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Captain Semper's Consecrators

Captain Semper

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Ok, the HQ that I have overlooked so far is of course Librarians. So I give you Idrael, Master Librarian of the Consecrators Chapter currently attached to the 6th Company!












More to follow... ^_^

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Looks good mate, the pics are a bit dark/shadowy though (due to lighting being from above I assume) and the lighting/colour balance is thrown off by the tablecloth.

Your treatment of blue looks good but it is hard to tell.

I'm liking the green staff and scroll cases on the book too, nice touches.




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Well spotted brother!


This guy started his life as my DAs Librarian (and yes it's not all Successors for me - I do have some 4,500 points of "vanilla" DAs too :lol:) which I re-touched (mostly the face) and re-based and assigned him to my Consecrators force. On a second thought I will try an minimize green - although some green will remain to denote 6th comp and the general allegiance to the DAs. My Consecratos sport some green here and there anyway...

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And while we're at it I realised I never took picutres of my Rhino in proper light. So here they are. Sorry for the recycling but rest assured, new stuff is coming soon! :lol:











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Hahahaha, sure... The new Pred is certainly in (with the Plasma cannon) and probably with the Conversion beam. This is the Ironwing project that is kept for later...


However I have some more immediate plans. The one that I can disclose is a second drop pod for the Command Squad that's 50% there...

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  • 3 weeks later...

After the LPC was over, I immediately got into working the ETL Challenge so my painting and my my presense in B&C waned somewhat. But I remain as committed as ever to the cause of the Dark Angels and although I cannot participate personally in the ETL I'll make a parrallel unofficial vow here, just to play along!


So I vow to complete one tactical squad (all Mk5) with PF, ML and Meltagun with their assorted Deimos Rhino before August 15th!



Let's see how this will end up! <_< And just to prove I was not completely idle all this time here's the transport of my Command squad. I give you my second drop pod:












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I also got seduced by the new Tartaros Termies. So I'm going to paint a squad just to get the expirience... So far just the Sergeant is ready:















My verdict is... They lack the Terminator feel. They are more like a hybrid between PA and TDA. Beutiful minis though - I'll enjoy painting them.

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Some lovely models and painting in this thread....can't believe I've only just seen it! I especially love the Contemptor Dreads from the first few pages......although that might be cos I'm jealous that I haven't got one yet! :)


Looking forward to seeing more of the army as its painted :rolleyes:

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You were right the other day.They just seem beefed up power armored troops...THe head and the shoulder pads are spoiling too much IMHO.


Told you... But they are nice mini's and faster to paint than the Indomitus, so they do have things going for them. Better poses too. They just don't feel terminator enough for me...


Some lovely models and painting in this thread....can't believe I've only just seen it! I especially love the Contemptor Dreads from the first few pages......although that might be cos I'm jealous that I haven't got one yet! :)


Looking forward to seeing more of the army as its painted ;)


Thx facmanpob! This project effectively started last August, and after I paint the tact squad I promised and the remaining Tartaros (hopefully by mid-August) I'll call it complete. By then it would be a legal force with 2 Tactical squads, 1 Comp. Vets squad, 1 fully upgraded RW attack squadron, one unit of DW Termies (Tartaros), one Command Squad and a Master, a Chaplain, a Libby and a Techmarine ( no pics for him yet but he's 90% done).


Then back to the Disciples! :D

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Damn Captain!!!... You make me want to paint my PA as a sucessor to the DA... Rather than as DA themselves..


I'm currently working though on mono Ravenwing, I just happened to get 1000 points of dirt cheap marines ($80 CAD) from a guy getting out of the hobby and after a stripping accident left me short 2 laz cannons and a Plasma Cannon I've still got a good

2 Tactical squads

1 Devistator squad

6 EXTRA heavy weapons

15 Terminators

2 Captains (1AOBR)

1 Chaplain

1 AOBR Dread

and a Land Raider Redeamer.


So far I've only painted one and three quarters marines from this in DA colours mind you


Now I need to look into cool sucessor schemes thanks to your awesome work :)


PS My Pure Ravenwing so far consists of 2 Full on RWAS a custom Bike I chappy and Sammy on Jbike

(Though one of the LS tornado's has the option to magnetically become SAMMY in SPEEDER)

I want to add 3 Typhoons and 1 more RWAS to this, but man fundage fundage.

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Some lovely models and painting in this thread....can't believe I've only just seen it! I especially love the Contemptor Dreads from the first few pages......although that might be cos I'm jealous that I haven't got one yet! :)


Looking forward to seeing more of the army as its painted ;)


Thx facmanpob! This project effectively started last August, and after I paint the tact squad I promised and the remaining Tartaros (hopefully by mid-August) I'll call it complete. By then it would be a legal force with 2 Tactical squads, 1 Comp. Vets squad, 1 fully upgraded RW attack squadron, one unit of DW Termies (Tartaros), one Command Squad and a Master, a Chaplain, a Libby and a Techmarine ( no pics for him yet but he's 90% done).


Then back to the Disciples! :D

You're Disciples are pretty cool too! :)


Although, if you're anything like me you'll be distracted by something shiny and head off in an entirely new direction! (i.e. me with the Ravenwing bikes! :( )

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