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Captain Semper's Consecrators

Captain Semper

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Looking good Semper. Great bases.


On to your apothecary dilemma. Don't get us wrong, he's nice and clean, like the rest of your army. With that new photo it appears that you lined in with white? It seems to me that between the shoulder pad trim and the pad itself you actually have a brighter white. Same with around the skull on the helmet. In theses cases, as they are more or less recesses, you want the darker color. A wash would be the easiest method but you could also line in with a light gray. I'd still say go with a nice controlled wash, just in the recesses. I know I suggested blue, but I would go with black probably.


Hahaha, here's the thing: I've done Dheneb stone basecoat, highlighted the edges with skull white and then toned down the contrast with thinned down skull white to almost milky consistency. The white highlights still show with naked eye (and a bit in the picture) but the contrast is subtle. I'll reflect on it some more...


Superb stuff Captain!


I love your dynamic poses, and you standard bearer is one of the best I've seen!


Thanks Smellyfox! Glad you liked. I'll add a few things to them before I return to my Disciples... So stay tuned :)

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Great look on Mr Fist, he is dangerous looking.


IMHO though, you need to 'black line' the recessess of the white on your Apothecary, the white parts are letting the otherwise cool model down:(

I recommend devlan mud and badab black but one or the other would work.

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  • 1 month later...
Soooooooo, the new FW Termies...


What do you guys think of them? A proper addition to a Consecrators army? Or shall I pass? They are 30k-ish but what do you guys think of the actual models? I'm in two minds...


They look like someone with decent Gs fu could build them up...Especially the botlers...And they loose in a 'bulkier contest' with the originals.


They would indeed look great in a Consecrators army,and they are on par with the original terminators cost wise.


Their legs could do with some stabs though...


All in all with some conversion work added i would propably get a set to convert to belials command squad had i the luxury of spending money right now.

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not sure why you would want to bulk them up, whole point is they are supposed to be more mobile.


I reckon with some etched brass details, maybe some bits from the rw or da sprues and some freehand work they would look alright.


will probably order a set next week.

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Soooooooo, the new FW Termies...


What do you guys think of them? A proper addition to a Consecrators army? Or shall I pass? They are 30k-ish but what do you guys think of the actual models? I'm in two minds...


I think they would be right for a Consecrators army but there is something lacking...missing...absent in those terminators... Almost too slick and soulless!! :)


Asterion Moloc on the otherhand..would be a great DW Characters..... would neeed some degree of filing... :P





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You are trying to appeal to the Greek in me... :P Well, for the record, I'm not sold on Moloc. Enkomi on the other hand, hmmm... :)


... would neeed A degree ON filing... :P


fixed it for you! :lol:

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Yea I'm torn on them too.


I think the bulking up comment comes from all the artwork we've seen of pre heresy terminators - they're big!


However we could assume that these aren't that pattern actually. So that the bulkiest terminator armor we see in artwork is an older mark and that this has been developed to replace it, like Maximus power armor was at the time. Built for extra mobility. Just an idea.


I'm also torn on the look (I agree with Stobz), but I think they could certainly fit in your Consecrators army... Which I keep getting more and more jealous of.


As for the Minotaurs HQ models, I'd say they are too Greek (no offense Semper :lol: ) for Dark Angles. I'd say go with converting Tyberous for your Consecrators instead. That or Lugft.


Though Moloc's armor does seem to be a more stylized version of the new terminators.

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BTW: If you spend much more on minis CS you'll need to be bailed out :P


Yeah, it's a Greek thing... :D


Yea I'm torn on them too.


I think the bulking up comment comes from all the artwork we've seen of pre heresy terminators - they're big!


I agree that the general image of the pre-Heresy termie is bulkier and less refined than the Indomitus (yeay, old TDA has a name now! :)) but this kind of contradicts the general tendency of 40k lore that points to an inverted technology vector - i.e. the older something is the more hi-tech it is. Sleekness and "clean" lines sure point to high(er) tech more than the bulky and somewhat Gothic Indomitus. That said they were supposedly developed at the same time - but they do not look contemporary to each other imo... I'm mixed up! :cry:


However we could assume that these aren't that pattern actually. So that the bulkiest terminator armor we see in artwork is an older mark and that this has been developed to replace it, like Maximus power armor was at the time. Built for extra mobility. Just an idea.


And a cool one at that! I sure hope the real pre-Heresy Termies are still in the cards...


I'm also torn on the look (I agree with Stobz), but I think they could certainly fit in your Consecrators army... Which I keep getting more and more jealous of.


Thx mate! :lol: However I made a vow not to add Termies in the Consecrators army (this is DoC territory) UNLESS FW produces pre-Heresy Termies. So is that it? Not sure...


As for the Minotaurs HQ models, I'd say they are too Greek (no offense Semper :P ) for Dark Angles.


None taken! DAs are nowhere near a Greek theme - and Minotaurs are to some extent embodying it. In fact I have devised a theory as to why the Minotaurs are the antithesis of the DAs but that is hardly the time for that! hahahaha.


