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Clever Girl... - Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge


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I like it BUT I don't like the scale of his head, it is even smaller than his hands (sure he is wearing gauntlets, but still he's a Primarch, and they aren't power fists), if he ever facepalmed he'd squash his whole head...


Also noticing that, and being further nitpicky (because the Khan is my favourite Primarch), his right hand seems to be the same scale as his left, despite the fact it is much further away.


That's my only complaint about this too, his head is soooo tiny, it looks like someone took G I Joe Guardsman and put his head on a primarch.


Apart from that, awesome sauce mate!

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The right hand isn't far back, it may give that impression since I drew his upper arm a bit short, but this is pretty much a frontal pic of the Khan.


As far as the head goes, I assume I go a bit overboard, but, for me, Power Armour is not a second skin, it's a mech suit. Fluff bits like the wearer become a full head higher when donning the armour and such...I can see how it may look strange. Thanks for the kind words and criticism alike. /bow

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As far as the head goes, I assume I go a bit overboard, but, for me, Power Armour is not a second skin, it's a mech suit. Fluff bits like the wearer become a full head higher when donning the armour and such...I can see how it may look strange. Thanks for the kind words and criticism alike. /bow

It wasn't a general reference to all your heads, just the Khan's. And I understand the mech suit reference (I'm an anime buff afterall) but in regards to this particular rendition the scale ratio between man and suit seems very off, especially considering your other works, moreso with the other Primarch works. At the moment at the scale he is at, his feet wouldn't reach past the knee of his armour.


The way it looks at the moment is basically the Khan's armour is big and imposing, but the Khan himself really isn't... like an Inquisitor in power armour would be, not a Primarch.


These are just my opinions of course.

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Tell you the truth, I made this piece always in fear of the torso and waist area being too long, I had to erase a metal belt and two samurai-looking abdomen plates which, coupled with the fur line, made the Primarch seem stretched. I still think he could/should be shorter, I'm sure that helps convey that feeling.


Opinions are always valuable, I am still trying to find the ideal proportions for my power-armoured dudes.

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Because Greyall said it was ok, this is my sloppy edit of his previous work.


All that is really changed is the scale of the Khan's head, though I think I may have scaled it slightly too large now.

Note this is not an official edit, and Greyall's original is the official version.

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I'd love to see you draw a really roman-esque ultramarine tyranid war veteran or somesuch, with full on kilt type thing, two gladius swords and drop-leg-pouche/mag type things :)


And emperor damn it, i fething love your helmets, the style is so damn unique! :)

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Yeah Ive been watching this thread and finally managed to stop drooling long enough to type a coherent sentence.

On the off chance that I might be struck with a very uncharachteristic bout of good luck, is there any possibility that you would feel inclined draw Ferrus Mannus, Primarch of the Iron Hands?

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Next, Rafen gets his Chapter Master.


Now this - this I've been waiting for! Liked the Sanguinius (although the head looked a bit 'odd'), so hoping for epic Dante-ness!


But he isn't Dante... <_<


Ah, yes.


This would be confusion on my part, after forgetting you won the contest.


I saw "Rafen's chapter master", thought of Rafen from the Black Library Blood Angels books, and my brain did the maths, put 2 and 2 together, and came up with an answer of 'a suffusion of yellow.'


(Bonus points to anyone who gets *THAT* reference...)

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Next, Rafen gets his Chapter Master.


Now this - this I've been waiting for! Liked the Sanguinius (although the head looked a bit 'odd'), so hoping for epic Dante-ness!


But he isn't Dante... ^_^


Ah, yes.


This would be confusion on my part, after forgetting you won the contest.


I saw "Rafen's chapter master", thought of Rafen from the Black Library Blood Angels books, and my brain did the maths, put 2 and 2 together, and came up with an answer of 'a suffusion of yellow.'


(Bonus points to anyone who gets *THAT* reference...)



A suffusion of yellow = any number greater than 4. Do I get the points? :)

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Ah, yes.


This would be confusion on my part, after forgetting you won the contest.


I saw "Rafen's chapter master", thought of Rafen from the Black Library Blood Angels books, and my brain did the maths, put 2 and 2 together, and came up with an answer of 'a suffusion of yellow.'


(Bonus points to anyone who gets *THAT* reference...)


:lol: that is where I got my account name from and I probably should of saw something like that coming.

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The Inquisitor strode past the immobile Space Marines like they were Imperial Guard menials, green-metal plating and a mantle made from the fur of a wolfish thing contrastig with the plain black plate of the Astartes.


\'You will yield\', he said through clenched teeth, \"Your bloated pride will not save you from the judgement of Terra, Talonspyre\".


