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Clever Girl... - Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge


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Ok, first things first. The colored Moloc? Excellent! I think it did your piece justice! And the fact that he is alone in an empty plane gives it a surreal feeling! I really like it!


As regards the Salamander,


At what point do you think that DE realizes hes B)?


THIS^^^ B)

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I'd very much like for Night Haunter to show his face tomorrow, at the most. It's feasible, I think, not going with much damage on his armour since I'm taking the 'first time he dons his wargear' rather literally - this will be meaningful for the short fluff I'll write to accompany the drawing. That should save me some time.


I cannot stress just how much of a nightmare Curze is turning out to be...Have you noticed that Night Lords have little in the way of an aesthetical pattern to their armour's design? Ultramarines -> Romans, Wolves-> Celtics and Vikings, etc...Night Lords... :lol:. They go with trophies, which is all fine and dandy, but actually narrows my scope.


So he'll just be fear incarnate.

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I'd very much like for Night Haunter to show his face tomorrow, at the most. It's feasible, I think, not going with much damage on his armour since I'm taking the 'first time he dons his wargear' rather literally - this will be meaningful for the short fluff I'll write to accompany the drawing. That should save me some time.


I cannot stress just how much of a nightmare Curze is turning out to be...Have you noticed that Night Lords have little in the way of an aesthetical pattern to their armour's design? Ultramarines -> Romans, Wolves-> Celtics and Vikings, etc...Night Lords... ;). They go with trophies, which is all fine and dandy, but actually narrows my scope.


So he'll just be fear incarnate.


When I think Night Lords I think Old Translyvania.. The stories of Vlad Tepish and the things he did to scare the ottomans and his own people. I know the vampire motif is the first thing you think but I am refering more to the sadist, demon, Phsycological terror he and his army would inspire.

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I said I'd try and tone down the batwings and vampire motiffs, and he surely isn't as bat-themed as Hivegorger Murciel, but it's really hard to escape from the wings when a clean surface presents itself. I don't want to give him too many skulls, that's not the Night Lords' biggest department, but conventional trims and borders, in my perspective, do not compute either. I came up with a trim, but you'll understand what I'm getting at when you see it doesn'tcover him from head to toe - key word being "cover" . The idea was to make him a very symbolic, avatar of fear-like figure. I'll try my best to have him done by late afternoon.
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It seems you really did some thinking of Curze... so much the better! Can't wait to see the finished result! :)


Well actually I can - don't rush it! If it's not ready today, it's not ready - no biggie! Just make sure you are 100% happy with it! You've already put too much effort - so take your time!

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I,d think a jagged or sharp edge border/trim would work for curse not chaos trim just something that would draw the eye and just distort or trouble the person viewing it. Fits his MO imho.



Wiseguy, eh? Got it all figured out, do you...? =)


Right on the spot, mate.


Thanks for the confidence, Semper. Actually, I'm getting mentally prepared for Curze being as much of a workload on the computer as he's being on paper. If I was to present the drawing as it is now, it'd be unacceptable. It's so full of erased lines it's not even funny.


Your Assault Captain is next, by the way, before the next Primarch. Eager as hell to get started on him.

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Well, I was about to write a short story, but really, :P it.


Ladies and gents...Konrad Curze




Like I said, this is him right after donning his armour for the first time.


Noteworthy things: his claws are chainclaws (I'll leave it to you to imagine how much that hurts), the crown of bats and crows, the loincloth covering the patch of skin (the Emperor doesn't like their sons wearing some other guy's hide).


And, finally, the one I'm most proud of, his left power claw/chainfist, you'll notice its decoration is very different from the rest of his armour. Well, that's because it's supposed to have been forged while Curze experienced one of his premonitions. These are skeletons showing us a red eye surrounded by a pointed star...rings a bell, right?


Cheers, mateys. Hope you like him, tell me what you think about the end result.

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