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Captain Semper's Consecrators

Captain Semper

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Why sad? Is it because it is unpainted (well just undercoated really)? I promise I'll get round to it once I'm done with my Disciples (5th Company & Deathwing) and Consecrators (various small stuff & Contemptors and Ravenwing) and elements of the 10th that right now I envisage as GotC. Ironwing next. So by retirement age I'll start on this project!


And then Fallen! hopefully by then the new Chaos codex will be out andthe range updated :yes:!


EDIT: Not that it matters at this point but how do you guys think GtoC armour would look under the robe? Black torso or all metal ala Iron Warriors?

Thx a lot! Yeah Mk5 is the best! :yes: !


More stuff will be uploaded in the weekend!


EDIT: ok just realized my second Contemptor is missing the leg (knee down). It appears the update is postponed until replacement arrives!

  • 2 weeks later...

OK an update:


The second part of the tactical squad with Sergeant Baphomael and Missile Launcher and ... Brother Nero ;):








The full squad Baphomael:







A couple of close ups of Sergeant Baphomael:









The effect on the sword is a blend of Badab Black and a very old Green Wash (the one with the hexagonal pots).

Carrying on with the heavy stuff:


Brother Zadakiel! A Mortis Contemptor to complement the "Furioso" Contemptor, Brother Rhamiel.
















A couple of group pictures of the force so far:










Those are awesome, CPT Semper! You've done a great job on that Dread, the striping is great and he's got a great load out! The power sword is very good work and your colors are very vibrant.


Edit: I was thinking, to really enhance the censer effect/concept on the Terminator (Captain/Master?) with the skulls, if you have the ability, you could drill some more holes (1-1.5 mm) into the crown of the skulls.

With my GotC, i was planning on doing silver torsos. The 2nd company biker on pg 72 of C:DA has a silver "neck ring", which led me to decide they were silver. I'll likely do a crimson aquila. I've decided to use my 4 metal robed marines as sergeants, for the time being. Since my only tac squad will be only 5 strong, using unrobed models is not such a big deal. I'll likely pick up a veterans box in the future, and will swap marines around and repaint squad markings.

Thanks for your replies!


@ Grotsmasha & Wolf Priest Haelaeif:


Thanks guys! stay tuned because more stuff are in the pipe line: 1) the completion of Brother Nero. Probably add a few seals on him as he now has a name :), 2) a Chaplain (simple i.e. not Interrogator - but archaic looking, its' the one with the plasma pistol and the large parchement on his front), 3) to complete the Company Veterans with 5 more Mk4 models (already bought) armed for c/c - except one guy that'll carry the Lascannon and 4) RW!!! It's like I'm inventing reasons not to start these guys... They are all going to be in Mk6 btw. The lot is already bought and just waits for me to get started.


@ Stonehinge:


Good one spoting the silver neck ring! But I have the concern that they are entering Iron Warrios territory (excl. the robes obviously). And there is black as a secondary color. So I'm a bit in two minds right now... And I'm not a big fan of silver too - maybe gun metal with a black wash over it is more like it? I don't know. And the crimson Aquila? I'll tell you what, when you complete a mini post it so we can see the end result. I for one will be very interested!!!



@ Bryan Blair & Stobz:




As I said above there are some more stuff in the pipeline - so stay tuned!


Bryan, re: the skulls this is a fantastic idea!!! Not only they'll look more like cencers BUT ALSO they'll look lobotomised too!!! How Dark Angely is THAT! Consider your idea done!

That is a very nice army there Captain Semper. I'm looking forward to seeing more of it. The simple colour scheme works well and I like what you've done with the dreadnoughts (by the way, I hadn't realised just how big those models are!). What are you planning to add next?

Hey Gillyfish, thanks for stopping by!


Contemptors are big for sure - I should have put them next to standard dreads just for scale purposes... :D


Anyway as i said earlier the pipe line includes a Chaplain, 5 more Mk4 the Company Veterans armed for c/c - and Lascannon and RW in Mk6! They are supposed to work together with my Disciples of Caliban DW! That is unless FW comes up with pre-Heresy TDAs in which case I'll reconsider... Well let's face it I'm gonna do a few squads of them come what may!


At least this is the plan now...

Just for integrity purposes, here is Brother Nero (not so Nero any more :lol: ) Just because he now has a name, I gave him an older type bolter too...






I really don't get why the picture is so crap! :D It looks fine on the iPhone... I really need to get a proper camera.



I know it's a lame update, but I'm in the middle of doing some Mk4 c/c vets right now (with rule of cool in mind - not gaming effectivenes). So hopefully I'll have something decent to show soon!

  Brother Immolator said:
So no beakies yet?Where are the beakies?The people want beakies!


All good things come to those who wait :lol:. Seriously though you have a point: the moment I mentally committed myself to do a Consecrators RW exclusively with Mk6 armour (beakies) it's like I'm inventing reasons to postpone it... And I have everything already - it's not like I need to find funds or anything ;).


Well after the 5-strong Company Veterans c/c demi-squad, I'm running out of excuses... RW time!

Great stuff! The scheme's really nice, the paintwork is fantastic, and there're loads of nice little touches.


If I might ask one small question, it's about the transfer on the first Contemptor's leg – is it supposed to read

'The First





Sons of



I would have thought

'The First




Sons of

The Lion'


Might read better?

  Apologist said:
Great stuff! The scheme's really nice, the paintwork is fantastic, and there're loads of nice little touches.


If I might ask one small question, it's about the transfer on the first Contemptor's leg – is it supposed to read

'The First





Sons of



I would have thought

'The First




Sons of

The Lion'


Might read better?


Thanks for your comments!


I had to look at the transfer again... :P And I'm arriving at the same conclusion as Bryan Blair. Although your version sounds better :P. This is actually a transfer from FW DA transfer sheet. Unfortunately they have yet to produce a transfer sheet for DA Successors - unlike BAs (lucky b'stards) ;)

Steal away! The "modern" bits are mainly the back packs and weapons. I'm sorry but I really prefer them to the "older" types. In fact the FW back packs were supposed to have some coils on the top that were never matching to a perfect semi circle as they were supposed... So I reverted to the more mundane "modern" ones. Regarding weapons, again I just like them better...


Interesting avatar btw :)!


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