Chapter Master Talonspyre sat on a Throne, as immobile as his Space Marines, his armour black with pale gold trim, an ash-grey mantle spilling onto the floor from the Astarte\'s back.


\"Relenquish the neuro-conditioning mechanism to me. NOW!\" the Inquisitor yelled, eyes bloodshot, then in a much lower but even more menacing tone, \"And your Sons of Silence might yet live.\"


Slowly...so very slowly, Chapter Master Talonspyre shook his head. He was midway through the process of facing the Inquisitor once again when his head was engulfed by a ball of blue plasma.


The Inquisitor holstered his plasma pistol and turned to face the other Marines, who stood there as decorative armours. Normal for soldiers subjected to such heavy neuro-conditioning, of course, they\'d never raise a hand against an Inquisitor, Imperial hierarchy embedded in their minds.


The Inquisitor heard one of the Marines chuckle, the helmet making it more of a growl. Then another. Then two more. In a few seconds, he was surrounded by laughing statues.


\"Cease this immediately!\" he yelled, but barely heard his voice among the thunderous roar of the assembled warriors.


The next voice, though, he heard perfectly clear, though it sounded like a whisper.


\"One can only laugh at you, pitiful traitor.\"


Talonspyre\'s ghost had come for him.


The figure hovered above the headless corpse on the throne. The same profusely decorated armour, but so damaged it was a miracle how it held together. The ashen cloak wasn\'t a cloak now hung from below the waist, ragged, hiding the...Marine\'s...feet - if it had any. Instead of the Chapter Master\'s power sword, this wraith sported a pair of Lightning Claws.


No face was visible with the hood pulled up, a single red glowing orb defying the utter darkness.


But the wings...the wings were the most revolting part. Pinions of jagged metal slowly rose and fell, a rusted parody of real wings. Oath parchments hung from the wings, resembling strips of flayed flesh.


The Inquisitor knew this was a Space Marine, flesh and bone, but something within his gene-enhanced mind, something primal, remained doubtful of what this ghost was. It looked exactly like it meant to: a wraith wearing the wargear of a fallen warrior, a dark parody of it. And yet it was majestic, as imposing and awe-inspiring as any aquila-wearing Chapter Master.


It spoke again, and its voice, the Inquisitor noted, wasn\'t so much whispered as it seemed spoken through clouds of ash.


\"Your vessels have been found. Your operatives have been terminated.\" It leaned closer, and the Inquisitor noted, with racing hearts, that he still couldn\'t see the wraith\'s face, , inches as it was from his own eyes. Its voice came coarser this time, \"Your life...Alpha Legionnaire...is mine.\"


The Lightning claws flared purple. The wraith moved. For all his millennia of experience, Rainthe Vascus, a master plotter in a Legion of plotters, screamed.


He barely had time to notice the Marines were still laughing.




Chapter Master Rafen Talonspyre, of the Lords of Silence, Rafen's chapter (they're brainwashed marines, hence why the Alpha Legionnaire didn\'t find it strange that they didn\'t shoot him). Another prize for a Bolter and Chainsword contest. It\'s not perfect, certainly, but it achieves the goal of mixing imperial majesty with a sort of wraith tone. I chose the latter because I found it the only way of incorporating the creepy winged jetpack requested by Rafen - this was a pain in the behind, mate...a real one.


It\'s back to Primarchs. I\'m not holding a contest, this time. I\'m sorry, rest assured there\'ll be others, but I just want to go ahead with Primarchs and my own 40K avatar.


Next Primarch is Lorgar. And I\'m not falling for that \"plain MK3 armor shtick\". It\'s regal and blingy for the golden boy.


By the way, Shamblin's holy hands did this to Vulkan






Praise to Shamblin.

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<_< That is ten times better then what I thought you were going to do with him! I never pictured him as a wraith but I actually loved how you pulled him off!


As far as the story goes... WOW THAT WAS :cuss AWESOME! That would be something that he would do, pretending to be sitting somewhere then turning up as a "ghost". Plus I love the twist with the Alpha Legion. Almost thought my guys were gonna end up traitor but you got me at the end :lol:. Only issue is that there the Lords of Silence not the Sons but we're human after all and can't be conditioned like these guys are ;)


Sorry about the wings, but that was probably the only solid idea I had about him. Plus my symbol looks even creepier then it does normally which makes it that much better!


Also I guess I need to push forward my DIY and start working on something for the Liber and I'm happy people find the concept interesting.

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Thanks, everyone. I've been extremely uninspired for the past days, done and redone Lorgar with what seemed like a WWII anti-sub mine in my gut...alas, I put my mind to work and the Emperor's golden son [of a b***h] is now progressing smoothly.
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