the Firenze and Ramses fight. It should be an epic brawl between those two. Nrth jumping in the path of destruction. Kieran at my side... and postal standing in our way. This is gonna be good!
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Damn, lost ya Wysten. Thought we got our instructions in fast enough to be in Skadi/Loki square to try and almost max it out. Your sacrifice will not be wasted!


...hefts Wysten up over his shoulder using him as a shield to barrel into Firenze!

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keep on fighting lads!only 7 left to take down!! and by russ you've already made me proud! i believe i can say we've been into the thick of it from the start and yet we still stand! for russ! for the allfather!


@mav; with everyone besides decoy and chef wulfen locked in combat, is there a chance the next round might start earlier?

another question is wether decoy has actually done anything yet during the brawl? since with almost everyone locked in combat chances of him ending up in the top 3 without even landing a single blow are increasing a lot. the only one that could take on decoy atm is chef and i'm not sure what he'll do

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Chapter Master Kaladin watches with amusement as Skadi sucker punches his drunken honor guard across the room, landing like a dead weight on his master's table scattering food and wine


Rash and youthful Felix, you would get beat by the smart one... and seeing as you haven't located your most honored helm yet I cannot allow you to stay out of this brawl...


Zynk waves his hand dismissively. Another two of his winged helmed honor guard grab Felix's unconscious body and toss him back into the brawl to be at least half as useful as a shield

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If my Wolves were half as effective as Kieran is in this brawl i would die of happiness...


Lets kick ass Sister Skadi!


For Fenris!

For Russ!

For Team Hendrik!




So you be happy if you got tabled in turn 2, then a magic wish fairy brought your army back in turn 5? Hahahahahahahahahah!



I think some people failed the threat assesment roles in round four. Why little old me?:-(


Damn... maybe I will have some revenge the next night... :-)


You could have healed Meth. I couldn't allow that.......hahahaha!

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but I'm more impressed with Arez still alive.

im surprised at that fact.i thought for sure hendrik would of taken me out with in the first or second round :D


@mav; with everyone besides decoy and chef wulfen locked in combat, is there a chance the next round might start earlier?

another question is wether decoy has actually done anything yet during the brawl? since with almost everyone locked in combat chances of him ending up in the top 3 without even landing a single blow are increasing a lot. the only one that could take on decoy atm is chef and i'm not sure what he'll do

we could temporarily disengage and the 4 of us rush decoy to take him out then restart fighting each other

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but I'm more impressed with Arez still alive.

im surprised at that fact.i thought for sure hendrik would of taken me out with in the first or second round :D

so did i, you're lucky the dice gods favour you whelp!


@mav; with everyone besides decoy and chef wulfen locked in combat, is there a chance the next round might start earlier?

another question is wether decoy has actually done anything yet during the brawl? since with almost everyone locked in combat chances of him ending up in the top 3 without even landing a single blow are increasing a lot. the only one that could take on decoy atm is chef and i'm not sure what he'll do

we could temporarily disengage and the 4 of us rush decoy to take him out then restart fighting each other

you wish! and recieve the charge etc right? oh no pup, my fists have an opointment with your face!

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I think some people failed the threat assesment roles in round four. Why little old me?:-(


Damn... maybe I will have some revenge the next night... :-)


You could have healed Meth. I couldn't allow that.......hahahaha!


There is still time... never know what might happen... also there are still a couple of Storm Claws running around all depends on what they do.

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