I'd say go with converting Tyberous for your Consecrators instead. That or Lugft.


I had a go with Tyberous actually - check out 1st page post 4. ;) Unfortunately I'm crap with heavy converting or greenstuff and the lack of posability makes him pretty much an one-off! Mk5 is my favourite armour type and Tyberious is the closest thing to having Mk5 Terminatorized!!! Let's hope more of Tybeous-like armour comes our way. Interestingly, Tyberous looks somewhat smaller than the plastic termies - and it's not just the pose... and so do the new Tartaros Termies. Strange...

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I'm not a fan of the superhero capes but the detail is superb as usual. Maybe the capes could be removed, I guess it depends on how FW have joined them.



Me neither but if i am to go by other terminator figures from FW, the likelyhood is that the cape and the two arms would be separate...and if lucky the "fan" above the head also separate...if not it would be easy to be rid of...


Cap Semper.... Tyberos made a great apothecary for my failed 2011 LPC attempt.... didn't need much GS work either....





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I agree that the general image of the pre-Heresy termie is bulkier and less refined than the Indomitus (yeay, old TDA has a name now! :lol:) but this kind of contradicts the general tendency of 40k lore that points to an inverted technology vector - i.e. the older something is the more hi-tech it is. Sleekness and "clean" lines sure point to high(er) tech more than the bulky and somewhat Gothic Indomitus. That said they were supposedly developed at the same time - but they do not look contemporary to each other imo... I'm mixed up! :)


Yet we have Mk 2 and 3 Power armor as OLDER yet more bulky than the top of the line (for the Crusade era) Mk 4 Maximus armor. I think the inverted tech still works though. I feel that in the Pre-Crusade and Great Crusade eras they started to make progress - especially as they found STCs - to some extent and the heresy mostly killed that. Since then, they have made little to no progress in improving and it would even seem the Imperium actually surfers from "technological decay" (or whatever you want to call it) in that they have lost the means to reproduce things created in the 31st millennium (which of course were based on even older tech pre-Old Night). So yes, the inverted technology vector still works but I see it more applying to the difference between the Crusade era and the current timeline.


So what I'm saying is the very bulky terminators in the artwork could in fact simply be an early Crusade design that led to the Tartaros as well as the Indomitus - perhaps based on some particular STCs that were found during crusading. Just conjecture.


I had a go with Tyberous actually - check out 1st page post 4. ;) Unfortunately I'm crap with heavy converting or greenstuff and the lack of posability makes him pretty much an one-off! Mk5 is my favourite armour type and Tyberious is the closest thing to having Mk5 Terminatorized!!! Let's hope more of Tybeous-like armour comes our way. Interestingly, Tyberous looks somewhat smaller than the plastic termies - and it's not just the pose... and so do the new Tartaros Termies. Strange...


Doh! You've had so many great additions since then, I totally forgot about him.


Yea, the new Tartaros Pattern Terminator armor is even less bulky than a regular terminator in my opinion (just look at the comparison shots). Mini Contemptors. Honestly, I don't know why they didn't just shoot for the artwork look... I want something like this. Asterion Moloc has that going on to some extent,but than they dialed it way back for these Tartaros models, only leaving small elements (like the upper leg) - why not more plain terminator models based on Moloc's suit?? But maybe they still have plans for them.

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So what I'm saying is the very bulky terminators in the artwork could in fact simply be an early Crusade design that led to the Tartaros as well as the Indomitus - perhaps based on some particular STCs that were found during crusading. Just conjecture.


This is a really good idea actually!


Honestly, I don't know why they didn't just shoot for the artwork look... I want something like this.


Me neither! It would be so easy to make the SM players universally happy and they just went for a controversial design... :(

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My take would be because that one is relatively easy to replicate.


Strap two bolters together,the leg plates of the dread for shoulder pads and you are there.


EDIT:That ones a chaos but fits the bill : http://www.heresy-online.net/forums/galler...r_Guards_18.jpg


And that ones from our very own forums: http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/8543/terminator1lc6.jpg

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  • 4 weeks later...

Something is in the oven, but not ready to display yet... ;)


The apothecaries look great imo. I will definately get them soon enough... I know I shouldn't be saying that but I like the Mk4 better! :P Well, I have to get down to do some Mk2 eventually :(

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I cant wait to see your next installment, dont make us wait to long!


I have just read through this thread, the work you have put in is outstanding ( i have such a long way to go!!) ,so much to take in.....


There is far too much to comment on ( and everone has already !) but suffice to say i will be visiting this thread

a lot and stealing a few ideas!! :blink:

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Something is in the oven, but not ready to display yet... :(


The apothecaries look great imo. I will definately get them soon enough... I know I shouldn't be saying that but I like the Mk4 better! :( Well, I have to get down to do some Mk2 eventually <_<


I do not blame you, personally I love the Mk 4, I think its the best looking armour mark

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