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Clever Girl... - Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge


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I love it - I checked out your DA page and love all the work on there - can't remember the pic name (it's wolfy spes mehrins vs emperor's children + other chapter which look kinda Death Guard ish) but it looks great - especially loving the various characters and how you come up with mini storylines for each picture.


much adoration and expectation of more ;)



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Just come across this thread for the first time, I must say these are the most beautifully detailed, Epic looking Marine drawings I have ever seen - well done, absolutely tremendous work! B) ;) :jaw:


As a Chaos player, your depictions of various Chaos Champions are completely inspirational.


It seems you have moved on to drawing Loyalist Marines and Primarchs, but if you ever fancy drawing some more Chaos Marines, why not try drawing some with down-turned, forward pointing horns and idols based on a bull-headed god? For some reason, I'm drawn to that sort of depiction of Chaos Marines... ;)


Brilliant work, can't wait to see what you draw next! :)

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Vaclav Ternol entered the room, his massive frame blocking the light from the opened door. A few steps - far less than what had taken her to - brought him next to the remembrancer.


"Sergeant Ternol", Gizelda Amaranth said with affection. Throughout her 10 year stay with the Word Bearers, Vaclav had become almost a friend - as much as an Astartes could.


"Gizelda", the warrior said, sitting, "I hope the night finds you well".


"Days of battle find me only yearning for new stories. And I've heard you have a great one to tell me".


"Great, yes, but not happy. This day has left a mark on us all. The coming weeks will se many of my brethren going into reclusion and prayer."


"Hold on, let me write that. It'll make one hell of an introduct...", she stopped as she noticed the less than approving look the Astartes shot her. She still let her curiosity take the best of her, breaching Legion privacy was a harsh mistake, if this wasn't Vaclav, she would've been left alone and with no story . "Well, I'm sure I'll remember a better one during your account. Er-shall we begin?"


Ternol smiled, despite himself. "Of course. This, then, is the tale of how the Word Bearers claimed Oracion for Mankind and the Emperor."


One thousand Astartes stood frozen, unable to advance any further annd lend aid to their Primarch. It wasn't fear that left them so, but the nature of the enemy facing Lorgar. As hard as it was to admit for the legionnaires, the being was as hard to look at as the Primarch himself. The light it irradiated was impossibly bright, and it had just revived at least twenty of its warriors.


It was an angel. The significance was not lost on a Legion who saw the Emperor as a god.


Wings as wide as those of the Blood Angels' Primarch, it hovered above it's troops in the center of the square, with only Lorgar facing it. The...angel...was vaguely feminine, with a shaven head and only a crimson cloth covering his body.


"You see, then, how true is our face?", one of the soldiers asked, defiantly, his voice rasping but his pose stoic.


Lorgar's eyes narrowed. He seemed largely unimpressed with the winged creature, but as a son, but his sons knew there were questions racing through his mind. Shifting his eyes from the soldiers to the "angel", the Primarch spoke.


"Your warriors seem aghast. You seem to have done a poor job of reviving them".


The angel lifted her head and her look became even icier.


"You shall not speak to The Ala so, tyra..." the Oracian soldier who spoke was cut short by a terrible cough, finally painting the tiled floor with blood.


Lorgar laughed, and his laughter brought his sons from the stupor they were in. In a few seconds, they joined their Primarch in laughter, though doubt still creeped into their minds. Nevertheless, the enemy soldiers were cut down by bolter fire in less than a minute.


Now, only the so-called angel and the Primarch stood on the elevated marble. Lorgar was magnificent, his armour ivory like those saints in the churches the Word Bearers built. Red scrolls with golden Colchisian runes hanged from his bone-white armour, as did the slab-grey rags of his vest at the retaking of Colchis. Above his head, twin eagles enveloped the Helios Imperial and the Primarch's work, The Book of Lorgar.


"Show your true nature, then, or die a parody", Lorgar said to angel, a smile on his lips.


The winged being had no mouth, which only added to the unease of the Word Bearers. What it had as a line, running from under her nose to the base of her neck.


Lorgar was noticing this when the "line" suddendly opened to reveal a fanged, horizontal mouth. The light from the angel died, replaced by a purple-black smoke. It roared, the sound that of a hundred women screaming in agony, and launched itself at the Primarch.


"And then?" the remembrancer asked.


"It wasn't a match for Lorgar. One blow from the Illuminarum was all it took", Vaclav Ternol answered.


"But Then why...". She didn't finish her question. The Astartes was already exiting the room.




The warrior didn't answer. He felt bad for letting Gizelda down, but he suspected he wouldn't have been able to disguise the anguish he felt now, as he recalled how distraught in the eyes of Lorgar as he stood above the broken angel, how much it had grieved him to see such a being turn into a creature of darkness.


Merry Christmas, mates.

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Well, I can honestly say I never envisioned Lorgar in such a way, but asceticism makes for lousy art, so I can't blame you really. Everything has the usual stellar level of detail I've come to expect from you and your super tiny pencils (I still can't find .3 mm pencils ;)), but to be brutally honest his mace seems almost...comical.


I can't quite place it really. It's a mix between the utter simplicity (spikey ball maces were my stand by when drawing bad guys as a small child) and the asymmetry, I think. While the rest of the character is delicately balanced, the spikes of the mace are chaotic (insert rimshot) in size and direction. I imagine something either more complex and 'holy'-looking like you see in censor-balls on models or the more angular, intersecting maces (like on the Chaos Terminators) would fit better. Either that, or go full blown with the subtle modesty of the weapon, and reduce the spikes and reassert the symmetry.


A lot of nitpicking over one small part of the drawing, but that's just because it's the only part which seems out of place and not utterly awesome to look upon :P.


Still, impressive as always, despite my tiny misgivings.

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Though it shames me greatly, I think the worst part about the mace...is that the scrolls at its end make it look like a mop...


Hahaha, you're hard on yourself Greyall! But now that you put the thought in my mind it just won't go away ;). Great stuff as usual, the face especially! He looks threatening in a constraint and "in-control" way. Just like he should! I think the big success is when you capture the demeanor of the character, not the detail. The latter is present in all your work and it is clear to me that you have a consistent skill to produce technically advanced drawings. But your best work is when you capture the essence of the character you are drawing. Your Lorgar is better than your Sanguinius mop or no mop! And I still vote the NL Raptor the best one overall on the grounds mentioned above!


Merry Christmas mate! Keep 'em coming!

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Lorgar: Equipped to crush and clean with mop-ace!


I know what you mean about it looking mop like, but I think thats purely because of the way it looks like mop material (its the lines of scripture on the scrolls)l...I think I would have put something else on the end of a mace personally...parchment and scripture looks slightly out of place to me! (At least in the way it comes out the end) I would perhaps have had some kind of rope or chain hanging from it. But thats in my own opinion and your work (as always) looks amazing!


I'm sure you get tired of all the generic positive feedback so i'll use something a little different:


*Insert awestruck reception here*


There we go, now that can say whatever you'd like in a positive capacity ;)

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Though it shames me greatly, I think the worst part about the mace...is that the scrolls at its end make it look like a mop...


Nah, it doesn't look like a mop - it looks like one of those blow-up boppers you get at fairs. :(


On a more serious note I must say I like the scriptwork and the facemask. However I think the Aurelian has humongous legs in that picture. ;)

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I'm in the process of reducing the size of the upper leg area in my drawings.


My Lorgar isn't wearing a mask or helmet, that's his face. I just didn't insert many details because:


1) He already is covered in runes, making it too confusing.


2) I see him as having a young face, and the golden skin lends support to that idea.

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