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Captain Semper's Consecrators

Captain Semper

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OK update time: Here are my c/c 6th Company Vets from squad Kadmiel less the power fist guy (more on him later).





And some close ups:





































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Right, back to the power fist guy. He exists. And he has a plasma pistol too. Unfortunately he is still in undercoated status and worst of all without any proper base :lol:


As it were I donated my last base to this guy (still WIP - so bear with me):











This is the Chaplain of the 6th Company. He's is still very much WIP and he'll also get a backbanner. Oh, and a name! Eventually.


So I am a base down - I have to place a new order but this takes some time... Oh, well.

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I can tell it forever. But veteran squad is even better than the previous squads! And a guy with shield and claw... I like him! And with this Maximus-helmet... Awesome! But i agree, where're Corvus-helmets? :)
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@ Menkeroth: Thx man, I almost completed my self-imposed task on a Mk5 and Mk4 squad (just one power fist guy remains and of course I need to complete the Chaplain) and then it's RW!!! with all Mk6 armour for everybody! This is the project for the next month. Of course I might revisit my DoC so I'll take it a step at the time...


@E_E: Thx for your encouragement. I look fwd to complete my grand vision of an Unforgiven army working together... This Cypher fellow won't elude us for long! (or maybe he will). Anyway I'll sooner pull the plug off the Golden Throne than let Cypher reach the big E. :P FOR THE LION!

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That Chappy is great, I can't wait to see him finished....


I also can't decide which Chappy to buy for my DA, the jump pack one or the Fist/Crozius one :HQ: . You have chosen well, he looks nice and gothic, a bit grumpy too ;)


Q: Do you just bang the Hawk T over your black or is there a many stages approach? I'm needing ideas for shading black too and might steal something similar to yours, coz they are cool.



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That Chappy is great, I can't wait to see him finished....


I also can't decide which Chappy to buy for my DA, the jump pack one or the Fist/Crozius one :P . You have chosen well, he looks nice and gothic, a bit grumpy too :lol:


Q: Do you just bang the Hawk T over your black or is there a many stages approach? I'm needing ideas for shading black too and might steal something similar to yours, coz they are cool.




Thx man :)!


The Chaplain is finished actually - just need to paint a banner for him and of course the base... Hopefully by tomorrow there'll be a mini update. Regardng the Fist/Crozius guy, I think he is the most oddly posed of all. I recall when they first came out this pose was dubbed the "huuug me" pose whereas the one I just painted was dubbed the "squat"... Between a Chaplain with huge emotional deficit and a, ermmm... a squat, give me the latter anytime :P! Besides he has the most "archaic" looking armour in my view (which is kind of the theme here). Having said that I've seen some fantastic paint jobs of the PF Chaplain so anything is fixable - especially by someone of your skill. Now the jump-pack Chaplain - this is a really nice mini! I think it's probably the best Chaplain minitature and is up there with the Termie Chaplain. If he fits your army (or only for display purposes) just get him!


Regarding the Hawk-T yes you have to tone it down with black. A little. Like 3:1 kinda - or even less. I'm working more with the eye than actually measuring relative volumes (amateurish I know - but there you have it).


It is amazing what some black is doing to the color. If you just put Turquise straight on black it looks completely unnatural to me. And wrong. It is just too sharp a contrast. But a little black makes all difference. To me this is the best way to highlight an all back model. Interestingly, I tried it with my Disciples on the black areas and it is not looking good at all. So I just use Hawk-T for the black robes but the actual armour (due to its proximity with green) I just use a little bit of Astronomican Grey to get the job done. The old fashioned "grey" highlight. And it works great!

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Wicked, cheers Capt S.


I will have to order the JP Chappy when my credit card allows :P He will fit in well with my force as I don't have a spare seat in a rhino or a razor unless I drop out a vet. Bugger that, he can fly with the assault dudes.


be giving that shading a practice later this week, cheers again.



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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, a mini update - not much but hopefully there will be some RW arriving in the weekend!


So with no further ado, I give you Chaplain Amadis! (now finished). His banner has the two swords -a theme for my combined force- the skull, denoting he is a Chaplain (d'oh) and two small skulls deniting -you guessed it- two black pearls!!! Cheeky bastard... I know. But that actually makes him Interrogator Chaplain! So he just got a promotion :P. Good show Amadis!!!











Also, the last from my c/c Company Vets - the one with the Power Fist! Unforunately no base :(. I'll have to order some...







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And since I did some tiding up I also put some squad numerals on both squads: On the shoulder pad for the Vets and on the knee pad for the tactical.











And the whole squad again for no real reason...






So, up next: RW with beakies!!!

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So, the "hated" Landspeeder. Firstly, I apologise for the pictures quality. I will compensate with some daylight pictures when I get the chance... So Consecrators 2nd Company (aka Ravenwing) 4th squad. Bikes and Attack Bike will follow... Beakies, yeaaaah!!!







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I feel like the Red stripe should continue up the frame of the Land Speeder and continue back. That would keep up the continuity with the helmets as well. Perhaps leave the recesses black along the back? The top rear seems plain, but other wise and ace job with crisp lines.


I've been loving this thread as it fails to disappoint.

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Where the power fist guy is concerned, is the blade on his backpack supposed to be iconography, or a sword strapped there for emergencies? Either way it's cool, but if it's the latter, then I think it's an awesome detail!




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@ Stobz: Thx man! Here's to hoping for better moulds!


@ Menkeroth: Thx - it was a bitch to put together and still shows under close scrutiniy. The Chaplain backpack was the one in the box. In retrospect it looks plain - you are right. Especially considering the tons of DA-specific packs I got lying around.


@Brother Immolator: Beakies yesss. The first of many to follow - stay tuned!


@ Grand Master Belial: You know what? I considered it! I just could not agree with myself what color should the middle strut be. You know the one between the two seats... There will be more LS to come so might actually try the full stripe on another vechicle. Maybe the "Sergeant" LS in a LS squadron? I don't know yet - too early to say. Focusing on bikes now! :D Anyway see some daylight pictures below. Highlighting sort of makes it less plain.


@ Isiah: Thx! I plan for the bikes to have similar markings - let's see how this turns out.


@Phoebus: The blade is supposed to be iconography. But I was running out of sensible colors and I really wanted it to stand out - isntread of being plain a gun metal. If you look at it in real life it sort of makes more sense... this is actually a backpack from the DA Veterans box.


@G3rman: Thx for your kind words. Stay tuned - more to come!



OK, here's some pics with daylight. I think they are somewhat better. Although it is early morning daylight.












EDIT: Pictures updated with somewhat better ones

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Removed your double post for you. :)


The speeder looks really good, although one of the photos makes the front highlights seem a bit harsh. Other photos don't so I'm not sure whether it would be worth you painting in a mid range highlight colour to give a more gradual colour transition. See what you think.


Otherwise I think it's very neatly painted. :D

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Thx for removing the double post (I was not even aware I did it).


After looking at the (early) daylight picutes I arrived at the same conclusion. I'll try better pictures because in the naked eye the highlight is not so harsh... Well maybe I need to tone it down a bit :D

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